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YSR Jala Kala Scheme, इस Scheme से किसानो को मिलेंगे Borewell के लाभ, जाने कैसे करें आवेदन? उद्देश्य, Details

YSR Jala Kala Scheme: The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh State launched the YSR Jal Kala Yojana on the date of 28th September 2020. This scheme will be very good as it will provide free borewells for all the ranches in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Many farmers are heavily dependent on natural water resources for the irrigation of their fields, but due to high draft figures, it is not possible for farmers to use natural groundwater resources for their irrigation. Borewells will be provided free of cost to all the farmers so that they can continue their practices and their income will also increase due to bigger crops.

In Hindi: आंध्र प्रदेश राज्य के मुख्यमंत्री ने 28 सितंबर 2020 की तारीख को वाईएसआर जल कला योजना की शुरुआत की। यह योजना बहुत अच्छी होगी क्योंकि यह आंध्र प्रदेश राज्य में सभी खेत के लिए मुफ्त बोरवेल प्रदान करेगी। बहुत से किसान अपने खेतों की सिंचाई के लिए प्राकृतिक जल संसाधनों पर बहुत अधिक निर्भर हैं, लेकिन सूखे के आंकड़े अधिक होने के कारण, किसानों के लिए अपनी सिंचाई के लिए प्राकृतिक भूजल संसाधनों का उपयोग करना संभव नहीं है। सभी किसानों को बोरवेल नि:शुल्क उपलब्ध कराए जाएंगे ताकि वे अपनी खेती जारी रख सकें और बड़ी फसल के कारण उनकी आय भी बढ़ सके।


Objectives of AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana 2023

In the 3,648-kilometer padayatra, the CM met cattle herders. Due to a lack of water sources, the fields of the farmers were drying up. Then, he explained how he was being pushed into debt by entering the borewell. After seeing their plight, Jagan took a pledge to provide borewells to those farmers whose farms are in higher areas. He recalled as many as nine guarantees made by the YSRC before the elections. Eligible cattle breeders can apply either on the web or through the Municipal Secretariat. Also, applications will be screened after hydrogeological and geophysical reviews. When the application is filed, the special group will survey the groundwater level and provide freedom to the boring contract worker.

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एपी वाईएसआर जल कला योजना 2023 के उद्देश्य

3,648 किलोमीटर की पदयात्रा में सीएम पशुपालकों से मिले. जलस्रोतों के अभाव में किसानों के खेत सूख रहे थे। उन्होंने बताया कि कैसे बोरवेल में घुसकर उन्हें कर्ज में धकेला जा रहा था। उनकी दुर्दशा देखने के बाद जगन ने उन किसानों को बोरवेल देने का संकल्प लिया, जिनके खेत ऊंचे इलाकों में हैं। उन्होंने चुनाव से पहले वाईएसआरसी द्वारा की गई नौ गारंटियों को याद किया। योग्य पशुपालक या तो वेब पर या नगर सचिवालय के माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं। हाइड्रोजियोलॉजिकल और जियोफिजिकल रिव्यू के बाद आवेदनों की जांच की जाएगी। आवेदन दाखिल होने पर विशेष समूह भू-जल स्तर का सर्वेक्षण कर बोरिंग ठेका कर्मी को आजादी दिलाएगा।

Details Of the YSR Jala Kala Scheme

NameAP YSR Jala Kala Scheme
Launched byAndhra Pradesh government
BeneficiariesFarmers of the Andhra Pradesh state who do not have proper water facilities
Objective of the schemeProviding construction of borewells without any essential cost
Official site
Details Of the YSR Jala Kala Scheme
YSR Kapu Nestham Scheme

YSR Jala Kala Yojana new update

As you all know that on 28 September 2020, the Andhra Pradesh government launched the YSR Jal Kala Yojana for the farmers. Under this scheme, the government has promised to drill 2 lakh borewells free of cost for the farmers so that they can get irrigation facilities. Then the work of digging borewells was started by the government on 10 November 2020. Now all the eligible farmers will get the benefit of this scheme.

