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PMKSY योजना 2025, सिंचाई परियोजनाओं के लिए सरकार का बड़ा कदम, जाने यहाँ!

PMKSY Scheme, Examine the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY), a program that encourages effective irrigation techniques. Learn about the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana’s (PMKSY) objectives, advantages, and progress monitoring.


Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) – Overview

A flagship program with a ₹53 billion budget, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) was introduced by the Indian government in 2015. The program’s objectives are to maximize resource use, improve farm output, and offer farmers nationwide complete irrigation solutions.

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Here are some key details about the scheme:

  • With the goal of “Har Khet Ko Pani” (Water to Every Field), the program was introduced in 2015.
  • The Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP) and the Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP) program are the two main components that make up this umbrella initiative.
  • The program’s objectives are to increase the amount of cultivable land under guaranteed irrigation, boost the uptake of precision irrigation and other water-saving technology, improve on-farm water usage efficiency, and implement sustainable water conservation practices.
  • The Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, and the Ministry of Jal Shakti are in charge of carrying out the program.
  • The plan’s main objectives are water resource management, rainwater collection, and micro-irrigation.
  • Reducing water waste and improving aquifer recharge are the goals of the program.

One of the oldest occupations in the world is farming. It altered how we ate, lived, and structured our civilizations. One may even argue that the core of society is agriculture. When it comes to farming and cultivation, we have evolved technologically and become more effective over time. In one form or another, agriculture employs 75% of India’s workforce. Thus, the Indian economy depends heavily on the agriculture sector.

The government does more than only provide tax breaks and farm subsidies. In order to advance the industry and other related fields, it also invests a significant amount of funds in agricultural research and development. The Pradhan Mantri is one such project that was just launched by Yojana Krishi Sinchai. We will go over this scheme’s many features and advantages in this essay.

PMKSY Scheme Launch Date

On July 1, 2015, the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, started the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana.

PMKSY PDMC Guidelines

The PMKSY scheme’s Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP) component includes the Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) sub-component [6]. The goal of the PDMC recommendations is to increase the effectiveness of water resource management, rainwater collection, and micro-irrigation.

Key Components of PMKSY

The following are the main elements of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana:

  • The goal of the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) is to give governments financial support to finish their ongoing irrigation projects.
  • Har Khet Ko Pani (HKKP): This component seeks to increase the amount of cultivable land under guaranteed irrigation, enhance the deployment of precision irrigation and other water-saving technology, improve on-farm water usage efficiency, and introduce sustainable water conservation practices.
  • Enhancing soil and water conservation in rainfed areas is the goal of the watershed development component.
  • Per Drop, More Crop: This element seeks to increase the effectiveness of water resource management, rainwater collection, and micro-irrigation.

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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana Benefits

The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana seeks to maximize resource use, improve farm output, and offer farmers nationwide complete irrigation solutions. The plan’s main objectives are water resource management, rainwater collection, and micro-irrigation. Reducing water waste and improving aquifer recharge are the goals of the program.

Eligibility For The Scheme

The following requirements have been established for this scheme’s eligibility:

  • In order to benefit from this program, farmers must own agricultural property.
  • Farmers from all over the nation will be eligible to get benefits from this program.
  • Self-help groups, trusts, cooperative societies, incorporated businesses, producer farmers’ groups, and other qualified organizations will also receive benefits under the PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana.
  • Institutions and beneficiaries that cultivate the land under a lease arrangement for a minimum of seven years will receive the benefits of PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana 2024. Contract farming is another way to qualify for this eligibility.

Documents Required For Application

When applying for the program, the qualified recipients must provide the following documentation:

  • Aadhaar Card Of The Applicant
  • Identity Card
  • Farmer’s Land Papers
  • Deposit Of Land (Copy Of Farm)
  • Bank Account Passbook
  • Passport Size Photo
  • Mobile Number

Applying For The Scheme

To ensure that all farmers have access to the scheme’s information, an official portal has been established. All of the scheme’s details have been thoroughly detailed here. The websites of the state’s agriculture departments are where you can register or submit an application. You may find information about the application process on the website of your state’s Agriculture Department if you’re interested in applying for the program.

Process To View Mis Report

Regarding the scheme’s operation, the website also provides farmers with a Management Information System report. Farmers can find statistics and information about the program here.

  • You need to first visit the legitimate internet site of the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana.
  • At this factor, you may view the primary web page.
  • The following step is to choose the misrecord choice.
  • You’ll then be able to choose from the following alternatives.
  • Achievement report
  • Consolidated Activity
  • One touch format
  • DIP Document Uploaded
  • Per Drop More Crop Dashboard
  • PMKSY PDMC MI Workflow System
  • Drill down progress report
  • You must select the choice based on your needs.
  • Following this, a new page will appear.
  • You must fill out this page with the requested information.
  • You now need to select the View option.
  • Your computer screen will display pertinent information.

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Although this is a great endeavour in a crucial area of agriculture, its effectiveness cannot be assessed until the intended recipients utilize it. Only then will we be able to identify the system’s shortcomings and blind spots and make necessary improvements as we go? Therefore, it’s critical to raise awareness of programs like this in order to expand their reach. Contact the specialists at Vakilsearch if you have any additional questions or need help with any legal or regulatory issue, and we’ll make sure you get the best professional advice possible.


Q. What is PMKSY’s slogan?

Ans: Har Khet Ko Pani (Water to Every Field) is PMKSY’s motto.

Q. Which industry does PMKSY belong to?

Ans: PMKSY is connected to the agricultural industry.

Q. To what extent did the PM Kisan Yojana benefit farmers?

Ans: The PM Kisan Yojana has helped more than 14 crore farmers as of October 2022.

Q. What is the PM Agriculture Subsidy?

Ans: The Government of India introduced the PM Subsidy for Agriculture as a financial aid program to help farmers and encourage agricultural growth.

Q. The PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana was approved in which year?

Ans: In 2015, the PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana was authorized.

Q. How do I apply for a PM subsidy?

Ans: The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare’s official website is where farmers can apply for PM subsidies.

Q. How can I view my status list for PM Kisan?

Ans: Through the Common Service Center (CSC) Farmers or the official website, farmers can view their PM Kisan status list.


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