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Saksham Yuva Yojana 2024: Benefits, objectives, Features, Eligibility & New Update

Saksham Yuva Yojana: The nation’s population is experiencing an economic crisis as a result of the rising unemployment rate. On November 1, 2016, the Haryana government introduced the Haryana Saksham Yojana with this in mind. All jobless educated youngsters in government offices and businesses are eligible to receive unemployment benefits and employment chances under this program. Through this post, we will give you all the pertinent information about the Haryana Saksham Yojana that you need to know today. For example, what is the Haryana Saksham Yojana, what are its goals, characteristics, eligibility requirements, key paperwork, and how to apply? So, friends, please read our post through to the conclusion if you want to learn everything there is to know about Saksham Yojana Haryana.

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Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024

The beneficiary must meet certain educational requirements to receive benefits from Saksham Yojana Haryana, such as intermediate, graduate, postgraduate, etc. Graduate young without jobs will receive ₹ 9000 in pay per month, along with ₹ 3000 in unemployment benefits. young without jobs will receive ₹ 7500 in income per month, along with ₹ 1500 in unemployment benefits. The beneficiary of this plan must work four hours per day and 100 hours in a month after landing a job in order to qualify for payments. The Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024 benefits are available to each beneficiary for three years. The beneficiary must be between the ages of 18 and 35 to apply under this program. Beneficiaries who are interested may apply online at

The objective of Haryana Saksham Yojana

The Saksham Yojana was launched by the Haryana government to aid the state’s young unemployed people who, despite their education, are unable to find employment. The unemployed kids will receive employment and unemployment benefits under this system. to lower the state’s unemployment rate through the Saksham Yojana and to give young people without work a decent monthly wage by placing them in positions that match their educational background. The goal of the Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024 is to empower unemployed females and youth to work and become self-sufficient. empowering young people without jobs with this program.

Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024 Details in Highlights

Scheme NameHaryana Government
Launched byLast date of application
Mode of ApplyOnline
Date of Launch1 November 2016
Last date of applyNo last date
CategoryState govt. scheme
Official Website

Benefits and features of Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024

  • November 1, 2016, saw the launch of the Saksham Scheme.
  • The purpose of this program is to provide young people with education with employment opportunities in both the public and commercial sectors.
  • Young individuals without work will also receive unemployment compensation under this scheme.
  • Applications for the Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024 are open to all educated young, including intermediate, graduate, postgraduate, and others.
  • To be eligible for this scheme, an applicant must be between the ages of 18 and 35.
  • There is a three-year limit on using this scheme.
  • This plan will lower unemployment rates as well.
  • The Haryana Saksham Yojana 2024 will pay unemployment benefits of ₹ 100 per month for matriculating students, ₹ 900 for intermediate students, ₹ 1500 for graduating students, and ₹ 3000 for postgraduate students.
  • With this program, youth without jobs

Features of Saksham Yuva Yojana

  • The candidate needs to live in the state of Haryana.
  • The candidate needs to sign up for the applicable employment exchange’s live registration. However, if you haven’t already registered, you can do so on the Department’s website at
  • Only graduate or post-graduate degrees from regular courses are accepted. However, Patiala and Punjabi University courses are still valid. Additionally, credit from accredited universities in Haryana, NCT Delhi, UT Chandigarh, and other areas is also accepted. Correspondence degree holders will also be eligible to earn the advantage going forward.
  • Candidates must have completed their 10+2 education as a normal student at any accredited school. The degree ought to be connected to Bhiwani and the Haryana Board of School Education. Also legitimate is the Central Board of School Education (CBSE) in Delhi. Indian Qualification for
  • Applicants for 10+2 should be between the ages of 18 and 35. Candidates for graduate or post-graduate programs must be between the ages of 21 and 35.
  • The candidates should not possess the 10+2 degrees from the national open board or correspondence programs.
  • It is not appropriate for candidates to engage in courses full-time as regular students.
  • Not someone who should be let go by the government.
  • Applicants cannot be employed in any capacity. It is not acceptable to work for yourself or the public, private, or quasi-governmental sectors.
  • The total yearly income from all sources should not exceed three lakh rupees.
  • Up to three years (36 months) or the age of thirty-five, whichever comes first, there will be an honorarium paid.
  • Nevertheless, the date of the honorarium assignment award marks the start of the three-year tenure. Additionally, the precise date of 35

Eligibility For Saksham Yuva Yojana

The two factors that determine the scheme’s qualifying requirements are as follows:

  • Component or Sub-Scheme for Unemployment Allowance
  • Sub-Scheme/Component for Honoraria

Eligibility for unemployment allowance

  • Must have graduated with honors from an authorized Haryana board in 10+2.
  • Having completed two years of certification or diploma studies, the Matric passed out. But the government of Haryana ought to have acknowledged it.
  • a graduate degree from a school accepted by the government of Haryana
  • 3 years of certification or diploma program following 10+2
  • A minimum age range of 21 to 35 years old is appropriate.
  • A total of 3 lakhs should be the maximum annual revenue from all sources.
  • The program is not available to a terminated government employee.
  • The candidate shouldn’t be working in any industry at all.
  • To be included in the Live Register, candidates must be either a graduate or a qualified 10+2. For a minimum of three years, it offers employment exchange in the state.

