Govt Apps

Samagra Shiksha Portal, Student Tracking, Education, SSP Login

Samagra Shiksha Portal is started by Madhya Pradesh Government to give MP Education News to understudies and update understudies’ all information in one entrance. Understudies can get all experiences pretty much All Latest Education News, results, awards, etc Madhya Pradesh Shiksha Portal or MP Education Portal.

Samagra Shiksha doorway additionally called the Samagra award entryway is huge for abused understudies. You can apply for various Scholarship Schemes and Samagra ID through Shiksha Portal MP i.e This award entrance helps understudies with their school charges. Understudies can visit the authority site to get every one of the latest information about the Samagra Shiksha entryway.



In a basic development towards using advancement to further develop capability and manage the utilization of as of late dispatched Centrally Sponsored Integrated Scheme for School Education, Samagra Shiksha, a PRABANDH System has engaged on the site, in which States and UTs might see the Status of GoI Releases, supported expenses, incorporation as per UDISE, school sharp summary of supports, school canny openings, undoings in supports, etc under Samagra Shiksha. Besides, the online convenience of Monthly Progress Reports, physical similarly as financial; can in like manner be made by the different States/UTs in the PRABANDH System.

As of now, the data insight dashboard has been made for the feature of the month to month status of physical and money related headway under the critical intercessions of the arrangement, which thus gets data from the system reliant upon a month to month revives done by the States and UTs. This will help in introducing better straightforwardness in the utilization of the arrangement and work on the same.

Also Read: Portal Login

Center Objective for Implementation:

  • To prevent the prerequisite for submitting printed duplicates, besides where it is requested something different.
  • So have straightforwardness and accuracy in the System w.r.t Approvals, Releases, Financial Status.
  • To streamline the Financial Management System, to engage a more exact examination of the genuine essence of resources for execution.
  • For viable dynamic.

How do Student data anticipating Samagra Shiksha Portal?

MP Education section has been climbed to simplify the cycle to arranging understudy data on Madhya Pradesh Education Portal. As of now Teachers can without a doubt invigorate or arranging understudy’s data by marking on to the preparation section through their login id and mystery state.

It is compulsory to arranging the data of the Students gathering in Madhya Pradesh school. In which every one of the information of the understudies gets a good deal on the Madhya Pradesh Education Portal which is known as the “Joined Student Tracking and Management System”.

  • In any case, you need to go to the authority site
  • Snap-on the lock button.
  • As of now, you need to sign in on the MP Shiksha entrance by username and secret word.
  • After a powerful login, you need to tap on the Enroll tab. On the off chance that you don’t feel that it’s directors, by then you can tap the essential menu and snap on the Enroll tab.
  • For understudy data arranging, click on the “Understudy Mgmt tab” by then snap on the New Enrollments to Your School for the Session [Use nuances from the Format – 1B] association.
  • By and by fill in the Student Shiksha Portal ID and snap-on submit.
  • By and by, you need to invigorate understudy data on the Samagra Shiksha entrance by giving award numbers, the last class rate, School name, etc, and check warily all nuances prior to tapping on the “extra understudy enrollment” button.

How to Update Student Result on SAMAGRA SHIKSHA PORTAL?

Understudy Results can revive on the MP preparing entrance by login with the ID and mystery key of any educator of the foundation. The primary instructor can invigorate the results of the understudies of his school using his striking ID and mystery key. We should know all methods for how you can revive the understudy’s result on the Shiksha entrance by login with your ID and mystery word.

  • In the first place, you need to go to the authority site
  • Snap-on the lock button.
  • By and by you need to sign in on the MP Shiksha doorway by username and secret word.
  • After productive login, you need to tap on the Enroll tab. In the event that you don’t imagine that it’s clear, by then you can tap the essential menu and snap on the Enroll tab.
  • For understudy results update, click on the “Understudy Mgmt tab” by then snap in the Record Results for the Session [Format – 1A] association. By then, a page will open is “Class Wise List of Students who have joined your School for the Academic Year 2020-21”.
  • In the underlying fragment of the page, so the nuances of the school will appear to you.

The second piece of the page joins Academic Year (current educational gathering), Previous Class (a year prior class), Gender, and Category. Picking all nuances and tapping on the “Show Students” button by then will show the once-over of understudies.

Which will contain the going with information:

  • S.No.
  • Samagra Member ID
  • Understudy Name/Father Name
  • Sexual direction
  • DOB
  • Order: (SC/ST/OBC/GEN)
  • Result: There are three decisions Pass/Fail/N.A. In case you select Pass, the accompanying per cent box will get dynamic.
  • Rate: After the select result pass, the rate is to be gone into the result.
  • School Status: there are two decisions: same and others. If understudy mulling over continues in current school; by then pick a comparable regardless pick other.

After successfully reviving the nuances of the generally large number of understudies, click on the Register Students associate. As of now, you can revive the result of the understudies.

Useful Links:

Scholarship 2.0, How to Trace Mobile Number, TMC Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Hindi Typing Test Free,, My Individual Business.

Late Initiatives:

The Physical and Financial utilization module for District customers has been begun to get the progression of the Samagra Shiksha works out. From 2020-2021 onwards, so the region will introduce the physical and money related utilization on the PRABANDH entrance. The State/UTs will endorse and freeze the utilization so it will in general see at the National level.

FAQs on Samagra Shiksha Portal:

How to select?

Snap ‘Register’ on the upper right corner of the page and you will see a selection structure. This will take you hardly 2 minutes to finish off. Present your information, really look at your flexible number and appreciate the various benefits of being a Shiksha part.

How might I search for colleges or courses?

To search for a particular everyday schedule, just enter its name in the request box on top of the Shiksha presentation page. As you start creating, you’ll see a dropdown; you can pick the name of your optimal course/school from this menu too.

The substitute way is to search for schools by arrangements – MBA, Engineering, Design and Other Courses – showed up on the Top overall course bar. There is a decision to pick Study Abroad as well. Under all of these specific arrangements, so you can look – Popular Courses, Colleges by Location, Top Colleges and even Compare Colleges.

I’m enthused about Study Abroad decisions. How might I find information? extraordinarily made to oversee understudies attempting to focus abroad. It presents to-date and incredibly important information at the public level for schools, courses, tests required, financing choices, so the application cycle, visa essentials, etc One can pick colleges by course and by the stream for single men and specialists. Peruse the postings and snap on the school or school you need to peruse in for additional information. You will similarly find charming articles on assessment-related focuses close by Student Guides; College Application and Visa Guides for Popular Study Abroad countries.

How might I stay invigorated with the latest news?

News and articles will keep awake with the most recent and around taught the entirety of your tutoring related information requires. You can check the news for determination test dates, application cutoff times, changes in the test plan, etc; while articles offer you a charming extent of topics to scrutinize from cherry on top gatherings; and test prep tips to school life and new and impending courses and callings… additionally, fundamentally more.

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Would I be able to pull out messages?

Genuinely, you have the choice to pull out. You can do this by unchecking the case that showed up under ‘Correspondence Preferences’ on your Profile point of arrival.

Would I have the option to contact Shiksha Portal?

If you have any information or suggestions to share for the site; so you can stay in contact with us at or approach our Student helpline number; 1800-103-5547 (between 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM, Monday to Friday).

Useful Links:

My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, Aadhar Card Centre Near Me, MHRD Scholarship, BookMyShow Head Office, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review.

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