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PM Kisan Nidhi, Key Features of Scheme, Targets of PM-KISAN Yojana, Qualifications, Benefits of PM-KISAN Scheme, Conclusion, FAQs

PM Kisan Nidhi is a central area conspired under the public authority of India which turns out revenue backing to the ranchers and their families. PM-KISAN plot was first executed as the Rythu Bandhu conspire by the Government of Telangana where a specific sum was given straightforwardly to the qualified ranchers. Afterwards, on 1 February 2019, during the 2019 Interim Union Budget of India, Piyush Goyal reported the execution of this plan as a cross-country project.

State leader Narendra Modi sent off the PM-KISAN plot on 24 February 2019 in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh. Under this plan, all minimal ranchers will give pay backing of Rs.6,000 each year in three portions which will keep straightforwardly to their ledgers. The complete yearly use for this plan supposes to be Rs.75,000 crore which will support by the Union Government. PM-KISAN Scheme is a significant subject for the IAS Exam.

पीएम किसान निधि भारत के सार्वजनिक प्राधिकरण के तहत नियोजित एक केंद्रीय पोर्टल है जो किसानों और उनके परिवारों को राजस्व का समर्थन करता है। PM-KISAN प्लॉट को पहले तेलंगाना सरकार द्वारा रायथु बंधु योजना के रूप में क्रियान्वित किया गया था, जहां एक विशिष्ट राशि सीधे योग्य पशुपालकों को दी जाती थी। बाद में, 1 फरवरी 2019 को, भारत के 2019 के अंतरिम केंद्रीय बजट के दौरान, पीयूष गोयल ने एक क्रॉस-कंट्री प्रोजेक्ट के रूप में इस योजना के निष्पादन की सूचना दी।

पीएम नरेंद्र मोदी ने 24 फरवरी 2019 को उत्तर प्रदेश के गोरखपुर में पीएम-किसान प्लॉट को रवाना किया। इस योजना के तहत, सभी न्यूनतम पशुपालकों को तीन भागों में प्रत्येक वर्ष 6,000 रुपये का वेतन समर्थन दिया जाएगा, जो सीधे उनके खातों में रखा जाएगा। इस योजना के लिए पूर्ण वार्षिक उपयोग 75,000 करोड़ रुपये माना जाता है जिसे केंद्र सरकार द्वारा समर्थित किया जाएगा।


About PM Kisan Yojana – Key Features of Scheme:

The features of the PM-KISAN plot are given in the table beneath:

Name of the schemePM-KISAN Yojana
Full-FormPradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana
Date of launch24th February 2019
Government MinistryMinistry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Official Website

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Targets of PM-KISAN Yojana:

PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana has been executed as a Central plan by the Government of India. This plan was acquainted with expanding the kind of revenue of numerous little and minor farmers. The principal targets of the PM-KISAN plot are referenced underneath:

प्रधान मंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना भारत सरकार द्वारा एक केंद्रीय योजना के रूप में क्रियान्वित की जाती है। यह योजना कई छोटे और छोटे किसानों के राजस्व के विस्तार से परिचित है।

  • To turn out revenue backing to all qualified land-holding ranchers and their families.
  • PM-KISAN plot likewise means to enhance the monetary necessities of the ranchers in getting different contributions to guarantee legitimate harvest wellbeing and suitable yields, comparable with the expected homestead pay.
  • The plan is supposed to expand the inclusion of PM-KISAN to around 14.5 crore recipients. It intends to cover around 2 crores more ranchers with the expected use of Rs. 87,217.50 crores that will subsidize by the Central Government.

Competitors can realize exhaustively the Government Schemes for the Benefit of Farmers in the connected article.

Qualification to avail benefits under Pradhan Mantri KISAN Yojana:

Any little or minor rancher shouldn’t fall under the accompanying measures to be qualified under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. The following are a portion of the classes of recipients who are not qualified for benefits under this plan:

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  • Any institutional land-holders.
  • The rancher as well as any individual from the family has a place with the accompanying classes:
  • Previous and present holders of established posts
  • Previous and present Ministers/State Ministers
  • Therefore Previous or present individuals from LokSabha/RajyaSabha/State Legislative Assemblies/State Legislative Councils
  • Previous and present Mayors of Municipal Corporations
  • Previous and present Chairpersons of District Panchayats.
  • Any serving or resigned officials as well as representatives under the Central/State Government Ministries/Offices/Departments.
  • All resigned beneficiaries who get month-to-month benefits of Rs.10,000/ – or more have a place with the above classification.
  • Any person who paid their annual expense in the last appraisal year isn’t qualified under this plan.
  • Experts like Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, and Architects enrolled with Professional bodies and completed calling by attempted rehearses.
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The Farmers qualified under the plan expected to create the beneath referenced records for their check:

  • Citizenship authentication
  • Landholding papers
  • Aadhaar card
  • Ledger subtleties

Benefits of PM-KISAN Scheme:

Given beneath are the benefits and the effect of the PM-KISAN plans:

  • The immediate exchange of assets is one of the greatest benefits of this plan. On December 25, 2020, within the sight of PM Narendra Modi, Rs.18,000 crores were straightforwardly moved to the ledgers of 9 crore ranchers
  • Every one of the records connected with ranchers enrolled formally on a computerized stage which has made the enlistment and asset move simple. The digitalised records have achieved another beginning to this government assistance conspire
  • This plan facilitates liquidity imperatives of ranchers
  • PM-KISAN yojana is a major step toward the Government’s drive for the modernisation of horticulture
  • There is no segregation in picking the PM-KISAN recipients.

FAQs on PM Kisan Nidhi:

What is the PM-KISAN Scheme?

PM-KISAN or the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana is a Central area plan to turn out revenue backing to all landholding ranchers’ families in the country to enhance their monetary requirements for securing different data sources connected with horticulture and partnered exercises as the need might arise.

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PM-KISAN या प्रधान मंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना देश में सभी भूमिधारक किसानों के परिवारों को राजस्व समर्थन देने के लिए एक केंद्रीय क्षेत्र की योजना है ताकि बागवानी से जुड़े विभिन्न डेटा स्रोतों को हासिल करने के लिए उनकी मौद्रिक आवश्यकताओं को बढ़ाया जा सके और आवश्यकता के अनुसार भागीदारी की जा सके।

What are the advantages of the PM-KISAN Scheme?

Under the PM-KISAN Scheme, the recipients will furnish with Rs.6,000 per annum/per family in equivalent portions.

PM-KISAN योजना के तहत, प्राप्तकर्ताओं को 6,000 रुपये प्रति वर्ष / प्रति परिवार के बराबर भागों में प्रदान किया जाएगा।

When and by whom was the PM-KISAN yojana sent off?

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi sent off the PM-KISAN conspire on February 24, 2019. The plan became effective on December 1, 2018.

भारत के प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने 24 फरवरी, 2019 को पीएम-किसान योजना का शुभारंभ किया। यह योजना 1 दिसंबर, 2018 से प्रभावी हो गई।

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What is the vital benefit of the PM-KISAN conspire?

Under the PM-KISAN conspire, the cash will move straightforwardly to the financial balance of the recipient. This is one of the public authority’s drives to modernize agribusiness.

PM-KISAN योजना के तहत, नकद सीधे प्राप्तकर्ता के बैंक खाते में ले जाया जाएगा। यह कृषि व्यवसाय को आधुनिक बनाने के लिए सार्वजनिक प्राधिकरण के अभियानों में से एक है।

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