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PM Yashasvi Yojana Syllabus 2024: Benefits, Eligibility, Features, Apply Online and Download Syllabus

PM Yashasvi Yojana Syllabus: For scholarship purposes, this PM Yashasvi Scholarship is released. This is a scholarship exam that students can take to see whether they are eligible for funding. whether approved by the committee, they will then be entitled to receive the funds directly into their bank account. The student must complete the registration form by August 26, 2023, at the latest. You will all learn about the PM Yashasvi programme in this essay.

The government aimed to assist these children in receiving the best education possible, therefore this scheme was adopted for OBC, NOMADAC, and semi-NOMADAC members. The primary reason for this implementation is that the majority of pupils in these castes are impoverished. Additionally, you can learn more about the PM Yashasvi Yojana on this page. It is possible for you to learn how to apply for the yojana or scholarship.

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The Overview Of The Pm Yashasvi Scholarship

One significant effort by the Indian government to assist students from specific socioeconomic backgrounds in their academic pursuits is the PM Yashswi Scholarship. It is directed towards students who belong to the Denotified, Nomadic Tribes (DNT), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Economically Backward Classes (EBC). By giving these students financial help, the scholarship aims to relieve their financial burdens so they can pursue post-secondary or university studies. This programme is run by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and is a part of the larger “PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme Vibrant India.”

Students must have attended classes IX or XI and come from families whose annual income does not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakhs in order to be eligible for the PM Illustrious Scholarship. Applicants are chosen through a written exam known as the YASASVI ENTRANCE TEST (YET), which evaluates their aptitude and determines whether they qualify for scholarships that pay for their education and guarantee that they may concentrate on their studies and meet learning objectives.

What are the benefits of the PM YASASVI Scholarship?

The following are the advantages of the PM YASASVI Scholarship:

  • The scholarship amount awarded to the chosen individuals would vary based on their class and category, from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 1,25,000 per year.
  • The scholarship money will pay for books, stationery, tuition, accommodation fees, and other educational costs.
  • Through DBT, the scholarship will be awarded to the candidates’ bank accounts directly.
  • Annual renewals of the scholarship are possible as long as students maintain excellent academic standing through the end of Class 12.

PM Yashasvi Yojana 2023 Syllabus

The following syllabus will serve as the basis for the preparation of the question paper for the PM Yashasvi Yojana exam.

social study

  • History
  • Chemistry & Biology, Science, Physics
  • Sports
  • Basic Computer
  • Politics
  • Awards & Honours
  • Books & Authors
  • Economics
  • Environment
  • National & International Current Affairs


  • Percentage
  • Probability
  • Simple and Compound Interest
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Time and Work
  • Number System
  • Decimal Fractions
  • Time and Distance
  • Statistics
  • Trigonometry
  • Ratio and Proportion
  • Profit and Loss

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Procedure To Register On PM Yashasvi Scholarship

To apply for the PM Yashasvi Scholarship Yojana, follow the instructions below.

  • Visit the Pm Yashasvi Yojana of the NTA website first on its official website. Following that, the portal’s homepage will open for you.
  • PM Official Website of the Yashasvi Scholarship
  • Proceed to the portal, select the Register option, and complete the application that appears there.
  • You must click CREATE ACCOUNT after providing all the requested information in the application.
  • To avoid having to check in again, make sure you store your username and password.

How To View School wise list

Please carefully follow the below procedures to view the school-wise list.

  • Initially, go to the NTA’s official website.
  • Next, you must click the Allocation Of Slots (State/Ut) PDF file, which will then begin to download.
  • Download this PDF now to see all the information related to your search.

PM Yasasvi Scholarship Yojana 2023 Online Apply

You must register on the PM Yashasvi Yojana’s official website before you can submit an application. You can then use the generated ID password to log in to the website.

  • Go to the National Testing Agency’s official website first.
  • A home page will open as soon as you visit the website. You now need to navigate to the login area and enter your login information.
  • You must select the application form option after logging onto the website.
  • A form will now appear in front of you; you must fill it out completely and accurately.
  • All of the necessary document scanned copies must also be uploaded.
  • Submit the application form once it has been completed and the necessary documents have been uploaded.
  • For your records, print up the application form receipt.

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How to Download PM Yashasvi Yojana 2023 Syllabus

To obtain the PM Yashasvi Scholarship 2023 Syllabus, adhere to the instructions provided below.

  • Firstly, visit the official to get the syllabus.
  • A homepage will then open.
  • It is now necessary for you to select the syllabus selection.
  • You must select the PDF download option on the new page that appears.
  • Clicking this button will initiate the download of the syllabus.
  • Or there will be a PDF version of the syllabus. You may also print it off if you’d like.

When will the result of the PM YASASVI Scholarship be declared?

On October 15, 2023, the PM YASASVI Scholarship results will be announced on the the website of the NTA. By inputting their date of birth and roll number, candidates can view their results. The candidates’ overall rank and the marks they received in each paper will be shown in the outcome.


Q. When is the deadline for completing the PM Yashasvi Yojana form?
August 10, 2023, is the deadline for completing the PM Yashasvi Scholarship Scheme application.

Q. How does one go about filling out the PM Yashasvi Yojana form?
Ans: The page above discusses how to fill out the PM Yashasvi Yojana form.

Q. What is the PM Yashasvi Scholarship 2024 syllabus?
Ans: What is the number of subjects covered in the 2024 PM Yasasvi Scholarship Syllabus? Mathematics, Science, Social Science, and General Knowledge are the five disciplines that will be covered. How many math-related questions will there be in the PM Yasasvi Scholarship 2024? There are going to be thirty math-related questions.

Q. Does a negative Yasasvi scholarship score?
Ans: The 150-minute YASASVI Entrance Exam 2024 is an OMR-based test. There is going to be one mark for every 100 questions. The question paper for the YASASVI Entrance Exam will be available in Hindi and English. Erroneous responses do not result in a deduction of points.


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