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Yojana Sanchalan Portal: Login Process, Objective, Registration & Contact Details

Yojana Sanchalan Portal:The government of Rajasthan has launched a new site called the Yojana Sanchalan site in an effort to promote digitization throughout the state. The government of Rajasthan has developed a site for the convenience of all state citizens and is considering going paperless as much as feasible. All of the state of Rajasthan’s programs and schemes are accessible through the Yojana Sanchalan Portal. You’ve come to the correct place if you’re also looking for Yojana Sanchar Portal Login and Registration. We have included all the necessary information on the site in this page. View the details below.

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Yojana Sanchalan Portal Rajasthan

Welcome to the Portal of Yojana Sanchalan. Rajasthan’s government is utilizing innovative platforms and initiatives to gradually make the state more digital and paperless. We’re here today to provide you with all the details on the Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal. This new web-based site was released online to provide all Rajasthan state citizens with the benefits of the initiatives.

Sna Portal Rajasthan

This platform was launched by the government to facilitate paperless work and make every state more digital. All of the government’s plans and initiatives will be available to people on a single page through this portal, which will house them all in one location. All payment kinds will be mapped under the IFMS and PFMS modes after being received from SNA. portal details

Portal NameYojana Sanchalan Portal
run byRajasthan Government
Main objective of startingTo give plans and scheme updates
Made forResidents of Rajasthan
working login
Secondary NameSna portal Login
Registration and Login ModeOnline
payment gatewaySNA Portal for IFMS and PFMS
Eligible CandidatesAll residents of Rajasthan


The aim of this program site is to enable citizens to make online payments. Citizens may now pay their bills without leaving the house. Through this gateway, they would be able to pay their bills only by staying at home. Both money and time will be saved. Additionally, this will increase the system’s transparency.

Planning Operation Portal

The government of Rajasthan has relocated its operation portal to Surat. On this webpage, all Rajasthani citizens will also be able to get information about the project and skies. Reducing digital paper work in Rajasthan is the primary goal of the planning operation portal. The benefit of this portal for the general public is that all scheme information will now be accessible through a single platform. The government launched this site, where qualified individuals may finish the enrollment and scheme operation login procedures. Read the details provided below for further information.

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Yojana Sanchal Portal Login

To gain access to Sanchan Portal Rajasthan, you must adhere to the instructions provided below. To ensure a successful login, make sure you follow the instructions below and use your username and password with caution.

  • Visit the scheme’s official website at
  • To log in, use the option provided on the homepage.
  • Enter the password and username in the designated areas.
  • Select the “Login” button located below.
  • You’ve logged in successfully now.

Yojana Sanchalan Portal Registration

In order to utilize the government’s services, newly registered candidates must finish the registration procedure on the site. To finish the registration, adhere to the instructions provided below.

  • Go to the Rajasthan Scheme Operation Portal’s official website.
  • On the homepage, select the Sign Up or Registration option.
  • Correctly fill out the registration form with all required information.
  • Select the “Submit” button located below.
  • Your registration has now been completed successfully.
  • You will receive an email to the email address you registered with upon successful registration.

Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal Helpline Number

You can contact the Rajasthan Yojana Sanchalan Portal hotline number provided below if you have any questions about the Yojana Sanchalan Portal. During business hours, visitors can contact the hotline lines.

  • Phone: – +91 141 5111007, +91 141 5111010.
  • Email ID: –


Q: Who started the Yojana Sanchalan Portal?

Ans: The state government of Rajasthan is the one who started this yojana. This yojana provides access to the online payment process.

Q: Who can take the advantage of this portal?

Ans: This site is available to people of Rajasthan State. The residents can make an online payment using this gateway.

Q: By whom this portal has been operated?

Ans:This portal is run by the State Government of Rajasthan. The ability to make online payments will be made available to state citizens through this site.

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