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Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024: Objective, Benefits, Features, Documents and Selection Process

Vidya Sambal Yojana: The Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana is a new programme that the state of Rajasthan’s government has launched for its young. The government wants to address the faculty shortage with this programme. This program’s primary goal is to fill positions with instructors, college professors, and lecturers in educational institutions. By this, all educational institutions will be hiring teachers from the state government. Regarding the same, the government has also begun to send out online notifications. Please read our post on the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. Interested candidates can register online for the Vidya Sambal Yojana by visiting the official website.

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Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024

The Vidya Sambal Yojana has been introduced by the state government for the benefit of its inhabitants. The government’s goal in implementing this plan is to decrease professors and give kids jobs. Teachers, colleges, and lecturers are to be hired by schools and other educational institutions under the Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024. The government has also begun to notify in addition to this. Friends, we are going to give you all the details about the VSY today. For example, what are the goals of the Vidya Sambal Yojana, what are its advantages, what paperwork is required, how to register for the programme, etc. We ask that you carefully read our essay.

Overview of Vidya Sambal Yojana

Name of SchemeVidya Sambal Yojana
Was startedby Rajasthan Government
beneficiarypeople of the state
application procedureOnline
Objectivefirst-grade teacher
first grade teacherfirst-grade teacher
CategoryRajasthan government schemes
official website

The objective of Vidya Sambal Yojana Rajasthan

Appointing teachers to positions in educational institutions is the primary goal of the Rajasthan government’s Sambal Yojana. Many of the state’s educational institutions are experiencing a teacher shortage, which is preventing students from finishing their programmes. Teachers can be appointed as guest faculty under this plan, which will help to fill the teacher shortfall in the state’s educational institutions. Without a doubt, this plan will be successful in raising the standard of instruction. Furthermore, jobless candidates would have access to work prospects through the implementation of the Vidya Sambal Yojana Rajasthan. Currently, every school in the state will have an adequate supply of teachers.

Honorarium under the Yojana

PostClass hourly honorariumMaximum monthly honorarium
Teacher Level 1 and 21st to 8th grade300 Rs21000 Rs
senior teacher9 to 10 class350 Rs 25000 Rs
Professor11th and 12th class400 Rs30000 Rs
physical education instructor—-300 Rs21000 Rs
lab assistant—-300 Rs21000 Rs

Age Limit for Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024

A 65-year-old applicant must be eligible for Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024 rewards. Additionally, retired instructors who are no older than 65 may apply. In addition, private candidates may also apply based on their qualifications for the relevant position and their merit.

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The objective of Vidya Sambal Yojana Rajasthan

Assigning professors to educational institutions is the main objective of this programme. Numerous educational institutions in the state are now experiencing a teacher shortage. Under this scheme, professors will be appointed as guest faculty in order to overcome the teacher shortage and complete the curriculum on time. The success of this plan in improving Rajasthan’s educational standards will be demonstrated. Additionally, through this scheme, jobless applicants would be able to locate employment. There will never again be a teacher shortage in a state-run educational system. Through the Vidya Sambal Yojana Rajasthan, the state’s unemployment rate will be significantly reduced.

Benefits and features of Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana

  • In the budget for 2021–2022, the government of Rajasthan declared the launch of the VSY in the state.
  • Guest professors would be employed under this initiative to cover staffing shortages at government-run schools, colleges, and other educational institutions in Rajasthan.
  • This appointment will occur after an accounting of available posts in the educational sector.
  • With the help of this plan, educational institutions’ curricula will be completed timely.
  • The quality of Rajasthan’s educational system would also be improved by this plan.
  • Candidates without a job can also find work through the Rajasthan VSY.
  • By the allocated funds, the institute’s head may also directly cover the cost of coaching at his level.
  • The District Collector Selection Committee or the institution’s president may choose guest faculty members directly.

Salary provided to teachers under Vidya Sambal Yojana Rajasthan

For school/training institute
Categoryper hourMaximum (per month)
Third Grade (Class 1 to Class 8)₹300₹21000
Third Division (Class 9 to 10)₹350₹25000
First Division (Class 11 and 12)₹400₹30000
lab assistant₹300₹21000

Documents required for Rajasthan Vidya Sambal Yojana

  • Residence proof of the applicant
  • caste certificate
  • Disability Certificate (if applicable)
  • Educational and training documents
  • educational qualification certificate
  • Land certificate related to SAC

How to Apply Online for MLA Sambal Yojana Guest Faculty Recruitment

All candidates may register online for the Rajasthan Guest Faculty Scheme by going to the official website.

  • The application for the VSY must first be downloaded from the official website by the candidate.
  • Subsequently, you will be required to provide personal information, contact data, residence details, educational background, training, and so on.
  • The application must be submitted online together with the required paperwork, including an affidavit.
  • Next, create an online account with the relevant department.

Also Read: Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana, companycontactdetail, Nebsit Council


Q. What is the Rajasthani government’s primary goal in initiating the VSY?

Ans: The government of Rajasthan has launched a programme called Guard Faculty Recruitment to fill all open positions for teachers, professors, and assistant professors.

Q. What is the VSY salary?

Ans: Hourly pay will be given to guard instructors, as this is clearly stated on the text above.

Q. Are Yuva Sambal Yojana and VSY similar in any way?

Ans: Not at all! There are differences between these two methods.

Q. What are the selection criteria for Athithi Dosha in this scheme?

Ans: The applicant’s educational background, grades, and performance in the in-person interview are taken into consideration when choosing guest faculty members under this program.


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