Digital India Job

Nrega Job Card New List 2024, Registration,Online Check & Benefit

Nrega Job Card New List:- The country’s prime minister at the time, Dr. Manmohan Singh, introduced NREGA, often referred to as MGNREGA, in 2006. All rural residents are guaranteed 100 days of employment under this program each fiscal year, which frees them from having to leave their homes in pursuit of job and enables them to locate possibilities in their towns and villages. In return for their labor, the government pays these persons a minimum wage. The applicant does not need to possess any additional abilities in order to get employed under NREGA.

The NREGA Job Card is a requirement for receiving 100 days of work under the NREGA plan each fiscal year. This program creates an NREGA Job Card for first-time applicants each year, and then another NREGA Job Card. Card List is released. If rural residents have not yet registered for an NREGA Job Card, they should examine the list and submit an application as soon as feasible.


What is NREGA Job Card List?

The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) 2005 is an Indian program that guarantees rural employment for adult unskilled laborers by giving every rural household at least 100 days of guaranteed pay employment per fiscal year. Work on a voluntary basis.

Through reducing dependency on casual labor and increasing purchasing power, the NREGA Job Card (NREGA Yojana) seeks to increase livelihood stability for rural households by providing at least 100 days of paid employment in a fiscal year.State-level departments supervise the initiative, which is run by the Indian government’s Ministry of Rural Development.

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Brief description of NREGA Scheme

Name of the schemeNREGA (MGNREGA) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Was launchedBy the then Prime Minister of the country Dr. Manmohan Singh
NREGA bill publication date22 March 2005
Date of passing of NREGA bill23 August 2005
Year of NREGA launch2 February 2006
Department NameMinistry of Rural Development, Government of India
ObjectiveTo provide 100 days employment to the citizens of rural areas.
Beneficiarycitizens of india
Official website

How to check NREGA job card list?

If you would also like to view or download your name from the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA employment card list, you can do so by following the instructions we’ve provided below.

    • Candidates should first go to, the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme’s official website.
    • You must now select Quick Access from the menu at the bottom of the main page. Click Panchayats GP/PS/ZP Login after that.
    • You will now see a few more options; select Panchayats GP/PS/ZP Login first, followed by Gram Panchayats.
    • Click the Generate Reports option when it appears on the following page.
    • You must now click on your state from the list of states that has shown in front of you.
    • Following that, your screen will go to the MNREGA Gram Panchayat Module Report page.
    • Subsequently, ensure that all the requested fields—financial year, district, block, and panchayat—are filled out accurately and click the “Proceed” button.
    • Following that, your screen will display a list of all the beneficiaries of NREGA job card holders in your area.
    • Subsequently, the applicant must select the NRGA Card Number (job card number) that appears next to his name.
    • Clicking the job card number will cause your job card to open up in front of you. Your work card will have all of your information. Your job card is available for download and printing.

    State-by-State NREGA Job Card Listing

    Andaman and NicobarAndhra Pradesh
    Arunachal Pradesh Assam
    ChhattisgarhDadar and Nagar Haveli
    Daman and DiuGoa
    Himachal PradeshJammu and Kashmir
    Madhya PradeshMaharashtra
    Manipur Meghalaya
    SikkkimTamil Nadu
    TripuraUttar Pradesh
    UttarakhandWest Bangal

    What data is available for review on the NREGA website?

    • On the NREGA website, you can view the master roll for your Gram Panchayat.
    • In the Gram Panchayat, you can find out who’s earnings were used for NREGA-compliant work.
    • Job cards have been produced for the village’s residents.
    • Applications for employment under NREGA are available on the NREGA website.
    • Only on this website can you check the status of labor payment.
    • The details of every project completed under NREGA are available online at

    How is the NREGA Muster Roll displayed?

    By clicking on R2, you can view the NREGA Muster Roll for your village. Select the fiscal year by clicking on the MusteRoll option found under Demand, Allocation & Musterol. Then, you may move on by selecting one of the alternatives below for Filled Muster roll or Issued Muster roll. Following this, your village’s Muster Roll will appear in front of you.

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    Procedure for Verifying NREGA Attendance

    The following procedures should be followed if you are a citizen with a job card created under the NREGA scheme and you would like to check your NREGA Attendance Check or NREGA Hajiri Online Check:

    • R2 is available on the Gram Panchayat Reports website. Go to the Musterol, Allocation, and Demand section.
    • Select the option labeled “Alert On Attendance” located within the section.
    • Following this, the NREGA Attendance list will appear in front of you. The number of days that each beneficiary has worked is displayed here, along with other relevant data.
    • State name
    • Registration identity card
    • Name of the head of the household
    • Number of days
    • Remaining Days

    How to access the NREGA MIS Report

    Management Information System is the complete name of this system. If you would want to view the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme MIS Report, you must take the following actions:

    • Visit the NREGA official website first at
    • Next, select the Reports area found on the home page.
    • You will now see a page where you must input the captcha after clicking.
    • Click the Verify Code option after completing the captcha.
    • You then provide the name of your state and fiscal year.
    • The NREGA MIS Report is now going to open for you.


    • The NREGA Job Card Scheme helps a lot of low-income households find work. in order to strengthen their financial situation.
    • You are eligible to work under NREGA for 100 days a year if your job card is created.
    • Both urban and rural residents are covered by this program.
    • In India, there ought to be no unemployment.
    • The NREGA job card has been extended to all citizens of all states. This can fulfill the requirements.
    • The government has now raised the pay under MNREGA. Previously, laborers received wages of Rs 209 per day; today, they are paid Rs 309 per day.

    How Do I Apply Online for an NREGA Job Card?

    A few years ago, no person could apply online for NREGA on his own, for this he had to resort to offline means, but now on the lines of Digital India, like every other task, the process of NREGA Job Card Apply has also been made online. So, if you are a person who does not yet have your own NREGA Job Card, then you can now get your job card made online by following the following steps:

    • The UMANG App or UMANG Portal requires registration before you can complete the NREGA Job Card Online Registration; you can access it at
    • Use your cell number and OTP to log in to this site after registering.
    • You will then arrive at the Umang portal’s homepage.
    • You can now type MGNREGA into the search field that appears above.
    • Click on the MGNREGA service choice that appears in front of you.
    • The MGNREGA Service Portal page will now appear in front of you.
    • You can Apply for a Job Card, Download an NREGA Job Card, and Check the Status of a Job Card on this website.


    The post contains all of the information regarding the NREGA employment card list. In addition, candidates can obtain all the information they need regarding the NREGA job card list through this article if they have any questions or would need more information. Details are provided in the article.

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    Q.) The NREGA Job Card What is a Job Card for NREGA?

    Ans. The government would provide jobs under the NREGA initiative to the beneficiaries who possess a job card.

    Q.) What is the reason behind launching the NREGA scheme?

    Ans. The goal of the NREGA program is to give all of the nation’s impoverished people jobs so they can better their financial situations and meet their basic necessities.

    Q.) When did the MNREGA program begin?

    Ans. The MNREGA program was launched in 2005.

    Q.) How does MNREGA and NREGA differ from one another?

    Ans. The MNREGA and NREGA schemes are the same. It was modified in 2005, and MNREGA replaced NREGA as the new name.

    Q.) What is the number for the NREGA job card helpline?

    Ans. You can call the helpline number provided below if you need any information or if you are experiencing any issues with the NREGA job card list.
    Support line: 1800111555

    Suggested Link:- Mobile Number Tracker Online


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