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Samagra Portal, SPR Samagra Login


What is Samagra?

Madhya Pradesh government has Samagra Portal, following the standard of “Bahujan Hitay Bahujan Sukhay”, is the most powerless, helpless class, matured, work unit, incapacitated individuals just as young ladies, widows and relinquished ladies and kids subject to them, living in Madhya Pradesh. It is resolved to give total government backed retirement to the wiped out individuals, for this the general mission Innovative activity for the dynamic and effective execution of all gainful arranged plans of

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Samagra goals:
  • Justification of paces of plan and help sum.
  • Streamline rules and methodology.
  • Yield the cycle of different projects and make the recipient situated data and data of projects accessible on the entryway for straightforwardness and to plan and keep up an incorporated information base of the apparent multitude of residents/groups of the state for powerful execution of recipient arranged plans.
  • Help to the qualified recipient in the specified time period with no obstruction.
  • To evade the satisfaction of customs so as to find support.
  • Set up an information base of the recipients and give the advantage of the plan for which the recipient is qualified dependent on the data set.
  • Use e-banking office to set aside least effort to find support.
  • Connecting with the oppressed, desperate, impaired and distant burdened recipients.
  • Straightforwardness and ordinary audit in the execution of the plans.
Why Samagra?

Execution of different recipient situated plans of the administration, for example, Pension Assistance, Marriage Assistance, Scholarship, Education Promotion, Insurance Assistance, Maternity Assistance, Maternity Leave Assistance, Funeral Assistance and Food Security Ordinance-2013 all BPL under the usage. Families and need families in which laborers are framework card holders, desperate elderly folks individuals dwelling in mature age homes, debilitated lodging youngsters, down and out kids living in shelters, recipients of federal retirement aide annuity, Verification of recipient and different recipients of money related help conspire for intellectually hindered Bahuwilang has just been done on the general entry and different recipients are likewise being confirmed through nonstop cycle. After honesty, the recipient is given advantages of different plans as indicated by his qualification.

What is the advantage of a composite ID?

The advantages of the plans are qualification based ie if the recipient qualified for any plans based on the general gateway, at that point he will given the advantage of the plans according to rules.

  • Check of 100% recipients and multiplying of plans will be dodged.
  • Ineligible recipients will taken out from programs.
  • Recipient will get moment benefits as a privilege dependent on their qualification
  • Following acknowledgment of help, help will be accessible to the recipient through bank/mail center. He won’t need to visit the workplaces.
  • There will be straightforwardness in the arrangement. Data will be accessible on the entry to the recipients.
  • Nationalized banks will be useful in opening an investment account confirmed by residents.
  • Recipient will get opportunity from rehashed applications and government workplaces from rehashed confirmation work.
MP for overall population Service of qualification based administrations:

On Samagra entry, data of the apparent multitude of families and relatives dwelling in the state has been made accessible on Samagra entryway in which the total subtleties of the individual, for example, name, father’s name, mother’s name, spouse/wife’s name, age, date of birth , Gender, rank, occupation, family AAY, BPL, religion, hitched level, instructive level, work framework, benefits recipient, handicap, investment account data, land data are additionally accessible on the general gateway. After the information is accessible, check work of the recipients of all benefits plans done, under National Food Security, A.Y. Furthermore, the check work of the need family additionally done through Samagra gateway, confirmation work of 22 unique classes under need families has done on Samagra entryway.

With the data of the apparent multitude of plans and projects accessible on the Samagra Portal and the data set of residents accessible, the general entry will consequently make accessible data about which plans and projects the individual qualified for, so the open workplaces by the administration workplaces will given to the MPs.

The advantages of administrations can given based on qualification standards of administrations and; advantages of all plans will be given from one spot as it were. On the off chance that an individual is qualified for any plan yet because of absence of data; it is conceivable that he has not applied to get the advantage of the plan, so in this circumstance; the worker named by the concerned region panchayat/gram panchayat and metropolitan body in the place of the individual himself. Proceed to give data of the plans to that individual and make him accessible the uses of the plans,

One part, one investment account to help all administration plans:

Everything the recipients need to have a solitary investment account on the general entryway to get budgetary help of the plans; the advantage of the apparent multitude of plans and projects are as a rule legitimately convey; through the Treasury in the investment account accessible on the recipient’s gateway.

Samagra Portal (

His name will enlisted on the entryway on that date. When he arrives at the age of 3 years, he will be accessible for affirmation list in Anganwadi. It will utilized in the inoculation program of the Department of Health. When he comes at 5 years old, he will have his name accessible in the rundown for confirmation in school. The school will abstain from the customs of consistently filling grant applications in schools from classes 1 to 12; young ladies over 18 years who are BPL. They will be accessible in the rundown of marriage uphold. Those recipients who live underneath the destitution line and; are more than 60 years old will fall in the classification of qualification for annuity.

