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Through the Samagra Portal 2022, the government provides the benefit of Samagra ID Registration (SSSM ID) to all the families of the state on the portal to the citizens registered under the Samagra Social Security Mission ID, who will have their own Samagra ID and only their families. You will be able to take advantage of the government schemes run by the government, the complete details of the person are given in the Samagra id, which can also be used by the citizens of the state as their identity card, all those citizens of the state who are on the Madhya Pradesh Samagra portal is.

समग्र पोर्टल के माध्यम से, सरकार समग्र सामाजिक सुरक्षा मिशन आईडी के तहत पंजीकृत नागरिकों को पोर्टल पर राज्य के सभी परिवारों को समग्र आईडी पंजीकरण (एसएसएसएम आईडी) का लाभ प्रदान करती है, जिनके पास अपनी समग्र आईडी होगी और केवल उनकी परिवार। आप सरकार द्वारा चलाई जा रही सरकारी योजनाओं का लाभ उठा सकेंगे, व्यक्ति का पूरा विवरण समग्र आईडी में दिया गया है, जिसका उपयोग राज्य के नागरिक अपने पहचान पत्र के रूप में भी कर सकते हैं, वे सभी नागरिक राज्य जो मध्य प्रदेश समग्र पोर्टल पर हैं।


What is Samagra Portal 2022 ID (SSSM ID)

As you all know, just as their voter ID card is used as their identity card, similarly for the citizens of Madhya Pradesh, the Samagra ID is used by the government to identify them and their families. It is necessary to make and get benefits in many schemes by the government, along with all the information related to the person in the Samagra id, the Samagra id number is also provided to the person, which can be used by the person in many government documents and government schemes. Therefore To ensure his identity, it is necessary for a person to have his Samagra ID number to get a BPL card made in the state, to enroll children in school, and to make many necessary documents.

जिस प्रकार उनके वोटर आईडी कार्ड का उपयोग उनके पहचान पत्र के रूप में किया जाता है, उसी तरह मध्य प्रदेश के नागरिकों के लिए सरकार द्वारा उनकी और उनके परिवारों की पहचान के लिए समग्र आईडी का उपयोग किया जाता है। सरकार द्वारा कई योजनाओं में लाभ प्राप्त करना और प्राप्त करना आवश्यक है, समग्र आईडी में व्यक्ति से संबंधित सभी जानकारी के साथ, व्यक्ति को समग्र आईडी नंबर भी प्रदान किया जाता है, जिसका उपयोग व्यक्ति कई सरकार में कर सकता है दस्तावेज़ और सरकारी योजनाएँ। अपनी पहचान सुनिश्चित करने के लिए किसी व्यक्ति के पास राज्य में बीपीएल कार्ड बनवाने के लिए, बच्चों को स्कूल में दाखिला दिलाने के लिए और कई जरूरी दस्तावेज बनाने के लिए अपना समग्र आईडी नंबर होना जरूरी है।

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What is the main purpose of getting an SSSM ID?

The main objective of the government to make a Samagra ID is to benefit the citizens of the state in the schemes issued by the government, so that the citizens of the economically weaker or backward classes of the state, who do not have any employment for their livelihood, can also avail government schemes through the portal. You will be able to improve your condition getting employment, all the database of citizens registered on the portal is available in one place so that all the needy citizens of the state will not need to visit the offices again and again for registration in the schemes, This will also save the time of the person and all the information related to the person in government schemes and the work to be given in the programs will also available through digitization and transparency will also come in the works related the scheme.

समग्र आईडी बनाने का सरकार का मुख्य उद्देश्य सरकार द्वारा जारी योजनाओं में राज्य के नागरिकों को लाभान्वित करना है, ताकि राज्य के आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर या पिछड़े वर्ग के नागरिक, जिनके पास अपने लिए कोई रोजगार नहीं है आजीविका, पोर्टल के माध्यम से भी सरकारी योजनाओं का लाभ उठा सकते हैं। रोजगार प्राप्त कर आप अपनी स्थिति में सुधार कर सकेंगे, पोर्टल पर पंजीकृत नागरिकों का समस्त डाटाबेस एक ही स्थान पर उपलब्ध है जिससे राज्य के सभी जरूरतमंद नागरिकों को योजनाओं में पंजीयन हेतु बार-बार कार्यालयों के चक्कर नहीं लगाने पड़ेंगे। इससे व्यक्ति के समय की भी बचत होगी और सरकारी योजनाओं में व्यक्ति से संबंधित सभी जानकारी और कार्यक्रमों में दिए जाने वाले कार्य भी डिजिटलीकरण के माध्यम से उपलब्ध होंगे और योजना से संबंधित कार्यों में पारदर्शिता भी आएगी।

Documents Required for MP Samagra ID

Applicants can get information about the documents required for applying on the portal from here. We are going to tell you about these documents through some points given below. This document is as follows –

  • applicant’s Aadhar card
  • residential certificate
  • MP Ration Card
  • high school mark sheet
  • PAN card
  • Passport
  • driving license
  • mobile number
  • passport size photograph
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Online application on Desh Samagra Portal 2022

  • First of all, go to the official website of the global portal Madhya Pradesh Samagra ID Online Application
  • Your website has now been opened.
  • You will see this when the domain appears on the page. SSSM id Madhya Pradesh Samagra online application
  • The date before today has arrived.
  • To be included in the member’s details, the member’s details will be entered. SSSM-id-report
  • Enter to fill your form to fill in all the information. SSSM-list-registration
  • They shall be recorded after they are thus recorded, so that they may be recorded.

