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Nikshay Poshan Yojana, Online Application, Purpose, Benefits & Eligibility,

Nikshay Poshan Yojana:- To help those afflicted with tuberculosis, our nation’s prime minister, Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Nikshay Poshan Yojana. The Central Government of the country offers financial help to those suffering from tuberculosis (TB) under the Nikshay Poshan Yojana, amounting to Rs. 500 per month for their treatment. treatment for it) will be given. Although tuberculosis is a dangerous illness, some people lack the resources to treat their condition or to afford wholesome food while they are unwell. For those individuals, the government offers financial support.


Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2024

Under this program, almost 13 lakh TB patients nationwide will be covered. TB patients will not survive if they do not receive nourishing food and prescription drugs from their doctor. That is conceivable. A nutritious diet is just as vital to the patient as medications are. With the Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2023, the Central Government is taking a positive step with this project. As a result, fewer people will pass away from TB.

Information about the Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2024

Name of the schemeNikshay Poshan Yojana
Started byBy PM Narendra Modi
BeneficiaryPeople suffering from TB in the country
ObjectiveProviding financial assistance for treatment
Application ProcessOnline
Official website

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The objective of Nikshay Poshan Yojana

According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) study, India and seven other countries accounted for at least two-thirds of all TB infections globally in 2020. But thanks to the development of preventive and curative medications years ago, the disease is no longer incurable. As a result, inadequate nutrition, which enhances the effectiveness of the medications as mentioned above, is the cause of the extremely high infection rates.

The Central Government of India has taken the lead in assisting in the provision of wholesome food to tuberculosis patients through the Nikshay Poshan Yojana, which will help prevent the disease and significantly lower the mortality rate. According to surveys, this government endeavor has significantly contributed to a decrease in the death rate.

Payment schedule determined by patient category

Category of patientsFirst incentiveSecond incentiveThird incentiveFourth incentive
New patientsWith enrollmentIP Follow-Up – For 3 months after examinationFollow up for 6 months after examinationNA
Treating patients formallyWith enrollmentThe person suffering from TBFor 5 months after treatmentFollow up for 8 months after clinical examination
The person suffering from TBWith enrollmentFollow up for 2 months after examinationIP Follow-Up – For 2 months after examinationFor 4 months after the clinical examination

Key details of the Nikshay Poshan Yojana

  • Approximately 13 lakh TB patients would receive treatment under this program.
  • The relevant Central Government agencies will take the required actions to register the information of every patient signing up for this program.
  • The Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2024 has registered a total of Thirteen Lakh patients.
  • The Central Government creates a database under this program, where they periodically prepare the required records for each of those patients.
  • Patients with tuberculosis will receive assistance under this program as part of the National Health Mission.
  • If a patient lacks a bank account in his name, he may be able to obtain funds by using the account number of another individual. However, the recipient must also provide a self-certified consent letter to accomplish so.
  • Everyone will receive an extra two months if there is a new patient or if the patient is receiving official treatment.
  • There will be a 1000 rupee treatment and therapy budget. This implies that they will get treatment for Rs 500 per month.

Some important information related to the beneficiary

  • Every beneficiary will be given a Beneficiary ID so that others can identify them.
  • Recipients must input the information for their bank account. This information consists of their account number, IFSC code, bank name, branch name, branch ID, and so on.
  • To benefit from this scheme, the beneficiary needs to be registered with PFMS.
  • PFMS will provide the beneficiary with a special ID, which they need to show upon registering.

Benefits under Nikshay Yojana

  • Beneficiaries of this scheme will only get benefits if the DTO uploads the User Identified S Unique status.
  • The beneficiary will receive ₹1000 at the time of notification.
  • After the initial ₹ 1000 payment, ₹ 500 will be granted each month after the 56-day TV therapy.
  • After 167 days, the benefit amount distribution will end.
  • The department must submit information in this respect if the beneficiary’s treatment is still ongoing 167 days after it began.
  • Additionally, residents residing in tribal territories will receive 750 in transportation help.
  • Under this effort, a payment of ₹1000–₹5000 would also be made to the treatment supporter.

