Govt Apps

NSP 2019, Institute Login

NSP Login 2019 is a one-stop solution through which various services ranging from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of varied scholarships to Students are enabled. National Scholarships Portal is taken as Mission Mode Project under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)



National Scholarships Portal is a one-stop solution through which various services ranging from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction, and disbursal of varied scholarships to Students are enabled.
So this initiative aims at providing a Simplified, Mission-oriented, Accountable, Responsive & Transparent ‘SMART’ System for faster & effective disposal of Scholarships applications and delivery of funds directly into beneficiaries account with no leakages.

Also Read: CSC UTI


The Mission Mode Project (MMP) of National Scholarships Portal under the National e-Governance Plan aims at providing a standard electronic portal for implementing various Scholarships schemes launched by Union Government, government and Union Territories across the country.


Ensure timely disbursement of Scholarships to students provide a standard portal for various Scholarships schemes so Central and State Governments Create a transparent database of students avoid duplication in processing Harmonisation of various Scholarships schemes & norms Application of Direct Benefit Transfer


Simplified process for the students:

1: All scholarships information available under one umbrella.

2: Single integrated application for all scholarships

Improved transparency:

1: System suggests the schemes that a student is eligible.

2: Duplicates are often reduced to the utmost extent

Helps in standardisation:

1: Master data for Institutions and courses in the least India level.

2: Scholarships Processing

  • Serves as a choice network (DSS) for Ministries and departments as up-to-date information are going to be available on demand.
  • Comprehensive MIS System to facilitate monitoring every stage of Scholarships distribution i.e. from student registration to delivery of funds.

Also Read: CSC Login

How do I check my national scholarship status?

Once you’ve got successfully submitted an electronic NSP form, you’ll print the appliance form by clicking on the’ Print Your Application’ section. You’ll check the status of your scholarship application by pressing the’ Test Your Status ‘ section by login NSP Portal.

When NSP scholarship money will come?

The NSP scholarship portal is going to be opened within the month of November 2020 for pre and post-matric scholarships of BC, SC, ST. While that for minority and PWD category candidates are going to be opened within the month of March 2020.

What is the last date of NSP 2020?

Last Date: Sept 2019
Fresh Application Date: July 19
Last Date For National Scholarship Renewal: Oct 2019
Last Date For NSP 20-Fresh Application: Oct 2019

How much money is during a scholarship?

Most students can expect to receive $5,000 to $10,000 in scholarships, but that varies widely supported the value of attendance at the school and the way hard the scholar works on the appliance process.

Are SSP and NSP the same?

Students those that have applied under NSP Government of India only are eligible to use under SSP Government of Karnataka.

How much is that the post-matric scholarship?

1.00 lakh once a year (including self income, if employed). The rates under different Post-Matric Courses ranges between Rs. 750 per month and Rs. 260 per month for hostellers.

Can I apply for two scholarships?

Yes, you’re generally ready to receive multiple scholarships. So any scholarships that don’t allow a recipient to carry other scholarships will state this within the eligibility criteria. Confine mind that you simply cannot apply for an equivalent scholarship.

What percentage of scholars get a scholarship?

1.5 percent of scholars in baccalaureate programs got enough scholarships and grants to hide 100 percent of the value of attendance. 2.7 percent got enough to hide 90 percent of the value of attendance. 18.8 percent received enough to hide 50 percent of the value of attendance.

Also Read: MGNREGA

FAQs on NSP 2019:

How does one receive scholarship money?

That depends on the scholarship. The cash might go on to your college, where it’ll be applied to any tuition, fees, or other amounts you owe, then any leftover funds are given to you. Or it’d be sent on to you during a check.

What is the income limit for NSP scholarship?

The parental/family income ceiling is Rs. 8 lakh once a year for all categories under the scheme and would be applicable from the tutorial Session 2018-19. Income certificate would be required for the fresh applicants only. So a student is going to be eligible for the scholarship for a complete duration not exceeding 5 years.

Is NSP for a general category?

