Govt Apps

Priasoft, Priasoft Report, e Gram Swaraj



PRIASoft expects to monitor all the in-stream (Receipts) and out-stream (Expenditure) of the Panchayati Raj Institutions. The Application works with better monetary administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) by achieving straightforwardness and responsibility in the support of records, consequently prompting better believability and eventually reinforcing PRIs. It is a unified Accounting Software planned for use by every one of the three degrees of Panchayati Raj specifically Zilla, Block, and Village Panchayat. Aside from making the way toward bookkeeping straightforward and simple (fundamentally because of the absence of prepared labor at this level), it guarantees better monetary administration, straightforwardness, and responsibility at the Panchayat level.

It a safe and job-based verification Accounting Software with a Centralized data set of all the in-stream (Receipts) and out-stream (Expenditure) of the PRIs accounts. The Software has been created by National Informatics Center, so Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Govt. of India in conference with the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (PR) to build up a Centralized Accounting Software expected for use by every one of the three degrees of Panchayati Raj – District Panchayat, Panchayat Union and Village Panchayat. It additionally works with the selection of changed Eight (8) Model Accounting Formats as endorsed by Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG).


It works with better monetary administration of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) :

  • By getting straightforwardness and responsibility for the upkeep of records.
  • So prompting better believability and Ultimately fortifying of PRIs.

PRIASoft highlights:


  • So straightforward and Easy to Use
  • Twofold Entry(Credit and Debit) Accounting ideas stowed away from end-clients for example Application handles them naturally dependent on business rationale
  • Panchayats just need to comprehend entering four sorts of vouchers ( RV, PV, CV, and JV)


  • Based on the 4-level Simplified Model Accounting Format/Heads suggested by C& AG for example Significant Head, Minor Head, SubHead, and Object Head
  • Follows Double-Entry, Cash Basis of Accounting i.e Cash premise implies on the off chance that money got, Income has recorded and expenses are recorded against this receipt when they’re really paid.

Zero in on Schemes utilized:

  • Central Government Schemes accessible consistently the nation over to all PRI for recording vouchers
  • State Government Schemes accessible consistently inside the State to all PRI for recording vouchers
  • So schemes isolated into segments and sub-parts
  • Mapping of plans/segments with account heads
  • So all receipts and installments caught at conspire/segment level


  • Easily configurable to meet State-Specific necessities
  • Provision to design in State’s particular neighborhood language


  • Completely Security-Audited
  • Data has disregarded a safe organization layer (https://)
  • Audit logs of all exchanges kept up in the information base


  • Web-based programming and accessible 24X7


  • Various MIS Reports accessible in the Public space

Contributions to PRIASoft:

PRIA Soft is an easy-to-use framework. PRIA Soft requires similar contributions as is right now caught by TN Panchayat Accounts registers for every one of the 3 levels. There are no extra data sources. Coming up next are the information sources needed by PRIA Soft:

  1. Ledger subtleties
  2. Checkbook subtleties for the different ledgers
  3. Opening Balance passage as of first April 2012
  4. Stock opening Balance as of first April 2012
  5. Receipt Details, as – the measure of receipt, getting from where, date of receipt, gotten through Cash/check, gotten in which ledger, and so on
  6. Use subtleties – consumption for which work/regulatory cost, installment to the worker for hire, date of installment, installment through which check Number, and so forth

The yield of PRIASoft:

The different information sources entered in PRIA Soft create different reports/cashbooks/registers, and so forth These reports or money books can be created and checked for any blunders or mix-ups made during the section. The missteps would then be able to be changed and redressed Cashbook can again be created.

Recording Opening Balance:

  • Before utilization of PRIASoft, each Panchayat should initially enter and freeze Statement of Affairs in PRIASoft as Opening Balance.
  • Opening Balance can adjust till the main Day Book has shut
  • Opening equilibrium has recorded for :
    • Panchayat’s own assets and Schemes
    • Balances accessible in Cash in Hand,
    • Various records of(Banks, Treasury and Post Office) under the plans.
    • Any advances have given to representatives and organizations under plans
  • Opening Balances for resulting years have consequently determined by the framework, once past FY books are shut.

Recording Note of Error in OB:

  • Note of Error choice can be utilized by (ZP/BP/GP) to alter the Opening Balance. (From FY 2015-2016 as it were)
  • Any crisscross in last monetary year’s end balance (Accounts, Advances, Liabilities, and so forth) can be altered through Note of Error.
  • The confound might be because of non-booking or wrong reserving of specific vouchers in the past FY.
  • Modification in Opening Balance utilizing Note of Error is obligatorily supported by Administrator client of PRI.

Bank/PO/Treasury Reconciliation:

  • PRIASoft permits the Panchayat to contrast its own Cash Book and Bank/PO/Treasury ‘ Accounts Pass Book and create a compromise report.
  • Difference of sum if any should enter.
  • Reconciliation should be possible once a month


  • The dashboard is accessible from the Homepage Reports Dashboard
  • Display measurements of Voucher and Books status (PRI levels)
  • So Display data on different channels (FY, State, and Schemes savvy)
  • Display No. of PRI’s ordered on till date, yesterday, and constant.
  • Five Top performing states have shown( % in speedometers).
  • Other States’ presentation is accessible by tapping the “View more” button.

