Ruk Jana Nahi
Ruk Jana Nahi:- We shall discuss today when the results of the students who can retake the exam will be available under the Madhya Pradesh government’s ‘Don’t Stop’ initiative. Exam results are something that many look forward to, friends. You will learn all about the workings of the Ruk Jana Nahi plan today, with an emphasis on how it benefits the pupils. What are the pros and downsides of the No Stopping Scheme? The Ruk Jana Nahi program will cover in detail which pupils of which class can fill out the examination form and which students are not able to do so.
The Madhya Pradesh government’s School Education Department launched Madhya Pradesh Ruk Jana Nahi in 2016. Through this program, any state students who are unable to complete their 10th and 12th-grade exams can retake the board exams. The purpose of this program, which was launched by the state government to support students, is to allow them to retake courses in which they have failed and to register for subsequent classes. Every interested student in the state who wants to profit from the MP Board Ruk Jana Nahi Yojana 2023 must apply online. This will take place twice a year for all recipients. With the help of this plan, the state will also encourage higher education, and its students will gain independence and power.
Name of the scheme | MP ruk jaana nahi scheme |
Was started | by Madhya Pradesh Government |
Year | 2024 |
Beneficiary | 10th and 12th failed students of Madhya Pradesh state |
Application procedure | Online |
Objective | To encourage 10th and 12th failed students of the state to continue their studies. |
Benefit | 10th and 12th failed students of the state will be encouraged to continue their studies. |
Category | Madhya Pradesh Government Schemes |
Official website | |
Also Read:- Pradhan Mantri Dhan Laxmi Yojana
The MP Ruk Jana Nahi Admit Card Scheme was launched to assist state students who did not pass their 10th or 12th board exams. The students will be able to reapply after completing their forms for the next session. If a student presents supplemental in one or more subjects on the 10th or 12th board exam, they can take the exam and apply for a supplementary board exam right away by filling out the form. The objective of the admit card is to ensure that MP does not cease.
Name of the Board | Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education, (MPBSE) |
Examination | 10th / 12th Class |
State | Madhya Pradesh |
Year | 2023-24 |
Category | Exam Form Date |
Exams Date | December 2024 |
Results Release Status | July 2024 |
Official website | / www |
The Madhya Pradesh government administers exams as part of the Ruk Jana Nahi program each year. These tests are administered by students who did not pass their 10th and 12th-grade exams; as a result, the pupils can pass the test once more. Every student is urged to finish their education through Madhya Pradesh Ruk Jana Nahi, as it has frequently been observed that children drop out of school as a result of failure.
All of the students have the chance to retake the exam thanks to this program, and as a result, they can be admitted to the following class. The government has also posted all of the students’ admit cards to the official website. This year, the second chance exams will begin through this method on December 14. By going to the official website, all students who applied under this plan can download their admission card.
Students can apply on the Madhya Pradesh School Education Board’s official website if they wish to retake the 10th and 12th board exams. To qualify for the benefits of this program, they must first complete the online application form available on the Education Board’s official website. The Madhya Pradesh government offers this test twice a year. Only state students who failed the 10th and 12th board exams administered by the Madhya Pradesh Board of Secondary Education are eligible to apply for MP Board Ruk Jana. The Nahi Yojana 2024 benefits are available to you.
Also Read:- Odisha Ration Card List
In the exam results for grades 10 and 12, students can view all the information provided below.
Students must adhere to the instructions provided by us to check their MP Board results, which are as follows:
Also Read:- PM Pranam Scheme
Q.) Ruk Jana Nahi, MP How many times a year is the exam for the 12th grade held?
Ans. Remember that there are two exams for the 12th class held each year: one in June and one in December. Don’t give up.
Q.) Ruk Jana Nahi, MP How can I view my 10th and 12th grade results?
Ans. Ruk Jana Nahi, the official website displays the results for grades 10 and 12.
Q.) Which pupils is the MP Ruk Jana Nahi plan intended for?
Ans. The MP Ruk Jana Nahi Scheme has been introduced for students who failed their tenth or twelfth grade.
Q.) When can we expect to see the results of the 10th and 12th exams at Madhya Pradesh State Open School?
Ans. Following the test, the Madhya Pradesh State Open School 10th and 12th exam results will be released to the public. Exam results are available for all students to view online.
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