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Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth, Returns, Latest NAV


About Fund:

Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth is an Open-finished Sectoral-Technology Equity conspire that has a place with Tata Digital India Mutual Fund House. The asset was dispatched on Jan 15, 2000.

Investment and Benchmark:

  1. The speculation objective of the asset is that ” The asset looks for capital development, with an optional goal of pay age with attention on innovation and innovation subordinate organizations. The plan will follow a granular perspective to stock picking, embracing a mix of significant worth and development ways of contributing. “
  2. So it is benchmarked against S and P BSE Teck Total Return Index.

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Resource Allocation and Portfolio Composition:

  1. The resource assignment of the asset involves around 95.66% in values, 5.45% in obligations, and – 1.11% in real money and money counterparts.
  2. While the best 10 value possessions establish around 68.79% of the resources, the best 3 areas comprise around 91.07% of the resources.
  3. The asset generally follows a Growth-arranged way of contributing and contributes across market capitalizations – around 59.99% in monster and enormous cap organizations, 23.66% in mid-cap, and 16.34% in little cap organizations.

Expense Implications:

  1. Gains are charged at a pace of 15% (Short-term Capital Gain Tax – STCG) in case units are reclaimed within 1 year of venture.
  2. For units reclaimed following 1 year of the venture, gains of up to Rs 1 lakh accumulating from those units in a monetary year will be excluded from the charge.
  3. Gains of more than Rs 1 lakh will be charged at a pace of 10% (Long-term Capital Gain Tax – LTCG).
  4. For Dividend Distribution Tax, the profit pay from this asset will get added to the payment of a financial backer and burdened by his/her separate duty chunks.
  5. Additionally, for-profit pay above Rs 5,000 in a monetary year; the asset house will deduct a TDS of 10% on such payments.
Useful Links:

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Speculation objective:

The asset looks for capital development, with an auxiliary goal of pay age with an emphasis on innovation and innovation subordinate organizations. The plan will follow a granular perspective to stock picking, embracing a mix of significant worth and development ways of contributing.

FAQs on Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth:

How are the profits of Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund?

The Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund is an 8 yrs 7 m old asset and has conveyed a normal yearly return of 25.94% since origin.

1-Year3-Year5-YearSince Inception
Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund Returns

What is the current NAV of Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth?

NAV or Net Asset Value is the per-unit cost of the Mutual Fund. The NAV of a Mutual Fund changes each day. So it is determined by taking the current worth of the property of the asset at day’s end, taking away the costs, and separating the worth by the number of units given to date. So the NAV of Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund for Aug 03, 2021, is 131.68.

How would I put resources into Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth?

On ETMONEY, Investing in Tata Digital India Fund is quick, simple, and 100% paperless. What’s more, it requires just minutes. So here is the thing that you need to do –

  • Snap-on the Invest Now Button present on the upper right-hand side.
  • Enter your email id, select whether you need to do one-time speculation or start a SIP and add the sum
  • Give not many more subtleties required including the ledger from so which you will make the installment and affirm.
  • That is it. Your SIP or once interest in Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund is finished.

What amount does Tata Digital India Fund charge as cost proportion?

The Expense Ratio of a Mutual Fund is the yearly charge so you pay to the Mutual Fund organization for dealing with your interests in that asset. Therefore Expense Ratio is a level of Assets Under Management (AUM) and is taken from the profits created by the asset. Thus, an asset with a lower cost proportion is in every case better because a more modest piece of the profits will be taken and that implies more returns for you. So the Expense Ratio of the immediate arrangement of Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund is 1.15%.

How might I reclaim my interests in Tata Digital India Fund?

Reclaiming your interests in Tata Digital India Fund is really simple. On the off chance that you have put resources into this asset utilizing ETMONEY, so the only login into the application, go to the venture area and put the reclamation demand.

If you have put resources into Tata Digital India Fund from elsewhere, therefore you can go to the asset house site and put a solicitation through it.

Useful Links:

My Individual Business, My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, Link Aadhar With PAN Card, NSP Portal Login, Salman Khan Phone Number, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review.

What is the AUM or size of Tata Digital India Fund?

AUM or Asset Under Management is the complete worth of the resources held by a Mutual Fund plot. For example, for a value Mutual Fund, the AUM will be the absolute worth of its portfolio’s value shares (in addition to some other resource it may have put resources into). The AUM of the asset changes each day because the cost of the hidden resource varies every day. Be that as it may, the Mutual Fund organization doesn’t refresh it consistently. It is refreshed uniquely toward the month’s end and delivered inside hardly any day of the following month.

The AUM of the asset is a decent pointer of its ubiquity. An asset with a high AUM implies a great deal of cash has been put resources into it, so financial backers like it. Nonetheless, the AUM ought to never be the essential model while choosing an asset. There are assets with colossal AUMs that keep on performing great regardless of their size. So the AUM of Tata Digital India Fund is 1,662 Crs.

What are the top stock possessions of Tata Digital India Fund?

The Tata Digital India Fund has put most of its cash in loads of the accompanying organizations –

CompanyPercentage of Portfolio
Infosys Ltd.21.26%
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.10.05%
Tech Mahindra Ltd.9.36%
HCL Technologies Ltd.6.77%
Cyient Limited4.56%
Persistent Systems Ltd.4.09%
Just Dial Ltd.3.81%
Bharti Airtel Ltd.3.37%
Firstsource Solutions Ltd.2.93%
Wipro Ltd.2.59%
Percentage of Portfolio

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What are the top areas Tata Digital India Fund has put resources into?

The Tata Digital India Fund has essentially put resources into the accompanying areas

SectorPercentage of Portfolio
Consumer Durable1.49%

Is it protected to put resources into Tata Digital India Fund?

According to SEBI’s most recent rules to figure hazard grades, so interest in the Tata Digital India Fund Direct Plan Growth goes under the Very High-hazard classification.

What is the classification of Tata Digital India Fund?

Tata Digital India Fund has a place with the Equity: so Sectoral-Technology classification of assets.

How Long Should I Invest in Tata Digital India Fund?

The proposed venture skyline of putting into Tata Digital India Fund is >3 years. So the proposed venture skyline is the base time needed for holding interests in the asset to lessen its disadvantage hazard and guarantee that the profits become more unsurprising.

Who deals with the Tata Digital India Fund?

The Aditya Birla Sun Life Digital India Fund is overseen by Kunal Sangoi (Since Jan 15, 2014).

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