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Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024, Apply Online, Eligibility, Important Dates

Odisha State Scholarship Portal:- To give state students access to scholarship options, the Odisha government developed the Odisha State Scholarship webpage. For those students looking to apply for several government scholarships, this portal serves as a one-stop shop. The state’s students can use this gateway to apply for any scholarship they’d like. Both students and government-registered institutions can benefit greatly from this portal. You can read the article below for additional information about the Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024.


Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024

The Odisha government has established the Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024 to offer financial aid to all deserving students in the state. The government has started many scholarship programs via this platform. Every state student in need can apply for any of the many scholarships offered by the state government with ease by using our scholarship portal. Students may now quickly learn about the login credentials, application process, and other information with the aid of this scholarship site.

The Odisha State Scholarship Portal’s details

Name of ScholarshipOdisha Scholarship 2024
Launched byST/SC/OBC/Other Minority Welfare Department, Odisha
BeneficiariesPost Matric students
ObjectiveTo provide financial assistance to ST/SC/OBC/SEBC/Minority groups candidates for pursuing Post Matriculation/Post-Secondary qualification

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The Indian government offers scholarship possibilities to assist those who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to continue their education. One of the primary causes of not being able to pursue further education is the lack of financial resources for those from socially and economically disadvantaged groups. The Indian government offers scholarships to those who cannot afford to pay for their education. The purpose of the Odisha State scholarship portal is to assist students who are struggling financially.

  • Students can visit the official website and fill out the application form to apply for different scholarships depending on their income requirements. The scholarship site offers a plethora of additional possibilities, including the ability for students to track the progress of their applications. Students can examine their payment information by logging into the official portal.

Use the Odisha State Scholarship Portal to apply for the Odisha Free Laptop Distribution.

The relevant government is seeking applications for the Biju Yuva Sashaktikaran Yojana financial assistance program. Students who meet the requirements may apply for the program via the Odisha State Scholarship Portal by April 10th, at the latest. Under this program, a laptop or thirty thousand rupees will be given to the chosen recipients.

Scholarship categories listed on the Odisha State Scholarship Portal

The Odisha State Scholarship Portal offers the following scholarships:

Scholarship NameProvider Name
PRERNA Scholarship- Post Matric for EBCSocial Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of Odisha
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti Scholarship)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)Higher Education Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
PRERANA Scholarship- Post Matric for EBCST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesSocial Security and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of Odisha
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesScholarship to Meritorious Students under the Central Sector Scheme
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationIndian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited, Odisha (IMFA)
PRERNA Scholarship- Post Matric for EBCCouncil of Higher Secondary Education, Government of India
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)Sarojini Damodaran Foundation
Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipHigher Education Department, Government of Odisha
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsSports and Youth Services Department, Government of Odisha

Application Time for the Odisha Scholarship Programme

Scholarship NameApplication Period
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Between October and December
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)Between October and December
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCBetween August and October
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCBetween August and October
Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesBetween September and November
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesBetween September and November
Prof. Ghanshyam Das Scholarship for Higher EducationBetween September and November
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under Central Sector SchemeBetween August and October
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)Between May and July
Vyasa Kabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipBetween May and July
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsBetween April and June
Nirman Shramik Kalyan Yojana ScholarshipBetween February and March

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, the candidate must meet the following requirements:-

