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SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme, Eligibility, Benefits, Interest Rates

SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme:- The State Bank of India offers an Annuity Deposit Scheme in which you make a lump sum deposit and receive a monthly payment that includes the principal amount as well as interest accrued on the principal that is held with the bank at a decreasing rate. An alternative term for them is monthly annuity installments. There are four different deposit tenure options: three, five, seven, or ten years. The term deposit for the same duration has the same interest rate as well. Additionally, an extra interest rate would be given to senior citizens for term deposits. Although there is no upper limit for this scheme, there is a 25,000 rupee minimum deposit. You are able to borrow up to 75% of the outstanding balance in a variety of situations. It can be transferred to any SBI branch.


What Is the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme?

Customers who participate in the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme must make a single, lump sum payment to the bank. The SBI will gradually repay this amount in Equated Monthly Installments. These installment payments make up a portion of the principal and interest. Quarterly compound interest is applied, and monthly interest discounts are applied to returns.

Alternatively referred to as monthly annuity installments, this scheme allows you to make investments for terms of three, five, seven, or ten years.

Also Read:- Senior Citizen Saving Scheme Interest Rate

SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme Interest Rates

PeriodInterest Rate for General CitizensInterest Rate for Senior Citizens
7 – 45 days2.90%3.40%
46 – 178 days3.90%4.40%
179 – 364 days4.40%4.90%
1 – 2 years5%5.50%
2 – 3 years5.10%5.60%
3 – 5 years5.30%5.80%
5 – 10 years5.40%6.20%

Features Of The SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme

  • Any Indian SBI branch is a place to invest in this scheme.
  • This scheme has a minimum investment requirement of Rs. 1,000.
  • For this scheme, the maximum deposit amount has no upper limit.
  • In the event that you are not present, you can designate certain people to receive the returns from the SBI Annuity Deposits plan.
  • After making an initial lump sum payment, investors will receive monthly repayments. The returns contain the principal amount as well as the interest.
  • Should dates not exist, the returns will be sent to you on the first of the subsequent month.
  • Investors are provided with a universal passbook for both this scheme and their term deposit investments.
  • You have a choice of 36, 60, 84, or 120 months for the deposit period.
  • In exceptional circumstances, the bank must provide an overdraft or loan facility equal to 75% of the balance of the annuity deposit.
  • For term deposits, the bank permits early payments of up to Rs. 15,00,000. For early payments, SBI will impose a certain penalty fee, though.

Maturity period and interest

Available at all SBI branches, the SBI Annuity Scheme has a term of 36, 60, 84, or 120 months. To set up an SBI Annuity Scheme with a maturity period of three to ten years, a minimum annuity deposit of Rs. For the relevant period, $1000 per month is required. SBI guidelines state that the maximum deposit limit for online banking is the same as the maximum limit for fund transfers within an individual’s account; however, there is no maximum deposit limit for offline banking. The interest rate offered by the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme will be the same as what the account holder selects for term deposits. The interest rate on SBI Term Deposits for the general public and senior citizens will be provided on the SBI Annuity Scheme. On June 14, 2022, SBI raised the interest rates on fixed deposits.

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Components of the SBI Annuity Scheme

1) Premature Payment In the event of the scheme depositor’s death, an early payment may be made under this arrangement. to take early withdrawal of the deposit and seek approval from the joint account holders or the deceased’s legal heirs. The bank has the same right to apply the same regulation.
2) Facility for LoanIn certain circumstances, the plan permits an overdraft or loan of up to 75% of the annuity balance. Regular annuity payments will be deposited into the borrower’s loan account after the loan is disbursed.
3) Taxes on the Interest EarnedInterest on annuity deposits is governed by TDS. The final annuity installment may vary since the computed interest amount is rounded to the next rupee value.
4) Interest RatesInterest on Annuity Deposits is TDS liable. Because the interest amount is rounded to the next rupee value, there may be variations in the final annuity installment.
5) Maturity AmountIn an Annuity deposit scheme, the principal and interest on the decreasing principal are paid in installments over time, meaning that the maturity amount never changes.
6) EligibilityAll Indian citizens, including minors, are eligible to participate in the SBI annuity scheme. The annuity FD plan is not available to NRE or NRO customers.


One among the people who might be considering an SBI annuity plan could be a minor. There are two possible holding modes: single and joint. The facility is not open to clients who fall into the NRE or NRO categories.

Benefits of the SBI Annuity Scheme

The following are some advantages of investing in the SBI annuity scheme:

  • 1) Investment period: The SBI annuity plan offers maturity options as well as a range of tenure opportunities. If a depositor is looking for a flexible scheme, they have options ranging from days to ten years.
  • 2) Payment Mode: This ensures a safe lock-in by requiring full payment upfront, except in situations where the depositor has died away.
  • Three) Maximum Deposit Amount: There is no maximum deposit amount under the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme.
  • 4) Loan Opportunity: Under the terms of the scheme, the depositor may overdraft a loan facility by up to 75% of the total balance of the account.

SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme Example

Investors can create consistent returns by making a lump sum deposit through the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme. You as an investor will receive the scheme’s returns in the form of EMIs.

To comprehend the operation of this scheme, let’s look at a basic example of the SBI Annuity Deposit scheme.

For example, Mr. Mitra began a five-year SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme with Rs. fifty thousand. In light of this, the bank will provide a 6.50% interest rate. The bank will calculate the compound interest and provide returns as EMI in accordance with the above definition. This EMI will cover the principal reduction as well as interest calculated on the outstanding balance. The following section provides the example’s calculation.

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Q. What is an Annuity Deposit?

Ans- According to this plan, a customer deposits a lump sum amount that is later repaid to them in equal monthly installments. These installments include interest on the principal amount that is decreasing as well as a portion of the principal amount. The program allows customers to deduct a set monthly amount from their one-time deposit. Payments are due on the anniversary of each month. It is due on the first day of the following month if none of the dates—the 29th, 30th, or 31st—occur.

Q. How Annuity deposit is different from a Recurring deposit account?

Ans- A customer of a recurring deposit account pays in installments and receives the maturity amount on the maturity date, whereas an annuity deposit takes a one-time deposit and repays the customer in installments over a chosen tenor, along with interest on the decreasing principle.

Q. How Annuity deposit is different from a Fixed deposit account?

Ans- Customers who open Fixed Deposit accounts pay a one-time deposit and receive the maturity amount—principal plus interest in the case of STDRs and principal only in the case of TDRs—at the designated maturity date. There is a regular distribution of interest. One-time deposits for annuities are accepted; the money is refunded to the customer in equal monthly installments over the selected tenor, plus interest.

Q. What is the minimum and maximum limit for Annuity Deposit?

Ans- The minimum deposit for an annuity deposit is established based on a minimum monthly annuity of Rs. 1000 for the relevant period. in other words, a three-year minimum deposit of Rs. 36,000. See Enquiries – > Transaction limit / Charges for the maximum amount that can be transferred within an account using Internet Banking.


Similar to fixed deposits, the SBI Annuity Deposit Scheme is a suitable investment option for those seeking long-term, consistent income. Investors with a low tolerance for risk can also benefit from this scheme. Lastly, since this scheme’s interest rates are subject to frequent changes, it is advisable to always check the most recent interest rate before applying.

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