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Sabla Scheme 2024-25: Objectives, Features, Services Provided, Implementation, Benefits & More

Sabla Scheme:- Providing health care, education, and life skills to adolescent girls (AGs) between the ages of 11 and 18 is the aim of the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls, often known as the SABLA Scheme. This government-sponsored program, which is overseen by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, was first implemented in India in 2011. The two primary components of the SABLA scheme are Nutrition and Non-Nutrition. Being associated with the Indian government’s flagship project, POSHAN Abhiyaan makes the program noteworthy.


What is the SABLA Scheme?

The goal of the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme, also known as the Sabla Scheme, is to develop teenage girls. This significant government program aims to improve adolescent ladies in the 11–18 age range. Adolescent Girls’ (AGsz) empowerment is the goal of the Sabla project. Health care, diet, and life skills instruction are how it is achieved. The concept is implemented through Anganwadis Centres (AWc), schools, and panchayat community amenities.

Under the SABLA Scheme, “adolescent girls” refers to girls who are between the ages of 11 and 18.

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Objectives of Scheme for Adolescent Girls

The SABLA program gives young girls the tools they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives, empowering them. The following are the specific goals:

  • enabling young females to live more fruitful lives
  • concentrating on the non-nutrition needs and nutrition to achieve complete well-being
  • fostering the development of skills to help teenage girls become independent
  • enhancing their current abilities and collaborating with the National Skill Development Program
  • Making the most of panchayat buildings, schools, and anganwadis to reach all girls who are at risk
  • promoting counseling, child care practices, and adolescent reproductive and sexual health (ARSH) among females
  • integrating females who have left school into the educational system

Eligibility for the SABLA Scheme

All Integrated Child Development Services programs under the initiative will cover teenage girls between the ages of 11 and 18, with a focus on those who do not attend school. All states and Union Territories will have 200 districts chosen to receive this coverage. There will be two age groups within the target group: 11–15 and 15–18.

  • the age of 11 to 14 years,
  • The age 15 to 18 years.

Implementation of the SABLA Scheme

  • The state governments/UTs are responsible for implementing the centrally subsidized SABLA plan.
  • The government will provide 100% financial assistance for all inputs, except nutrition supplies.
  • The federal government will provide the states half of their actual spending or their actual financial criteria, whichever is less.
  • The Ministry of Women & Child Development is in charge of overseeing the relevant center’s funding and program administration.
  • The general direction and execution of the program at the state level will fall under the purview of the Secretary of the Department of Women and Child Development/Social Welfare, which oversees the ICDS.
  • The director and other ICDS officials will carry out the SABLA plan at the state level.
  • The Anganwadi centers, which will serve as the hub for service delivery, will carry out the project.
  • The strategy will be implemented using the ICDS infrastructure.
  • Let’s say that the Anganwadi centers’ amenities and infrastructure require improvement. The planned use of the allotted space will take several forms, such as community centers, panchayat buildings, school buildings, etc.
  • The Anganwadi Worker (AWW) will conduct a survey, register, and encourage all teenage females under their supervision to visit the Anganwadi center.
  • The District Probation Officer (DPO) will implement the plan at the field level within the district.
  • The supervisors’ area, the ICDS Project area, and the Child Development Project Officers (CDPO) area will oversee the plan’s implementation.

Features of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls

The multifaceted Sabla Scheme, often called the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme, aims to enhance the lives of teenage girls. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • supplying sufficient amounts of nutritional supplements regularly
  • Providing guidance and life skills
  • supplying details about public services such as banks, post offices, police stations, and primary healthcare centers
  • enhancing general health by spreading knowledge about family welfare and hygiene.

Applicability of Scheme for Adolescent Girls

The following are the requirements for eligibility to apply for the SABLA Scheme:

  • SABLA Scheme (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls): This pilot program is open to all adolescent girls (11–18 years old) enrolled in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) projects from 200 carefully selected areas in India.
  • To properly address the unique demands of each group, the SABLA plan has further divided the age groups of 11 to 14 and 14 to 18 years.
  • To empower teenage females and enhance their general well-being, the SABLA program offers non-formal education, health and nutrition education, life skills education, and vocational training.
  • The program also targets school-age girls who use Anganwadi centers to obtain a range of benefits, including education, understanding of socio-legal issues, nutrition advice, and living skills.

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What Justifies the Need for the Adolescent Girls Scheme?

According to the 2001 Census, 16.75% of all females are adolescent girls. 2.74 crore girls suffer from undernourishment, while only 53.87% of women are literate. Furthermore, according to the 2017 Global Nutrition Report, approximately 51% of Indian women (or 56.2%, according to NFHS 3 2005–06) are still anemic.

Adolescence also occurs when a child is old enough to understand the need to live a healthy lifestyle and cognitively developed enough to acquire practical skills. In addition, because of this age range, it is possible to create a healthy lifestyle and address any preexisting health issues with the appropriate assistance and care. Consequently, teenage girls are the target of this initiative.

About Kishori Diwas

Girls receive health cards on January 8 in honor of Kishori Diwas, regardless of whether they attend school or not. This day also serves to promote awareness of the general well-being of young teenage girls. Here, the enormous women’s organization Anganwadis plays a major role.

About Kishori Health Cards

The word Kishori means little girl. teenage girls covered by the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for the development of teenage girls have their height, weight, and body mass index tracked by the health card. The Anganwadi Centers are in charge of these cards. The data is utilized to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and encourage female attendance in the classroom.

Benefits of the Scheme for adolescent girls

Benefits of the SABLA plan include:

  • supplying young girls’ dietary needs, particularly those for iron and folic acid
  • Enable teenage girls by teaching them about family welfare, job-related skills, and hygiene.
  • empowering women’s control over their reproductive and sexual health.

Funding for the scheme for adolescent girls

  • Nutrition is a program that is funded centrally, thus the Center and the State share the expenses equally. The northern states split this expense 90:10
  • The State and the Center split the cost of non-nutritional components 60:40. Nonetheless, the distribution is 90:10 for the states in the Northeast.
  • The Center provides 100% of the money for UTs that do not have laws.

Achievements of the SABLA Scheme

  • According to the PIB report, 48,68,553 people benefited from the program up until 2016.
  • In 2010, 205 districts around the country implemented the program.
  • By 2018, the program had spread over all of India due to its success.
  • The program underwent digitalization in 2018 through the Rapid Reporting System portal.

Concluding Remarks

The fight between the ever-present human need to hold onto the past and the equally compelling desire to move on to the future is symbolized by adolescence as an internal emotional upheaval.— Author and psychologist Louise J. Kaplan. India boasts one of the world’s largest teenage populations, but the country’s women must be empowered if it is to benefit from this demographic dividend. Programs such as Sabla ought to be supported because adolescence is the time when a lot of rights may be upheld and wrongs repaired.

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Q. Is the Sabla plan still in place?

Ans- The goal and objective of the SABLA Scheme for Adolescent Girls. SABLA Scheme (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls): This pilot program is open to all adolescent girls (11–18 years old) enrolled in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) projects from 200 carefully selected areas in India.

Q. What is the Sabla scheme’s age limit?

Ans- The program’s objective is to provide coverage for AGs between the ages of 11 and 18 for all ICDS initiatives in 200 carefully chosen districts throughout India on a trial basis.

Q. When was the Sabla scheme first implemented?

Ans- Initiated on April 1, 2011, the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India sponsors the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla.

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