Exchange Statistics:

  • “Exchange Statistics” shows information examination dependent on voucher passage and book of records in PRIASoft. ( Dashboard Transaction Statistics)
  • Total booked and Frozen vouchers measurements have appeared with the assistance of bar for example “Till Date” and “Today”.
  • “Book of Accounts Status” showed as a visual chart
  • “Receipt and Expenditure Status” can portrayed from the diagram
  • Bar diagram shows the number of vouchers booked and the end of books.
  • Bar diagrams to show the exhibition and non – execution of ZP, BP, and VP independently.

Pre Requisites for PRIASoft-PFMS (FFC Scheme):

  • Gram Panchayat(s) enrolled as Unique Agency in PFMS gateway.
  • Gram Panchayat(s) account should be in 30 DSC empowered Banks as it were.
  • Closing of the daybook ought to be forward-thinking for constant handling.
  • Class-2 DSC (Encryption &Signing) ought to secured.
  • Creation of all clients by State Admin (District Admin, Block Admin, Maker (Panchayat Secretary) and Checker (Gram Sarpanch/Pradhan)
  • Each client need to refresh the profile on the first login endeavor by entering a substantial email id and portable number (confirmed through OTPs)
  • Hierarchy level endorsement of client profile ( Higher level supports lower level).

Scheme and Work Statistics:

  • “Scheme wise Statistics” – The amount received under Central schemes, State schemes, and other resources have shown ( Pie Chart).
  • “Receipts and Expenditure” bar graph shows amount received in a scheme as Opening Balance/RV and expenditure through PV
  • “Work-wise statistics” represents using a Pie Chart, the % of expenditure booked under various sectors of work.
  • “Fund Utilization” has displayed in the form of % of funds utilized in the form of the speedometer.

FAQs on PRIASoft:

What is PRIASoft?

PRIASoft aims to keep track of all the in-flow (Receipts) and out-flow (Expenditure) of the Panchayati Raj Institutions. So it has a centralized Accounting Software intended for use by all the three levels of Panchayati Raj namely Zilla, Block, and Village Panchayat.

What is E Gram?

To strengthen e-Governance in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) across the country, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj (MoPR) has launched gram swaraj, so a user-friendly web-based portal. gram swaraj aims to bring in better transparency in decentralized planning, progress reporting, and work-based accounting.

What is E Gram Swaraj?

e-Gram SWARAJ unifies the planning, accounting, and monitoring functions of Gram Panchayats. Its combination with the Area Profiler application, Local Government Directory (LGD), so and the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) renders easier reporting and tracking of Gram Panchayat’s activities.

What is the work of Gram Panchayat?

The gram panchayat is the key local government Instron responsible for fulfillment of the community’s aspirations concerning the development of the village. Ensuring the availability of safe and secure water and sanitation facilities for all, throughout the year, so is primarily the responsibility of the gram panchayat.

What are the sources of funds for the gram panchayat?

Gram panchayat has various means on how to generate funds for development. Sources of funds for gram panchayat: Land revenue, tax on toddy ( specifically in South India, tax on vehicles, tax on the industries which are located in geographical boundaries of the village, toll tax, festival tax.

How do you use e Swaraj?

The portals can access at and can download on mobile. So the portal has launched for the improvement of society. PM Narender Modi launched the E-Gram Swaraj Portal & Swamitva Scheme while video conferencing with Sarpanches of panchayats across the nation.

Who introduced Gram Swaraj?

Gram Swaraj, a special term coined by Mahatma Gandhi and later developed by Vinoba which promotes the conversion of every village into a self-efficient autonomous entity where all the systems and facilities for a dignified living are available.

What do you mean by e panchayat?

E-Panchayat means –a web-based dynamic digital interface created for every panchayat in India, so giving information about particular Panchayat in a two-way flow of content. The objective is to facilitate and improve Panchayat functioning on a day-to-day basis, so through the two-way flow of information and content.

How do I download e Gram Swaraj?

The E Gram Swaraj mobile app can download from So on the home page of the portal App download link is available. The App can download an APK file also.

Why was Panchayat introduced?

This is a kind nationwide IT initiative introduced by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj so that endeavors to ensure people’s participation in program decision making, implementation, and delivery. So the project aims to automate the functioning of the 2.45 lakh Panchayats in the country.

How are e-governance initiatives changing the face of PRIs in India discuss?

E-Panchayat – This is a Mission Mode Projects which intends to improve the quality of governance in PRIs which includes 0.235 million Gram Panchayats, so 6094 Block Panchayats, and 633 Zila Panchayats. Further, it also enhances the coordination between the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, the Government of India, and PRIs.

Useful Links:

SSO ID Login Rajasthan, Track A Phone Number, WWF Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Typing Speed Test Game, Saral SBI, My Individual Business, My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, UIDAI Website, NSP Student Login, Arnab Goswami Contact Number.

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