Samagra Portal
Samgra Portal is following the guideline of “Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay”, the most vulnerable, vulnerable section, developed, work unit like youth, widows and surrendered women and children living in Madhya Pradesh. It determines to give full government-backed retirement to the people, for this Samagra Mission Abhinav Andolan provides some facilities for dynamic and compelling execution of all beneficial organized schemes.
समग्र पोर्टल “बहुजन हिताय बहुजन सुखाय” की गाइडलाइन का पालन कर रहा है, मध्य प्रदेश में रहने वाले युवाओं, विधवाओं और आत्मसमर्पण करने वाली महिलाओं और बच्चों के समान ही सबसे कमजोर, कमजोर वर्ग, विकसित, कार्य इकाई है। यह लोगों को पूर्ण सरकार समर्थित सेवानिवृत्ति देने के लिए निर्धारित है, इसके लिए समग्र मिशन अभिनव आंदोलन सभी लाभकारी संगठित योजनाओं के गतिशील और सम्मोहक निष्पादन के लिए कुछ सुविधाएँ उपलब्ध करवाती है ।
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Execution of various beneficiary arranged plans of the organization, for instance, Pension Assistance, Marriage Assistance, Scholarship, Education Promotion, Insurance Assistance, Maternity Assistance, Maternity Leave Assistance, Funeral Assistance and Food Security Ordinance-2013 all BPL under the use. Families and needy families in which workers are structure cardholders, frantic old people abiding in mature age homes, crippled housing young people, done for youngsters residing in covers, beneficiaries of government retirement assistant annuity, Verification of beneficiary and various beneficiaries of cash related assistance scheme for mentally obstructed Bahuwilang has quite recently been done on the overall passage and various beneficiaries are in like manner being affirmed through the constant cycle. After trustworthiness, the beneficiary gives benefits of various plans as demonstrated by his capability.
The upsides of the plans capability-base ie assuming the beneficiary qualified for any plans in view of the overall entryway, by then he will give the benefit of the plans as per rules.
On Samagra section, information of the obvious huge number of families and family members abiding in the state has been made open on Samagra doorway in which the absolute nuances of the person, for instance, name, father’s name, mother’s name, mate/spouse’s name, age, date of birth, gender, rank, occupation, family AAY, BPL, religion, hitched level, enlightening level, work system, benefits beneficiary, handicap, speculation account information, land information are moreover open on the overall entryway. After the data is available, check work of the beneficiaries of everything benefits plans done, under National Food Security, A.Y. Besides, the check work of the need family moreover done through Samagra passage, affirmation work of 22 one of a kind classes under need families has done on Samagra doorway.
With the information of the obvious huge number of plans and activities open on the Samgra Portal and the informational collection of occupants open, the overall section will thus make available information regarding which plans and undertakings the individual qualified for, so the open working environments by the organization working environments will give to the MPs.
The benefits of organizations can be given in view of capability norms of organizations and; benefits, all things considered, will be given from one spot so to speak. If an individual is equipped for any arrangement yet as a result of nonappearance of information; it is possible that he has not applied to get the benefit of the arrangement, so in the present situation; the specialist named by the concerned locale panchayat/gram panchayat and metropolitan body in the spot of the singular himself. Continue to give information of the designs to that individual and make him available the employments of the plans,
All that the beneficiaries need to have a single venture account on the overall doorway to get monetary assistance of the plans; the benefit of the evident huge number of plans and undertakings are when in doubt truly pass on; through the Treasury in the speculation account open on the beneficiary’s entryway. 2019, Live Location Tracker, BBC Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Online Typing Test,, My Individual Business.
His name will enrol on the entrance on that date. At the point when he shows up at 3 years old years; he will be available for insistence list in Anganwadi. It will use in the vaccination program of the Department of Health. At the point when he comes at 5 years of age; he will have his name open in the summary for affirmation in school. The school will go without the traditions of reliably filling award applications in schools from classes 1 to 12; young women north of 18 years who are BPL. They will be open in the overview of marriage maintain. Those beneficiaries who live under the desperation line and; are over 60 years of age will fall in the characterization of capability for an annuity.