MP Samagra Profile Update

Applicants can go through the given steps to update the overall profile process.

  • So Firstly the applicant has to visit its official website.
  • After this, on the home page, you will see an option to update the overall profile.
  • Here you can update many things in the given overall profile like:-
  • Do e-KYC
  • update date of birth
  • update gender
  • Identify Duplicate Members
  • Request a Family Migration
  • update name
  • Update duplicate family identity
  • Request Search Update
  • Family Request Update Search.

How to apply offline on Samagra Portal 2022

Applicants who do not want to apply through online mode to make a composite ID can also apply through offline means, for offline application, the applicant will have to go to his private district or panchayat office and fill out the application form, you have to fill out the form and submit it to the offices itself. And After which your registration process will be completed.

Benefits of Samagra Portal 2022

  • Families who will have Samagra ID cards will now be able to take advantage of the scheme easily.
  • With the creation of this card, there will be a lot of transparency between the government and the people.
  • Now only the needy people will be given the benefit of the schemes by the government and at the same time corruption will also come down.
  • You can now get complete information about all the information run by the Madhya Pradesh government on Samagra ID.
  • If you are getting your child admite, then you will also have to give Samagra ID at the time of admission to the school.
  • If you want to take advantage of the schemes run by the government, then you must have a complete family ID.
  • you want to make a BPL card, then first you must have an SSSM ID.
  • If any scheme is being run MP Government then you not need to apply. Because the government will already have your data. If you become eligible for the scheme, then you will automatically get the benefit of the scheme.
  • So If you want to apply for a government job then you must have an SSSM ID.

SSSM ID:- Types of Composite ID

Let us tell you that there are 2 types of Samagra ID, the first is the family composite ID and the second is the member’s composite ID.

  • Parivar Samagra ID– Family Samagra ID is given to a family. It consists of eight marks in total.
  • Member Samagra ID – In the member SSSM ID, these cards are given to every member of the family, and this ID is given only to those who have been registered only as Family Samagra ID. That is, if your registration has not been done while creating the family composite ID, then you will not be given a member’s composite ID, this ID number is of nine digits.
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My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, Aadhar Card Centre, Scholarship Online Form, Actor Yash Phone Number, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review.

Some Schemes of Samagra Portal 2022

  • Chief Minister Kanyadan Yojana
  • Scholarship Schemes
  • pension plans
  • Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mazdoor Suraksha Yojana
  • Madhya Pradesh Urban Domestic Workers Women Welfare Scheme
  • Chief Minister Hand Handcart and Cycle Rickshaw Driver Scheme
  • Madhya Pradesh Hammal and Tulvati Welfare Scheme
  • Schemes run by Madhya Pradesh Building and other construction workers board
  • Pandit Deendayal Antyodaya Treatment Scheme.
  • Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana / Janashree Bima Yojana.

FAQS On Samagra Portal 2022

What is Samagra?

Samagra Shiksha is a comprehensive program for the school education sector from Pre-School to Class XII. The plan has designed with the overarching goal of improving school effectiveness measured in terms of equal opportunities for schooling and equitable learning outcomes.

समग्र शिक्षा प्री-स्कूल से बारहवीं कक्षा तक स्कूली शिक्षा क्षेत्र के लिए एक व्यापक कार्यक्रम है। योजना को स्कूली शिक्षा के लिए समान अवसरों और समान सीखने के परिणामों के संदर्भ में मापा गया स्कूल प्रभावशीलता में सुधार के व्यापक लक्ष्य के साथ तैयार किया गया है।

Is Samagra ID only for MP?

It is an ecosystem where detailed family information is available. Success comes when opportunities and preparation meet. So Madhya Pradesh State Government introduced this Samagra ID. All the people of the state and their details recording in the Samagra Portal of Samagra Social Security Mission.

यह एक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र है जहां विस्तृत पारिवारिक जानकारी उपलब्ध है। सफलता तब मिलती है जब अवसर और तैयारी मिलते हैं। और मध्य प्रदेश राज्य सरकार ने यह समग्र आईडी पेश की। राज्य के सभी लोगों और उनका विवरण समग्र सामाजिक सुरक्षा मिशन के समग्र पोर्टल पर दर्ज किया जा रहा है।

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Where to go for Samagra ID?

Samagra Portal is one of the portals of the Madhya Pradesh Government, through this portal citizens of Madhya Pradesh can get Samagra Social Security Mission ID.

Why do we need composite ID?

The purpose of Samagra ID is to track and provide assistance to the weaker section of society. Therefore Assistance in terms of pension, marriage support, scholarship, health, and food security. People with Samagra ID can take advantage of many schemes by the state government.

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