PM Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) is another Central Sector Scheme to give pay backing to all landholding ranchers’ families in the nation to enhance their budgetary requirements for getting different information sources to identify with agribusiness and associate exercises just as homegrown needs. Under the Scheme, the whole monetary obligation towards move helpful for focused recipients will be borne by the Government of India. For more information visit
Under the PM-KISAN plot, all landholding ranchers’ famities will be given the money related advantage of Rs.60001 per annum per family payable in three equivalent portions of Rs.20001 each, like clockwork.
The PM-Kisan Scheme dispatched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 24th February, 2019.
No. ln the starting when the PM-Kisan Scheme dispatched on 24th February 2019, its advantages were permissible just to Small and I/larginal Farmers’ (SI\4F) families, with consolidated landholding up to 2 hectares. The Scheme was later on changed w.e.f. 01.06.2019 and reached out to all rancher families independent of the size of their landholdings.
The plan produces results from 01.12.2018.
All landholding ranchers’ families, which have cultivable landholding in their names are qualified to get an advantage under the plan.
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Under the Plv-KlsAN plot, all landholding ranchers’ families will be given the monetary advantage of Rs.6000/- per annum per family payable in three equivalent portions of Rs.2000/- each, at regular intervals. The time of the 1st portion under the plan is from 01.12 2O18 to 31 03 2019, that of the second portion from 01 04.2019 to 31 07.2019, 3rd portion from 01 08.2019 to 30 11 2019, etc.
No. All serving or resign officials and workers of focal/state Government Ministries/Offices/Departments and their field units, Central or State PSEs and Attach workplaces/Autonomous lnstitutions under Government just as customary representatives of the Local Bodies not qualified to get advantage under the plan. Anyway servrn or resign Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)/Class lV/Group D representatives qualify to get advantage under the Scheme, give their families generally qualify and not secure under other avoidance models.
Truly. The ambit of the plan has stretched out to cover all rancher families, independent of the size of their property possessions.
ln instance of inaccurate revelation, the recipient will obligated for recuperation of moved financjal advantage and other reformatory activities according to law.
The cut-off date for assurance of qualification of recipients under the plan is 01.02.2019 and no progressions from that point will be considered for qualification of advantage under the plan for next 5 years, with the exception of move of land on progression in the event of death of landholder.
Truly. The Scheme advantages will permitted in all such situations where move of responsibility for land has occurred after the cut-off date of 01.02.20’19 because of progression because of death of the landowner.
ln situations where move of responsibility for land has occur between 01.12.2018 and 31.01 .2019 because of any reasons, for example, buy, successlon, will, blessing, and so on, the primary portion during the money related year (2018-19) will of proportionate sum from date of move till 31.03.2019 concerning the 4 months time frame, given the families generally qualified according to plot rules.
No. in the event that any individual from the family is annual duty payee in last evaluation year, at that point the family isn’t qualified for advantage under the plan.
A landholder rancher’s family characterized as “a family containing spouse; wife and minor youngsters who own cultivable land according to the land records of the concerned State/UT”. The current land-possession framework will utilize for ID of recipients for a count of advantage.
No. The land must be in his/her own name. lf the land proprietorship has moved in his/her name by virtue of progression then he/she will qualified.
No. Land holding is the sole measures to profit the advantage under the Scheme.
The duty of distinguishing the qualified ranchers’ families for advantage under the plan is totally of the State/UT Governments. The predominant land-possession framework/record of land in various States/Union Territories will utilized to recognize the proposed recipients for move of plan benefits.
The recipient records would shown at Panchayats to guarantee more prominent straightforwardness and data. Further, States/UTs would advise the approval helpful for the recipient through framework produced SMS. He/she can likewise discover his status through the Farmers Corner in the PM-Kisan entryway.
Every one of such rancher family would be independently qualified for the advantage; under the plan upto the degree of Rs. 60001 gave they are generally qualified according to plot rules.
Truly. The monetary advantage under the plan will straightforwardly credited into financial balances of recipients.
Truly, the recipients needed to furnish their ledger subtleties alongside their Aadhaar number in order to credit the monetary advantage; under the plan straightforwardly into their financial balances. No advantage can be given if financial balance subtleties have not been given.
Also Read: Agriculture Department
Aadhaar number was discretionary and not obligatory for arrival of first portion relating to the period 01 .12.2018 to 31.03.2019; though just ownership of Aadhaar number made compulsory for arrival of second portion relating to the period 01.04.2019 to 31.07.2019. Further, Aadhaar cultivating of recipients’ information made required; for arrival of 3’o portion relating to the period 01.08.2019, and for ensuing portions onwards. As of late, be that as it may; Government has loosened up the obligatory necessity of Aadhaar cultivating of recipients’ information upto 30.01.2019. This compulsory prerequisite of Aadhaar cultivating of the recipients’ information would keep on appropriate for arrival of all portions w.e.f. O1.12.2019. Notwithstanding, Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir, where Aadhaar entrance has not been a lot; have given exclusion from this obligatory necessity till 31.03.2020.
Indeed, States/UTs can give rundown of qualified recipients as and; when they are finished dependent on the qualification standards in clusters/ph rases. The advantages will be delivered on ordinary premise dependent on the affirmed list gave by the States/UTs.
There is no differentiation among metropolitan and country cultivable land under the plan. Both are secured under the plan, given that land arranged in metropolitan territories is under genuine development.
Miniature land possessions, which are not cultivable, are prohibited from the advantage under the plan.
The State/UT Governments are allowed to choose the suitable component/expert for approval of data/revelation furnished by the recipient. For more information visit
The cutoff date for’minor’ kids turning out to be ‘major’ is 01.02.2019.
No. Farming area being utilized for non-rural purposes won’t be secured for advantage under the plan.
The advantage will be given in three equivalent portions of Rs. 2000/- each for at regular intervals period into the ledger of every qualified recipient. For 2018-19, the recipient will be given one portion w.e.f. 01.12.2018.
No. Any individual or rancher family claiming in excess of 2 hectare of cultivable land won’t get any advantage under the plan.
If there should arise an occurrence of wrong announcement; the recipient will be subject for recuperation of moved money related advantage and other punitive activities according to law.
The cut-off date for assurance of qualification of recipients under the plan will be 01.02.2019 and; no progressions from that point will be considered for qualification of advantage; under the plan for next 5 years except the movement of land on progression; so if there should be an occurrence of death of landholder.
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