Benefits of YSR Jala Kala Yojana

About three lakh cattle rearers will benefit from the YSR Jala Kala, the cost of which is estimated at Rs 2,340 crore over four years. Then the administration intends to tap about two lakh borewells to strengthen groundwater water systems based on the availability and level of water in upland areas and dry areas. A rancher or a group of ranchers with a land holding of 2.5 to 5 square meters can apply for the scheme. Ranchers will also receive instant messages on their enrolled cell phone numbers about the status of their applications at each stage. About three lakh farmers will get benefit from the scheme. The scheme will provide irrigation water to 5 lakh acres of land and dig 2 lakh borewells free of cost.

वाईएसआर जल कला योजना के लाभ

वाईएसआर जल कला से लगभग तीन लाख पशुपालकों को लाभ होगा, जिसकी लागत चार वर्षों में 2,340 करोड़ रुपये आंकी गई है। प्रशासन ऊंचाई वाले क्षेत्रों और शुष्क क्षेत्रों में उपलब्धता और पानी के स्तर के आधार पर भूजल प्रणालियों को मजबूत करने के लिए लगभग दो लाख बोरवेलों का दोहन करने का इरादा रखता है। इस योजना के लिए 2.5 से 5 वर्ग मीटर की भूमि वाले किसान या किसानों का समूह आवेदन कर सकता है। रैंचर्स को उनके नामांकित सेल फोन नंबरों पर प्रत्येक चरण में उनके आवेदन की स्थिति के बारे में तत्काल संदेश भी प्राप्त होंगे। योजना से करीब तीन लाख किसानों को लाभ मिलेगा। यह योजना 5 लाख एकड़ भूमि को सिंचाई का पानी उपलब्ध कराएगी और 2 लाख बोरवेल मुफ्त में खोदेगी।

Key Features of AP YSR Jala Kala Yojana

  • Farmers can apply for borewell either online or offline
  • Then, the applications will be verified by the Village Secretariat and VRO and forwarded to the concerned APD/MPDO
  • After that, a drilling contractor will be appointed and this assigned contractor will conduct a groundwater survey. This groundwater survey will be done by a qualified geologist. Thereafter report will be submitted to the concerned AP/MPDO
  • Administrative approval will be taken by PD from District Collector / JC
  • Preference will be given to small and marginal farmers and SC/ST/women farmers under AP YSR Jala Kala Yojana
  • Also, all those farmers who have existing borewells and have 2.5 acres of contiguous land are eligible to apply under this scheme
  • If a farmer does not have 2.5 acres of contiguous land, the farmer can form a group and apply for a borewell under AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana.
  • Ground water survey will be conducted at the borewell site before drilling.
  • Then all information regarding acceptance of the borewell will be given to the applicant through SMS
  • After completing the borewell drilling, a digital photograph along with the geotagged beneficiary will be taken by the authority.
  • The depth of the borewell drilled under AP YSR Jala Kala Yojana and the depth of casing will be measured by the instrument
  • Also, payment will be made to the drilling contractors according to the predetermined success rate of the district.
  • District Collector will guide and direct the stakeholders for effective implementation of AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana
  • A Program Management Unit will be set up for effective monitoring and implementation of the scheme
  • A social audit of all borewells drilled under AP YSR Jala Kala Yojana will be done.
  • If a borewell is found then another borewell will be drilled.

YSR Jala Kala Yojana work

Drag wells would be dug anywhere where underground water resources are found. Then the experts will lead a study in the fields through hydrogeological and topographical observation and identify the area where borewells should be opened. Also, consent to open the borewell should be given after the end of the cycle. This AP YSR Jalakala Yojana will guarantee water properly for the water system and will help in increasing the wages of the farmers. So each borewell exposed under AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana 2021 will be geo-labelled. Then digging of borewells will be reduced to ensure nature. Rational measures will guarantee that underground water resources should not be depleted

YSR Vahana Mitra Scheme

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Implementation Process: YSR Jala Kala Scheme