In any family, in the event that a functioning man passes on and not long after his death; widow advantages will support his dispossessed mate close by National Family Assistance. The upside of public food security will moreover ensure to every one of the certified families falling in the 22 capability arrangements. The companion will start getting widow benefits. The upside of public food security will moreover ensure to every one of the certified families falls in the 22 capability classes. The life partner will start getting widow benefits. The benefit of public food security will in like manner ensured to every one of the certified families falling in the 22 capability classes.
whole family ID. Furthermore, part id For getting the information, contact can moreover be made; at the specific work environments of Gram Panchayat/Janpad Panchayat and; metropolitan bodies (Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Nagar Panchayat) and District Level. On picking a particular zone and entering the significant information on the Samgra Portal ( And Member ID Can be gotten.
Every one of the families and family members staying in the state has been enrolled on the Samagra passage. With the enrollment of family and family members on the entrance; 8 concentrations all-around family ID for the actual family; from the overall passage itself. Additionally, 9 concentrates, as a rule, part ID for relative. This entire family is delivered And people id Benefited from any organization plot are helpful in doing. These two entire family IDs And part id An exceptional id.
Distinctive beneficiary arranged plans executed by the MP government. For all beneficiary arranged plans and organizations; the entire family ID And Member ID Helpful gave that every one of the information of the beneficiary minded the doorway. If the beneficiary fulfils every one of the conditions for organizing and organization; by then the beneficiary can get the benefit of the arrangement with no issue.
Moreover, Member ID in view of this, an individual can go to the Samagra Samvid entrance and see the fundamental information related to himself and his family and if the information is found to not be right, by then the whole family drop by arriving at the specific Janpad Panchayat or metropolitan bodies to invigorate the said information. Likewise, Member ID Important records, for instance, BPL Certificate, rank support, Antyodaya card; work unit selected work card, annuity information, age verification, handicap confirmation, MNREGA, etc.
If the individual enrolled on the Samgra Portal fails horrendously due to any clarification (normal/unnatural), by then it is vital to announce the singular dead on the Samgra Portal so that if the singular MP If you are getting the upsides of the organization’s arrangements; by then the singular’s name will dispense with from the benefits given through the actual entryway. In case the individual articulates dead in the general doorway; his name will take out from the family member and assuming the family goes under any kind of style of help or security help; by then the said benefit will give to him.
By considering the dead information genuine information overall entrance, various benefits, for instance, public family maintain, as demonstrated by the capability of the family The upside of security help and dedication administration assist with willing similarly given, whose information will open on the Samagra entryway and the informational index of the evident large number of dead individuals will in like manner be open on the Samgra Portal section close by information related to their end. Who will have the choice to select District Panchayat/Gram Panchayat and Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Municipal Council/Ward Office of the region where the families are living will pronounce dead on the general gateway after their passing. Which will completely confirm.
Based on which you can enrol; – based on the individual whose demise authentication gives by the concerned body; the individual can announce dead on the general entrance by the District Panchayat and Urban Body Office.
M.P. According to the norm, selection of a large number of relationships is obligatory. Marriage confirmation is your marriage certification and it promises you married. Marriage confirmation is useful in case of marriage affirmation, name change; so it is vital to enlist post significantly more than one marriage on Samgra Portal passage so the young woman’s family ID Husband’s family I.D. to wanted to. Who will have the choice to enlist District Panchayat/Gram Panchayat and Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Municipal Council/Ward Offices of the locale where the families abide will have the choice to enrol the marriage on the overall entrance after marriage.
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In light of which enlistment ought to conceivable; – Based on the marriage of the youngster after whom the marriage announcement made open by the concerned body; the information related to the marriage of the young woman can invigorates by the Janpad Panchayat and the metropolitan body office. Major information for enlistment on the entrance; – Family ID, Girl’s name, Girl’s ID, Father’s name, Father’s ID, Mother’s name, Mother’s ID, Date of birth, etc.
During the overall review, the spot of the residing game plan has changed as a result of some clarification where the family used to abide, that is if the area has changed, by then the concerned individual can contact the work environment of the district panchayat/metropolitan body in his overall area and give the affirmation of the change on the Samagra passage; The region change information by the close-by body can revive on the overall doorway. In case the singular resides everlastingly from any area panchayat/metropolitan body to some other district panchayat/metropolitan body and needs to get his name move; by then that individual should the primary Janpad Panchayat/metropolitan body where the name of the person on the overall entrance An application structures are open.
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