Scholarship NameCategoryEligibility Criteria
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)For AllAny accredited school or university offering three-year graduate courses must accept the students. Total annual income from all sources for the student’s family cannot exceed INR 6 Lakh. Students may apply for the Medhabruti only during the enrolment year, or the first year of education. In order to be eligible, the student needs to have completed the +2 CHSE in Odisha, the ICSE or CBSE-approved institution, or the equivalent class 12 exam. The minimum number of points required for the student’s 12th standard grade was 60%.
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)For AllAny accredited school or university offering three-year graduate courses must accept the students. Total annual income from all sources for the student’s family cannot exceed INR 6 Lakh. Students may apply for the Medhabruti only during the enrolment year, or the first year of education. To be eligible, the student needs to have completed the +2 CHSE in Odisha, the ICSE or CBSE-approved institution, or the equivalent class 12 exam. The minimum number of points required for the student’s 12th standard grade was 60%.
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)For AllAny accredited school or university offering three-year graduate courses must accept the students. Total annual income from all sources for the student’s family cannot exceed INR 6 Lakh. Students may apply for the Medhabruti only during the enrolment year, or the first year of education. To be eligible, the student needs to have completed the +2 CHSE in Odisha, the ICSE or CBSE-approved institution, or the equivalent class 12 exam. The minimum number of points required for the student’s 12th standard grade was 60%.
Eligibility Criteria
Technical and Professional Merit (Medhabruti)For AllThe total annual income of the student’s family from all sources cannot exceed Rs 6 lakh. A student can apply for Medhabruti only during the year of enrollment (first year of study). The student must pursue an integrated curriculum and a regular technical degree or a professional graduate degree approved by government regulatory agencies like AICTE, MCI, DCI etc. The student’s latest qualifying examination score must be at least 60%.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCScheduled CasteCandidates must earn more than INR 2.5 lakh annually for their family. The applicant must remain permanently residing in Odisha. If the candidate wishes to pursue post-matriculation studies, they must be enrolled in any of the courses specified under Groups I, II, III, and IV. The applicant needs to be enrolled in an approved private or publicly funded school.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STScheduled TribeThe candidate’s family income cannot exceed one lakh Indian rupees per year. A minimum of 50% on the candidate’s previous exam is required. Candidates must live in Odisha permanently. The candidate must enroll in any of the post-matriculation courses listed under Groups I, II, III, and IV. The candidate must be admitted as a student to a public or private educational institution.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCOther Backward Class/ Socially and Economically Backward ClassThe candidate’s family income cannot exceed one lakh Indian rupees per year. A minimum of 50% on the candidate’s previous exam is required. Candidates must live in Odisha permanently. The candidate must enroll in any of the post-matriculation courses listed under Groups I, II, III, and IV. The candidate must be admitted as a student to a public or private educational institution.
Eligibility Criteria
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCEconomically Backward ClassThe family income of the applicant should not exceed Rs 1 lakh per year from all sources. Only higher education from government institutions is acceptable for the candidate. Applicants must take courses listed under Group I, II, III, or IV. Only general category EBC is eligible for this scholarship program.
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesFor AllThe applicant’s family’s annual income is limited to Rs 2.4 lakh. The applicant’s impairment must account for a minimum of 40% of the total. The applicant needs to be an Odisha state resident. The applicant’s age cannot be under five years old. The applicant is not eligible for any further pension from the State Government, the Federal Government, or any other government-funded institution. Candidate needs to be enrolled in post-matric courses.
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesFor AllThe applicant’s family’s annual income cannot be more than Rs 2 lakh. A liberal arts, engineering, or medical program must be attended by the candidate. The applicant needs to be an Odisha state resident. The applicant, if chosen, must not have accepted or received any other financial aid at the time of application. Note: Applicants who identify as SC/ST or who are physically challenged will be given preference.
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationFor AllThe applicant’s family’s annual income cannot be more than Rs 2 lakh. A liberal arts, engineering, or medical program must be attended by the candidate. The applicant needs to be an Odisha state resident. The applicant, if chosen, must not have accepted or received any other financial aid at the time of application. Note: Applicants who identify as SC/ST or who are physically challenged will be given preference.
Eligibility Criteria
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under the Central Sector SchemeFor AllThe applicant must have passed the Higher Secondary Examination, which is administered annually by the CHSE, Odisha, to regular students. The applicant must pursue higher education at any college, institution, or university as a regular student. The combined annual income of the student’s household cannot exceed INR 6 lakh.
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)For AllThe candidate must have passed the Higher Secondary Examination conducted every year by CHSE, Odisha as a regular student. The candidate must pursue higher education as a regular student in a college, institute, or university. The total annual income of the student’s family cannot exceed Rs 6 lakh.
Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipFor AllThe applicant needs to live in the state of Odisha. Both the Higher Secondary Examination and the Odia B.A. must have been passed by the candidate. Both have to succeed. Honors/Main Graduation Exam (Arts). Applicants must have received at least 90% in the Higher Secondary Examination’s Odia paper. A minimum of 80% on the degree exam is required of candidates.
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsFor AllThe candidate must have passed the Higher Secondary Examination conducted every year by CHSE, Odisha as a regular student. The candidate must be pursuing higher education as a regular student in a college, institute, or university. The total annual income of the student’s family cannot exceed Rs 6 lakh.

