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PMJAY – Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana has been launch by the current Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, in the year 2014 for the noble cause – Quality Medicines at Affordable Prices for All. The campaign was undertaken through sale of generic medicines through exclusive outlets namely “Jan Aushadhi Medical Store” in various districts of the country. In September 2015, the ‘Jan Aushadhi Scheme’ was revamp as ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Yojana'(PMJAY). In November 2016, to give further impetus to the scheme, it was again rename as “Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana” (PMBJP).
Also Read: Ayushman Bharat Yojana (PMJAY) Eligibility, Registration, Login Apply
Making quality medicines available at affordable prices for all, particularly the poor and disadvantaged, through exclusive outlets “Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Kendras”, so as to reduce out of pocket expenses in healthcare and bring down the healthcare budget of every citizen of India through providing Quality generic Medicines at Affordable Prices.
Also Read: Ayushman Bharat Yojana in Hindi – आयुष्मान भारत योजना
It is a well-known fact that branded medicines are sold at significantly higher prices in India. Given the widespread poverty across the country, making available reasonably priced quality medicines in the market would benefit everyone, especially the poor and the disadvantaged.This has been always a major concern for the Government of India. Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers has been taking several regulatory and fiscal measures from time to time towards realizing this objective.
“Jan Aushadhi” is the novel project launch by Government of India in the year 2008 for the noble cause – Quality Medicinesat Affordable Prices for All. The campaign was undertaken through sale of generic medicines through exclusive outlets namely “Pradhan Mantri Janaushadhi Kendra” in various districts of the country.
JAS has been open across the country. So if you want to view the list of State-wise / District-wise JAS along with their locations, . The normal working hours of JAS are 8 Am to 8 PM.All therapeutic medicines are made available from Jan Aushadhi Stores. To get the list of medicines with their MRP which is presently available, click here. In addition to medicines and surgical items supplied by BPPI, Jan Aushadhi stores also sell allied medical products commonly sold in chemist shops so as to improve the viability of running the Jan Aushadhi store. OTC (Over-the-counter) products can purchased by any individual without a prescription. A prescription from a registered medical practitioner is necessary for the purchase of scheduled drugs.
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BPPI (Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India) has established under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, Govt. of India, with the support of all the CPSUs for co-coordinating procurement, supply and marketing of generic drugs through the Jan Aushadhi Stores. The quality, safety and efficacy of medicines are ensure by getting each batch of medicines procured from CPSUs as well as private suppliers tested from NABL approve laboratories and conforming to the require standards before the same are supply to Supers stockists /Jan Aushadhi Stores from the Warehouse of BPPI.
State Governments or any organization / reputed NGOs / Trusts / Private hospitals / Charitable institutions / Doctors / Unemployed pharmacist/ individual entrepreneurs are eligible to apply for new Jan Aushadhi stores. So the applicants shall have to employ one B Pharma / D Pharma degree holder as Pharmacist in their proposed store.
BPPI writes to all the State Governments with a request to open Jan Aushadhi Stores in their states. The State Government, Department of Health would make recommendations in favour of the operating agency who would run the Stores and also instruct the District Hospital Authority to provide the minimum space conforming to standards as approved by BPPI in the Hospital premises. The location of the store should be at such a place which is easily accessible to the OPD patients, preferably at the entry of the hospital & given to the agency free of cost.
The State Government needs to issue suitable instructions to the Hospitals/ Doctors for prescribing generic medicines.Other entities may approach BPPI either on the basis of the advertisement issued by BPPI or suo moto with a complete application along with the supporting documents mentioned in fulfilling requirements specified above. An agreement is to entered into between BPPI and the operating agency before the JAS starts functioning and BPPI makes arrangements for the dispatch of medicine.
BPPI will provide one time financial assistance up to Rs. 2.50 lakh as per details given below
What is Generic Medicine?
Ans:- Generic drugs are so good. There market under a non-proprietary or approve name rather than a proprietary or brand name. Generic drugs are equally effective and inexpensive compare to their branded counterparts.
What is BPPI?
Ans:- BPPI (Bureau of Pharma Public Sector Undertakings of India) has been establish under the Department of Pharmaceuticals, So Govt. of India, and their support of all the CPSUs for co-coordinating procurement, supply and marketing of generic drugs through the Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan Aaushadhi Kendras PMJAY.
Are generic drugs as effective as branded ones?
Ans:- The generic drugs have same efficacy and therapeutic value as that of the branded medicines.
What are the medicines available?
Ans:- The endeavour of BPPI is to make available all therapeutic medicines at Jan Aushadhi Stores, so a list of medicines with their MRP which are presently available under the heading “PMBJP Products- Therapeutic groups” on the website of BPPI. More medicines are added to this list.
Ans:- The benefits available for Jan Aushadhi store owners are as follows:
All the participating physicians were aware of the Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi scheme and availability of its stores. We conclude that some of the doctors are still not convince about efficacy and promptness of Jan Aushadhi generic medicines. Maximum doctors do not prescribe generic medicines. So there is a cozy connection between the medical practitioners and pharmaceutical industries. This influences the prescription of most of medical practitioners. So there is evidence that the pharmaceutical companies sponsor conferences and offer personal gifts. Medical associations and societies request the drug companies to sponsor their scientific activities. They are such as conferences, symposia, and continuing medical educations.
The glitter of the drug industry is too irresistible. So it has been observed that the doctors with frequent drug detailing are more willing to prescribe new medicines even in the absence of evidence base. The doctors do not find any advantage in prescribing generic medicine vis.-à-vis branded medicines which offer them attractive returns so, prescribing brand name medicine is more prevalent. So it has been observed that the doctors are aware only of the brand names of drug combinations and not their generic contents.
Other Link: NSP Portal
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