In any family, if a working man passes on and not long after his demise; widow benefits will endorsed to his bereft spouse alongside National Family Assistance. The advantage of public food security will likewise guaranteed to all the qualified families falling in the 22 qualification classifications. The spouse will begin getting widow benefits. The advantage of public food security will likewise guaranteed to all the qualified families falling in the 22 qualification classes. The spouse will begin getting widow benefits. The advantage of public food security will likewise guaranteed to all the qualified families falling in the 22 qualification classes.

Where to get entire family ID and part id?

entire family ID. What’s more, part id For getting the data, contact can likewise be made; at the particular workplaces of Gram Panchayat/Janpad Panchayat and; metropolitan bodies (Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Nagar Panchayat) and District Level. On choosing a specific zone and entering the important data on the Samagra Portal ( And Member ID Can be gotten.

Entire family ID and Member ID

All the families and relatives dwelling in the state have been enlisted on the Samagra entry. With the enlistment of family and relatives on the entryway; 8 focuses by and large family ID for the family itself; from the general gateway itself. Also, 9 focuses generally speaking part ID for relative. This whole family id produced And individuals id Benefited from any administration conspire. Are useful in doing. These two whole family IDs And part id A special id Huh.

Entire family ID and part id benefits:

Different recipient situated plans executed by the MP government. For all recipient situated plans and administrations; the whole family ID And Member ID Helpful provided that all the data of the recipient checked on the entryway. In the event that the recipient satisfies all the conditions for arranging and administration; at that point the recipient can get the advantage of the plan without any problem.

Furthermore, Member ID based on this, an individual can go to the Samagra Samvid entryway and see the essential data identified with himself and his family and on the off chance that the data discover to not be right, at that point the entire family drop by reaching the particular Janpad Panchayat or metropolitan bodies to refresh the said data. Also, Member ID Important records, for example, BPL Certificate, rank endorsement, Antyodaya card, work unit enrolled work card, annuity data, age authentication, handicap testament, MNREGA,

Also Read: E-Mitra

Pronouncing an individual dead on the whole entryway:
For what reason is it important to pronounce an individual enlisted on the whole entryway dead in the afterlife?

In the event that the individual enlisted on the Samagra Portal bites the dust because of any explanation (common/unnatural), at that point it is important to proclaim the individual dead on the Samagra Portal so that if the individual MP If you are getting the advantages of the administration’s plans, at that point the individual’s name will be eliminated from the advantages given through the gateway itself. On the off chance that the individual pronounced dead on the whole entryway, his name will taken out from the relative and if the family goes under any sort of elegance help or protection help, at that point the said advantage will given to him.

By thinking about the perished data as real data on the whole entryway, different advantages, for example, public family uphold, as indicated by the qualification of the family The advantage of protection help and memorial service help will likewise given, whose data will accessible on the Samagra gateway and the data set of the apparent multitude of dead people will likewise be accessible on the Samagra Portal entry alongside data identified with their demise. Who will have the option to enroll District Panchayat/Gram Panchayat and Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Municipal Council/ Ward Office of the area where the families are residing will be declared dead on the overall portal after their death. Which will be fully certified.

On the basis of which you can register – On the basis of the person whose death certificate has been provided by the concerned body, the person can declared dead on the overall portal by the District Panchayat and Urban Body Office.

Why enlistment of marriage is fundamental on the whole entrance?

M.P. As per the standard, enlistment of marriage after marriage is compulsory. Marriage authentication is your marriage affirmation and it guarantees you wedded. Marriage testament is helpful in the event of marriage confirmation, name change, so it is important to enroll post marriage after marriage on Samagra Portal entry so the young lady’s family ID Husband’s family I.D. to planned to. Who will have the option to enroll District Panchayat/Gram Panchayat and Municipal Corporation/Municipality/Municipal Council/Ward Offices of the region where the families dwell will have the option to enlist the marriage on the general entryway after marriage.

Based on which enrollment should be possible – Based on the marriage of the young lady after whom the marriage declaration has made accessible by the concerned body, the data identified with the marriage of the young lady can be refreshed by the Janpad Panchayat and the metropolitan body office. Fundamental data for enrollment on the entryway: – Family ID, Girl’s name, Girl’s ID, Father’s name, Father’s ID, Mother’s name, Mother’s ID, Date of birth,

Family relocation starting with one spot then onto the next (movement):

During the general study, the spot of living arrangement has changed because of some explanation where the family use to dwell, that is, in the event that the location has changed, at that point the concerned individual can contact the workplace of the region panchayat/metropolitan body in his general vicinity and give the confirmation of the change on the Samagra gateway The area change data by the nearby body can refreshed on the general entryway. On the off chance that the individual lives forever from any area panchayat/metropolitan body to some other region panchayat/metropolitan body and needs to get his name move, at that point that individual ought to the first Janpad Panchayat/metropolitan body where the name of the individual on the general entryway An application structures are accessible.

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