Also Read:- Vishwakarma Shram Samman Yojana

Rewards Details

Scholarship NameAward Details
Junior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Each selected student will receive INR 5,000 annually for two years.
Senior Merit Scholarship (Medhabruti)Each selected student will receive INR 10,000 annually for two years.
Post Graduate Merit Scholarship Each selected student will receive INR 10,000 annually for two years.
Technical and Professional Merit The scholarship includes a maintenance allowance of up to Rs 1200 for hostlers and Rs 550 for day students, apart from covering the actual tuition/course fees, admission fees, library fees, and sports fees.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for SCApart from a maintenance stipend of up to Rs 550 for day students and Rs 1200 for hostellers, the scholarship pays the actual tuition/course fees, admission fees, library fees, and sports fees.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for STThis scholarship covers the actual course and tuition cost, admission fee, library fee, sports fee, and maintenance allowance up to Rs 350 for day students and Rs 750 for hostellers.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for OBC/SEBCThis scholarship covers actual tuition/course fees, admission fees, library fees, sports fees, and maintenance stipends up to Rs 750 for hostlers and Rs 350 for day scholars.
PRERANA- Post-Matric Scholarship for EBCThis scholarship covers the actual course and tuition cost, admission fee, library fee, sports fee and maintenance allowance up to Rs 350 for day students and Rs 750 for hostellers.
Pre Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesThroughout the academic year, the scholarship is provided for ten months, and the monthly payment for students and boarders is Rs 350 and Rs 600 respectively. This includes monthly reader’s allowance for visually impaired students and monthly transport allowance for non-resident students. Hostel, monthly maintenance allowance for students with severe disability (80% or more), and monthly coaching allowance for students with mental health problems.
Rewards Details
Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesScholarship to Meritorious Students under the Central Sector Scheme
Prof. Ghanshyam Dash Scholarship for Higher EducationThe scholarship rate for the first three years of college and university courses is INR 10,000 per year for students at the graduation level. The annual scholarship rate for postgraduate study is INR 20,000. Students taking integrated courses or a professional degree are eligible to receive INR 20,000 annually in the fourth and fifth years of their studies.
Scholarship to Meritorious Students under Central Sector SchemeScholarship to Meritorious Students under the Central Sector Scheme
Vidyadhan Scholarship Program (Odisha) (1st and 2nd year)The maximum annual scholarship awarded to chosen scholars will be INR 6,000.
Vyasakabi Fakir Mohan Senapati ScholarshipThe highest annual scholarship amount awarded to chosen candidates would be INR 20,000.
Financial Assistance to SportspersonsThe selected athletes will receive the following financial aid: 100% of fees for BPL Category athletes, plus an additional 10,000 INR for diploma and long-term courses and 5,000 INR for 6-week certificate courses to cover other extraneous costs like travel. Those in the Non-BPL Category will receive a 75% fee remission in addition to an extra INR 2,500 for 6-week certificate courses and INR 5,000 for diploma and long-term courses to cover other extraneous expenses like travel.

