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Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana 2024: Objective, Benefits, Features & New Update

Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana: On October 11, 2014, our nation’s esteemed Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, introduced the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana to raise the standard of living for villagers and advance their development. Every village in the nation will see development thanks to the efforts of this program. We will now provide you with all the information you need to know about the Pradhan Mantri Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana 2024, including its goals, advantages, features, eligibility requirements, paperwork, and application process. Read our post carefully to obtain all the facts you need to know about the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana.

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About Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

The Honourable Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana to advance rural development. In addition to providing basic amenities, this program will prioritize employment, cottage industry, farming, animal husbandry, and other activities in every hamlet across the nation. which will lead to the development of our nation’s villages and their transformation into model villages. Enhancing the quality of life and offering additional amenities to the residents of the Gramme Panchayat is the primary goal of the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana.

  • This initiative has given the MPs the authority to bring about development in the community.
  • Finding at least one hamlet in their region and turning it into a model village will be the MPs’ job.
  • The underprivileged residents of the village will be able to live thanks to this program.
  • Additionally, women’s equality will be guaranteed.
  • Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana will also place more of an emphasis on village cleanliness.
  • Villages around the nation will flourish and the villagers themselves will be able to lead satisfying lives as a result of this program.

A village development plan of 668 villages will be prepared

The goal of the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana, introduced by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, is to raise the living standards of rural residents. 15 of the 57 communities that have been uploaded under this plan and approved so far have been listed on the Village Development Plan Portal. But the Rural Development Department has chosen 668 villages recently. For every one of these villages, the government will design a strategy for the village’s development, and the settlements will be directed towards growth. The MNREGA Commissioner, Rajeshwari B, has directed all district development commissioners to draft village development plans following their evaluation of this work.

Main facts of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Some of the main facts under this scheme are as follows:-

Name of the SchemeSansad Adarsh Gram Yojana 2024
started byBy Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
Date Started11 October 2014
Objective of the plantaking the village Toward the development
Beneficiaries of the SchemeBenefits of the Scheme
Benefit of the Schemeproviding basic facilities
responsibility for developmentto the MPs
When was the first ideal village developed?2016
When was the second Adarsh Gram developed?2019
When will the five model villages develop?2024
DepartmentRural Development Department
Total Village2400
process of developmentOnline
Benefits of the

The objective of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

As is well known, the primary cause of the underdevelopment in our nation’s villages is their inability to access various kinds of facilities. Furthermore, the villager’s standard of living does not rise in such a scenario. Our dear Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana with this in mind. The MPs will be responsible for overseeing the provision of all these facilities, which will include a variety of amenities for our nation’s villages.

  • The primary goal of launching this program is to guarantee development in our nation’s communities.
  • to enhance the quality of life for those who reside in our nation’s villages.
  • Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana’s second major goal is to transform our hamlet into a model village.
  • so that the people’s quality of life would rise and the ladies in that community would be treated with respect.
  • This scheme’s second major goal is to increase attention to cleanliness in our nation’s villages to prevent diseases brought on by filth.

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Benefits and Features of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

  • The Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana seeks to improve rural areas around the nation.
  • MPs are required to adopt a hamlet in their district and oversee its development as part of this program. which will cause the development wave to also affect other MPs.
  • The impoverished and weak are to be allowed to live fulfilling lives through SGVY.
  • People will need to be ensured social and economic fairness in addition to a happy living.
  • People are to be assisted, made independent, and self-sufficient under this plan.
  • it will make people’s lives more transparent.
  • The rural community will be encouraged to live in harmony and peace.
  • Villagers will have more options for a living.

So many gram panchayats were identified across the country

Name of State/Union TerritoryNumber of Gram Panchayats identified
Andaman and Nicobar Islands8
Andhra Pradesh201
Arunachal Pradesh13
Himachal Pradesh45
Jammu and Kashmir43
Madhya Pradesh140
Rajasthan 190
Tamil Nadu367
Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu8
Uttar Pradesh549
West Bengal10

Determination of MP Adarsh Gram Yojana

A village is a sort of Gramme Panchayat basic unit, as we all know, and it does not belong to any one individual. About 5000 people are living in the village’s plain parts, and about 3000 people live in the village’s hilly tribes and inaccessible places. Members of the Lok Sabha have the option to choose based on their constituency. Additionally, if one lives in an urban area, one must choose any Gramme Panchayat in the nearby rural constituency. The government has established the following time constraints for work under this scheme:

WorkTime limit from start of work
Selection of Model VillageOne month
Raising Awareness AboutTwo month
Creating environment and social cohesionThree Month
Start of first phase activitiesThree Month
Review of first phase activitiesFive Month
Completion of VDP preparationSeven Month
Approvals and ApprovalsEight Month
start of activitiesNine Month
Review of progress of VDP at Gram Sabha and district levelOne Year

Three main things of Adarsh Gram Yojana

Three key areas have been the focus of the government’s Sansad Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana. First and first, it must be driven by demand; second, it must draw inspiration from society; and third, it must involve the general public. Improving the level of living for residents of the Gramme Panchayat is the primary goal of this plan, and it is recommended that these changes be carried out under the guidance of the relevant MP.

  • Enhanced emphasis on social and economic advancement under the Adarsh Gramme Yojana program
  • so that neighboring villages might use them as inspiration
  • The surrounding communities should see development and an improvement in the living standards of their residents.

Development work of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

The Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana was launched by our esteemed Prime Minister for certain projects that include

  • consciousness of education
  • Providing pregnant ladies with wholesome food
  • Building of Chaupal, Panchayat buildings, and places of worship
  • serving midday meals and indulging in desserts during a gathering
  • Offering farmers drip irrigation systems
  • creating a public plant to produce gas from cow poo

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The process of viewing reports

The following actions must be taken by everyone who wants to access the report:

  • Go to Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana’s official website to check the reports.
  • The website will open to the home page as soon as you access it.
  • You need to search the Reports portion of this page.
  • You will notice various alternatives here, such as GPs Identified Under SAGY-I,
  • Mission Antoyadaya National Tally,
  • Mission Antoydaya-GP Wise
  • GPs Identified Under SAGY-I,
  • Mission Antoyadaya Status Of SAGY GPs
  • You need to determine which preference excellent suits your needs.
  • You’ll be supplied with a brand new web page after selecting.
  • This page requires you to choose your district.
  • The record might be in front of you as quickly as you are making your choice.

Dashboard Login Process (SAGY)

Those who want to access the dashboard by login must do the following actions:

  • The Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana’s official website must be visited to log into the dashboard.
  • Your browser will open the main page as soon as you access the website.
  • You must look at the Login part of this home page.
  • The Dashboard Login option needs to be clicked in this case.
  • Once you click, you’ll be presented with a new page.
  • The information requested on this page must be entered completely.
  • The Login button must be clicked when all information has been entered.
  • You can log onto the dashboard in this manner.


Q: When was the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana started?

Ans: On October 11, 2014, the Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana (SAGY) was introduced. Its goal was to give Mahatma Gandhi’s expansive vision of the ideal Indian village a more grounded, contemporary form.

Q: Who was the founder of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana?

Ans: The Sansad Adarsh Gramme Yojana is a village development and construction program. whose primary objective is rural development. On October 11, 2014, Jayaprakash Narayan’s birthday, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi officially launched the program.

Q: What is the specialty of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana?

Ans: promoting social justice, and labor dignity, affirming gender equality, protecting women’s rights, and cultivating a volunteer and community service mentality. In addition, encouraging a clean lifestyle and living in balance with the environment.

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