Also Read: Vidya Sambal Yojana 2024

Saksham Plan 2024 Documents

  • Under this scheme, the applicant must be a native of Haryana.
  • The age of the applicant should not be more than 18 to 35 years.
  • The annual family income of the applicant should not exceed Rs 3 lakh.
  • Aadhar card
  • income certificate
  • PAN Card/Voter ID Card
  • bank account
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo

How to apply for Saksham Yojana?

Extra details on the Saksham Yojana application process are available here.

  • You must visit the Saksham Yuva portal to register for the Saksham Yojana. You can click this link to visit Hreyah’s Gov.
  • The Saksham home page will now open, and you can choose to Sign In or Log In from here. This selection will have more possibilities, from which you must choose “Saksham Yuva.”
  • The Saksham Yojana form will now appear in front of you; nothing needs to be done.
  • Below this template Lacking an account? The SignUp/Register option will appear when you click this link; you must choose this option.
  • Another new page will now open, with the text “Registration for SAKSHAM YUVA Scheme” on it.
  • You can find your qualification or the amount of study you have completed, on this page. If you passed your 12th grade, you can choose from three alternatives here: graduate, postgraduate, and graduate.
  • After clicking the check box on the subsequent page, you will be prompted with the question, “Are you from Haryana?” So, the response to this will have to be “yes.”
  • You have three alternatives to select from in the first number option: place of birth, leaving certificate, or any other.
  • Additionally, you will need to provide your birthdate in the second box.
  • You will now see the Haryana Saksham Yojana Form available. You must accurately input all of the information requested on this form.
  • Your cellphone number will receive an OTP once you’ve entered all the information. This OTP must be entered, then you must click the “register button.”
  • You can apply for the Haryana Yuva Saksham Yojana online in this manner.

How to log in to Saksham?

The Saksham Yuva Login procedure can be found below.

  • You must visit the Saksham portal first. By clicking this link, you can also access the Saksham Yuva Portal.
  • The option to Log in or sign in is available on the Saksham portal’s main page.
  • Upon choosing this option, you will be prompted to input your Saksham login information on a new page.
  • You must choose qualification after inputting your password and Employment Registration Number.
  • Lastly, you need to click the login button and enter the Captcha code.
  • You can access the Saksham web portal in this manner. What was your impression of the Saksham Yuva login process information? Kindly inform us by leaving a comment below.

Also Read: Composition Scheme

How to check a job on the Hreyahs portal?

The Hindi version of the Hreyahs site job check procedure is provided below.

  • You must visit the Saksham Yojana website first.
  • The website will open to its home page.
  • You must choose the “Job Opportunities” option here.
  • There will be two more options available to you on the page that opens. They are as follows.
  • Govt Job
  • Private Job
  • Choose the option that best suits your needs.
  • You will then get a list of every job that is available in the state.
  • By selecting the View button, you can view all of the job-related details.
  • This portal allows one to check both public and private employment.

Statics of Haryana Saksham Yojana

Applications10+2GraduatesPost GraduatesTotal
Total approved18080110296055510339271
Currently approved1671847265130016269851
Assigned honorary work214057269950346144450
Currently working386625382983139079
Applicants placed permanently (govt/private/outsource/apprenticeship)686351924866691


This article contains all the information regarding the Saksham Yojna Haryana portal in Hindi. It includes details on the goals, advantages, and facilities that are available, as well as the login method. Residents can call the helpline number listed on the portal if they have any issues with it.


Q: How many times can an applicant apply?

Ans: A candidate may only apply once for the program. However, the concerned ADC/DC may only offer a second opportunity if they determine that the reason for their scheme rejection was incorrect and that they must submit a new application.

Q: How can I get skill training under the scheme?

Ans: The “SAKSHAM YUVA-II” special plan is being introduced for skill training. Make contact with the relevant/ closest job exchange.

Q: What is Saksham Yojana Haryana?

Ans: Each educated unemployed youth in the state is expected to find employment under this initiative. The candidate may work under this program for three years.

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