Required Documents

The following records need to be turned in for this scholarship program:

  • A current passport-sized photo of the candidate.
  • Caste certification.
  • Income Statement.
  • An Aadhaar card copy.
  • The account number and IFSC code are located on the first page of the applicant’s bank account passbook.
  • A duplicate of the domicile certificate from the Tehsildar/Addl. Tehsildar, or another appropriate authority.
  • Proof of residency is provided by the employer if the applicant’s parents work for the Odisha State Government.
  • Mark sheets and the certificate of the most recent qualifying exam, as stipulated by the various scholarship categories.

Odisha State Scholarship Portal Appy Online

  • The scholarship webpage for Odisha State can be accessed by clicking on this link.
  • It will open to the homepage on your computer.
  • At this point, select Apply Scholarship.
  • There’ll be a pop-up window that opens.
  • Choose the division, course, area, and further information.
  • It will show all of the scholarships for which applications are accepted.
  • Select the scholarship that you want to apply for now.
  • The application will become available.
  • Complete the form with your information, then select “Submit” to finish.
  • It will be successful to submit the application form.

Registration For The Odisha State Scholarship Portal In 2024

  • To visit the scholarship’s official website, click the provided link.
  • Your screen will open to the homepage.
  • Select the “Registration option” option.
  • A brand-new page will appear.
  • After carefully reading all of the terms and conditions, select “I agree.”
  • Click the “Proceed” option after that.
  • On the screen, the updated registration form will appear.
  • Fill out the application form with the required information.
  • Enter your Aadhar data and select the “Verify Aadhar” option to confirm your Aadhar.
  • Click “Register” once you have filled out the application form with all the necessary information.
  • You can quickly register on the scholarship site in this way.

Know Your Application Status

  • To visit the scholarship’s official website, click the provided link.
  • Your screen will open to the homepage.
  • Select the “Know Your Status” option.
  • One of the pages on your screen will open.
  • Your application ID and Aadhaar number must be entered.
  • Check your information.
  • Put in your OTP here.
  • Your screen will show your current state.

Login to the Odisha State Scholarship Portal

  • To access the Odisha State Scholarship Portal, candidates must first go to the official website.
  • You can now access the Odisha State scholarship portal’s online login option on the homepage by going to the official website.
  • When you select the Login Option, A new window will open in front of you.
  • After completing all the relevant fields, click the “Submit” button.

Advice for a Successful Application

To ensure that your scholarship application at the Odisha State Scholarship Portal is accepted, follow these tips:

  • Students are asked to carefully read the guidelines and the requirements for eligibility for the award. To complete the application form, make sure you are reading the instructions.
  • To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must submit the application form along with all necessary supporting documentation.
  • When applying for a scholarship, applicants are asked to abide by the rules. For the student to be eligible, the scholarship must be submitted by the deadline.
  • Before submitting your application, make sure to check it over as there may be some mistakes.
  • When completing the application form, the applicant is asked to give accurate information. Ensure that you only enter the accurate information.

Also Read:- SC OBC Free Coaching Scheme


Students can apply for several scholarships granted by the state government in a straightforward method by using the Odisha State Scholarship Portal. For this reason, we strongly advise students to utilize the Odisha State Scholarship Portal to apply for financial aid.


Q.) What is the Scholarship Portal for Odisha State?

Ans. The official scholarship portal for the state of Odisha is the Odisha State Scholarship Portal. Students can use this official portal to apply for the scholarship.

Q.) Which kinds of scholarships are offered through the portal?

Ans. Pre-matric, post-matric, and merit-cum-means scholarships are among the many types of scholarships that are available on the portal for students at various educational levels.

Q.) What qualifications are needed to be eligible for the Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024?

Ans. To be eligible for the scholarship, a candidate must be a permanent resident of the state of Odisha and a member of the social group considered economically disadvantaged.

Q.) How can I apply online for the Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024?

Ans. To complete the application, the candidate must go to the official Odisha State Scholarship Portal 2024 and select the Apply Online button.

Q.) What paperwork is required when applying for scholarships?

Ans. Your academic credentials, bank account information, income certificates, and caste certificates (if applicable) are required.

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