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Vatsalya Scheme 2024-25: Objectives, Features, Components, Benefits, and More

Vatsalya Scheme:- Mission Vatsalya is a Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). It was established to ensure the care and rehabilitation of kids living in challenging situations. In 2009–10, the Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme was superseded by the Vatsalya Scheme. The purpose is to offer children complete protection and care. Children impacted by HIV/AIDS, children in confrontation with the law, and children in need of care and protection (CNCP) are all included in this. The program also seeks to advance children’s rights and stop child maltreatment.


What is Mission Vatsalya?

Launched in 2009 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India, Mission Vatsalya is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). The program seeks to offer children in challenging situations comprehensive care and protection. Street children, children in confrontation with the law, and children in need of care and protection (CNCP) are all included in this.

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Historical Background of Mission Vatsalya

  • Mission Vatsalya’s historical perspective dates back to the early 1980s. At this point, the Indian government started to become increasingly involved in the problem of child protection. The National Policy for Children was enacted in 1986. This highlighted how important it is to give every child comprehensive care and protection.
  • The government started a number of programs in the early 1990s to meet the needs of kids who were in challenging situations. Among these initiatives were:
    • the creation of Special Juvenile Police Units (SJPUs) and Child Welfare Committees (CWCs) nationwide.
  • The government started Operation Vatsalya in 2009. The plan was an amalgam of the previous efforts. It offered a more thorough structure for attending to these kids’ needs.
  • Mission Vatsalya has been implemented piecemeal since its commencement. Improving the capacity and infrastructure of CWCs and SJPUs was the main focus of the program’s first phase. Helping street children, CCL, and CNCP was the focus of the program’s second phase.

Objectives of the Vatsalya Scheme

  • Give children first priority in all administrative tasks related to the mission.
  • When organizing and completing tasks, make sure the child’s best interests are met, emphasizing their right to develop in a nurturing family setting.
  • Preserve children’s rights to participation, development, safety, and survival.
  • Create essential services and improve community and family emergency support, in addition to institutional care, counseling, and various forms of support services.
  • Encourage coordination, cooperation, and inter-sectoral solutions in order to guarantee smooth service delivery for kids.
  • Enable families and communities to better protect children by giving them the tools they need to recognize hazards and take preventative action.
  • Promote collaborations between the public and private sectors while adhering to the law to benefit children.
  • Educate the public and include the community as stakeholders by bringing attention to child rights, vulnerabilities, and government-sponsored protective measures.
  • Boost the capabilities of service providers and responsibility bearers at all levels.
  • Utilizing clearly stated goals and objectives, track advancement.
  • At the rural and urban cluster levels, involve Panchayats and Municipal Local Bodies in order to evaluate problems, carry out suitable interventions, and track advancements in creating a strong safety net for children.

Modes of Non-Institutional Care for Children

  • To care for and nurture children who are in need, NIC models come in a variety of forms. Among the most widely used NIC models are:
  • Foster care is the temporary placement of a child in a home that holds a foster care license.
  • Foster care refers to the placement of a kid with a relative, such as an uncle, aunt, or grandmother.
  • Adoption is the permanent legal transfer of parental rights and responsibilities from biological parents to adoptive parents.
  • Family-based services: These encompass a variety of community- and in-home services. They help families that are taking care of underprivileged children. These programs may include financial aid, parenting classes, and counseling.
  • Community-based services are those that are provided to children and their families in the community. Childcare, after-school activities, and mental health assistance are a few examples of these services.
  • Sponsorship: This covers both private and public sponsorships.

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Components of the Vatsalya Scheme

Components under Mission Vatsalya include

  • Improve the functioning of statutory bodies;
  • Strengthen service delivery structures;
  • Upscale institutional care/services;
  • Encourage non-institutional community-based care;
  • emergency outreach services;
  • Training and capacity building

New Guidelines for Mission Vatsalya

  • A state cannot be denied federal funds for the program if the original name of the program is changed.
  • The WCD Secretary will serve as the chair of the Mission Vatsalya Project Approval Board (PAB), which will approve funds. This is to examine and accept financial proposals and annual plans.
  • The plan will operate as a centrally supported 60:40 fund-sharing arrangement. In other states, the ratio is 90:10.
  • The Mission will set up a children’s hotline that is open 24/7. It will aid in the promotion of both domestic and international adoption by State Adoption Resource Agencies (SARA).
  • SARA will oversee adoption and non-institutional care across the state.
  • Specialized adoption organizations will set up reception centers for cradle babies. Changes to the program’s original name do not prevent a state from receiving federal cash for it.
  • There will be special houses built for kids with impairments. They’ll supply nurses, therapists, and educators with specific training.
  • Personnel working in these departments need to be fluent in relevant languages, sign language, and Braille.
  • The care of runaway, missing, trafficked, employed, and street children will be provided via open shelters.
  • Vulnerable youngsters in foster care or living with extended families will receive financial support. This entails attending to their nutritional, health, and educational requirements.

Benefits of Mission Vatsalya

The nation’s public health will improve as a result of the Vatsalya initiative in the following ways:

  • Child mortality rates will go down if unwell and prematurely born newborns receive their mother’s milk.
  • assisting and instructing nursing moms to improve the health of their offspring. This will lessen the rate of stunting in children.
  • aids in the education of front-line healthcare workers nationwide to establish additional human milk banks.

Mission Vatsalya Portal

This gateway provides one-stop shopping for anything related to vulnerable children, especially those who are lost, abandoned, or surrendered. You can: with its assistance

  • Use Khoya-Paya to locate missing children and report sightings.
  • Use CARINGS to locate adoptive families for underprivileged children.
  • Use the ICPS portal to track the progress of the Mission Vatsalya scheme.
  • Get vital resources and assistance for kids dealing with difficulties.


Newborn newborns will receive life-saving mother’s milk from Vatsalya Maatri Amrit Kosh. Children who drink this milk will have greater immunity, which will lower the nation’s rate of child mortality. Given that it will also help with the training and growth of these human milk banks in other parts of the nation, the Vatsalya plan is a positive move. The government’s two main initiatives to promote and raise the nation’s breastfeeding rate are the Vatsalya scheme and the MAA program.

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Q. What is mission Vatsalya?

Ans- Mission Vatsalya is a strategy for accomplishing child development and protection in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).The slogan “leave no child behind,” strengthens the juvenile justice, care, and protection system while highlighting child rights, advocacy, and awareness.

Q. Is the Mission Vatsalya plan authentic or fraudulent?

Ans- Mission Vatsalya: What is it? Launched in 2009 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India, Mission Vatsalya is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS). The program seeks to offer children in challenging situations comprehensive care and protection.

Q. Vatsalya is who?

Ans- Vatsalya is a concept that aims to provide fair access to all areas of human growth; it bears a strong resemblance to the definition of “unconditional motherly love”.

Q. What is the portal Vatsalya?

Ans- Mission The Vatsalya Scheme is a plan for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the areas of child protection and development.

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