  • ड्रिलिंग शुरू होने से पहले कोर भूजल सर्वेक्षणों द्वारा बोरवेल स्थानों की कटौतीत्मक रूप से पहचान की जाएगी।
  • बोरवेल के बिना और समान स्थान के साथ 2.5 ब्लॉक भूमि के साथ, वह योजना के लिए पात्र है।
  • अल्पसंख्यक रैंचों को भी प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी।
  • लाभार्थी ऑनलाइन या ऑफलाइन मोड में आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
  • बोरिंग संविदा कर्मियों को योग्य भूवैज्ञानिकों को आकर्षित कर भूजल समीक्षा का नेतृत्व करना होगा।
  • पीडी को काम शुरू करने के लिए जिलाधिकारी से प्रशासन की मंजूरी भी लेनी होगी।
  • बोरवेल योजना के पूरा होने के बाद अस्थायी कर्मचारी को अलग करने के लिए प्राधिकरण भू-लेबल के साथ प्राप्तकर्ता के साथ बढ़ी हुई तस्वीर लेगा।
  • बोरवेल की गहराई के संबंध में माप संबंधित अधिकारियों के माध्यम से लिया जाएगा।
  • यदि एक बोरवेल कम पड़ता है, तो दूसरा बोरवेल खोदा जाएगा, अगर अधिकारियों द्वारा प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।
  • लाभकारी बोरवेल स्थल पर ऊर्जायुक्त गड्ढा/वाटर कट स्ट्रक्चर विकसित किया जाएगा।
  • ठेकेदारों को भुगतान सरकार करेगी।
  • जिलाधिकारी योजना के क्रियान्वयन में हितग्राहियों का मार्गदर्शन भी करेंगे।
  • अंत में, इस योजना के माध्यम से लाभार्थियों को अग्रिम प्रदान किया जाएगा।

Revised Eligibility Criteria YSR Jal Kala Yojana

The Andhra Pradesh government has released new guidelines regarding the eligibility of AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana. Also, under these new guidelines, only one farmer’s family can get benefits under AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana. So in the past, some applications were received for three or four adjacent borewells in the same area. These applications were from different members of the same family. Under AP YSR Jala Kala Yojana the distance between two borewells should be at least 200. Also, to solve this problem, the officials of the Rural Development Department have sent a report to the government. Then in this report, the department has suggested the government amend the eligibility rules of this scheme.

The government has amended the eligibility criteria under AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana. Now if any member of the family has received the benefits under this scheme then other members of the family will be disqualified to apply for this scheme. The revised eligibility rules issued by the government are as follows:-

  • Not all government employees, retired employees can apply for AP YSR Jal Kala Yojana
  • To get the benefits under the APYSR Jal Kala Yojana, the farmers must have at least two and a half acres of land. Also, if they do not have that much land, they can form a group with nearby farmers and apply
  • If the farmer wants to dig another borewell then another hydrogeological survey will be done
  • DWAMA APD will drill the second borewell under the supervision of MPDO.
  • Quality control department to inspect at least 10% of open borewells

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FAQs on YSR Jala Kala Scheme

What are the benefits of YSR Waterworks?

The objective of “YSR Jala Kala” is to utilize the available groundwater resources to improve the livelihood of farmers and improve GSDP under the priority sector. This will help in the optimum utilization of groundwater resources for the purpose of irrigation of each acre of cultivable land.

Who is eligible for YSR Waterworks?

Any farmer who does not have an existing borewell and has contiguous land of 2.5 acres is eligible. Also, if the farmer does not have contiguous land of 2.5 acres, a group can be formed and apply for a free borewell.

How to apply for Borewell in AP?

Farmers can apply for free borewells through the village secretariat either online or offline and the VRO will verify the application and forward it to the concerned APD/MPDO.

Is permission required for borewells in Andhra Pradesh?

The fee for applying for permission is Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) and is to be paid through Bank Challan to the Circle Revenue Officer and the MRO will direct the Ground Water Department to take necessary action and submit a report that the new borewell may be permitted to be drilled. Yes or No. ,

What is the government borewell scheme in AP?

Under the YSR Jal Kala Yojana, the Andhra Pradesh government will provide the facility of free boring and drilling of Tubewells. YSR Jal Kala Yojana also covers the cost of the pump set, the cost of installation accessories and the cost of energization of drilled borewell or tubewell.

Can rainwater be released into the borewell?

Rainwater from the roof can be allowed to flow through popup filters. Also, groundwater can be recharged from existing open wells or borewells. However, in the case of an open well, filtered rainwater is. It can be allowed to flow directly into the well through a pipe from one side of the well.

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