The scholarships are hospitable nationals of India only. The scholars having but 40% disability (Certified by the competent medical authority of the State Governments/UTs.) aren’t eligible. National Scholarship Portal(NSP) for studying in any class is going to be available for less than one year.

Is National Scholarship portal just for the minority?

Answer: Students belonging to notified minority communities viz. Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi (Zoroastrian) studying in India only and fulfilling the Scheme guidelines are eligible to use for these scholarships.

Is SSP compulsory for NSP?

It is mandatory for all eligible students to use both under NSP & SSP to avail of this scholarship. So students who have applied under NSP Govt of India are only eligible to use under SSP Govt of Karnataka.

How am I able to get a scholarship for SSP?

1:- attend Website
2:- Click on Create Account link.
3:- Select Pre-Matric checkbox.
4:- Enter student SATS ID & click on Get data button.

How am I able to check my scholarship during a bank account?

  • Visit the official portal of
  • Hit the “Status” tab on the website’s homepage.
  • Enter the license number and date of birth correctly.
  • Click on the search button and application status are going to be displayed on the screen.

Can I apply for NSP in 2nd year?

Are only first-year undergraduate students eligible to apply? Yes, only those students who have passed Class XII(CBSE board) or equivalent Examination of State Boards for the present year are eligible to use.

Which caste students can Login for NSP scholarship?

Check out below Eligibility for National Scholarship Portal (NSP): The scholarships are hospitable nationals of India only. The scholars having but 40% disability (Certified by the competent medical authority of the State Governments/UTs.) aren’t eligible.

How do I select a scheme in NSP?

In the case of Post Matric, premium and MCM scholarship scheme one registration must be through with one checking account number.

Important Note:

  • The login id and password to log into NSP portal are going to be your Application Id and DOB respectively.
  • Students advised submitting only “One Application Form”.

What is 2.0?

National Scholarship Portal 2020: NSP 2.0 the govt of India has launched a to supply the scholarship to pre metric & post metric students of the country. So national Scholarship Portal 2019 has provided a variety of scholarships to SC/ST, OBC & Minority Students of the Country.

Who can Login for the NSP portal?

Check out below Eligibility for National Scholarship Portal (NSP): The scholarships are hospitable nationals of India only. the scholars having but 40% disability (Certified by the competent medical authority of the State Governments/UTs.) aren’t eligible.

What is the income limit for NSP scholarship?

The parental/family income ceiling is Rs. 8 lakh once a year for all categories under the scheme and would be applicable from the tutorial Session 2018-19. Income certificate would require for the fresh applicants only. So a student is going to be eligible for the scholarship for a complete duration not exceeding 5 years.

How am I able to add Institute in national scholarship portal?

You can also Search your Institute/School/ITI registered with NSP.

1: Select Institution State.
2: Select Institution District.
3: Select Institute /College/ITI.
4: Enter School/College/ITI Name(Optional) .
5: Click on Get Institutions List button.

Is NSP for the overall category?

The scholarships are hospitable nationals of India only. The scholars having but 40% disability (Certified by the competent medical authority of the State Governments/UTs.) aren’t eligible. National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for studying in any class is going to be available for less than one year.

How do I upload files to NSP portal?

1: Log into the National Scholarship Portal (NSP).
2: Register Yourself.
3: Logging into the National Scholarship Portal.
4: Filling the National Scholarship Portal form.
5: Uploading the Documents.
6: Contact Details.

What is defective verification in NSP?

Answer: Just in case the appliance marked as ‘defected’ by the Institute/District/State, the appliance is going to revert to the scholar for correction of the defect in his/her form. Student can correct the defect and so resubmit the appliance for re-verification within the timeline given on NSP Login.

How do I update my national scholarship portal?

Answer: You’ll edit information filled by you until you submit the web application. To edit the appliance, attend the choice “NSP login”-> enter the appliance id then click on submit ‘login’ button.

Useful Links:

NPS Full Form, Phone Number Finder, DNB Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, CPCT Typing Test Online Mangal Font, MGNREGA, My Individual Business, My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, Aadhar Card Status By Name, NMMS, Virat Kohli Private Phone Number.

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