A few crucial guidelines regarding Direct Benefit Transfer

  • Recipients must give the details of their bank accounts.
  • When inputting bank account information, be sure that nothing is entered wrong.
  • Please send in a photocopy of the passbook, as indicated below.
  • The beneficiary must file a declaration in this regard if he wishes to receive the benefit amount in the account of any of his relatives.
  • The beneficiary must also provide their Aadhaar number.

Also Read:- Pradhanmantri Dhan Laxmi Yojana

Responsibility of health staff

  • Taking in new patients.
  • Timely updating of the portal with patient treatment data.
  • To make Aadhaar enrollment easier if the patient lacks Aadhaar.
  • To make it easier for the patient who doesn’t have a bank account to get one.
  • Educating others about the plan.
  • Gathering information on the patient’s bank account and Aadhar card.
  • If the patient is transferred to a new district, to check his contact details.

Due to beneficiary rejection

  • Should the beneficiary type not be present in the PFMS
  • when more than one recipient with the same bank account number is involved in the same plan?
  • Should the bank account number be incorrect?
  • If an Aadhaar number is absent.
  • If the census code for the incorrect address is given.
  • Should the bank account information be inaccurate?
  • If the batch ID is off, etc.

Eligibility for Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2024

  • This program is only available to those who are TB patients in the nation.
  • This initiative will be available to patients who have enrolled on the official Nikshay portal.
  • Those who are currently receiving TB treatment will be qualified.

Documents of Nikshay Poshan Yojana 2024

  • Required medical certification issued by a physician
  • Additionally, patients will need to turn in their application forms.
  • Passbook for a bank account

Important details about registering for the Nikshay Poshan Yojana

  • The beneficiary must first submit an application using the required forms.
  • The beneficiary’s account will receive the benefit amount directly.
  • The beneficiary may receive the benefit amount in the account of any member of his family if he does not have an account of his own.
  • The benefit amount cannot be split between two beneficiaries in a single account. Every beneficiary ought to have an account.
  • The beneficiary is required to make sure that the data he entered is accurate.
  • The department will verify the information on the bank account.
  • All beneficiaries’ bank account information will be authorized via DTO.

How can I apply for the 2024 Nikshay Nutrition Scheme?

  • Initially, the candidate must visit the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, official website. If you go to the official website, you will see the home screen.
  • This homepage is where you’ll find the login form. You will need to log in directly if you have previously registered. If you are not already registered, click the New Health Facility Registration link beneath the login form.
  • You will get the following page when you click on the selection. This page will open with the registration form. You must complete this registration form with all requested information, including the state, district profile, services offered, etc.
  • Once all the information has been entered, you must select the Continue option. Following that, a special ID code will appear on your screen; remember it.
  • You will need to log in once your registration has been approved. You will need to visit the home page to log in. You must then click the login button after entering your username, password, and other details in the login form.
  • This will conclude the enrollment procedure for your health care center’s Nikshay Poshan Yojana.

How to sign in to the Nikshay portal

  • Initially, you need to visit the Nikshay Nutrition Scheme’s official website.
  • You will now be able to see the main screen.
  • You must select the login option on the main page.
  • The display login page will then ask you to enter your username and password.
  • You must now click the icon to log in.
  • You will be able to access the Nikshay site in this manner.

Also Read:- Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Yojana

Helpline Number

We have covered all the pertinent details regarding the Nikshay Nutrition Scheme 2021 in this article. You can get help by calling the toll-free number if you’re still having issues of any type. 1800116666 is the number without a toll.


Q.) The Nikshay Poshan Yojana was started by whom?

Ans. The Indian government’s Ministry of Health introduced the Nikshay Poshan Yojna in April 2018. Every tuberculosis patient will receive a monthly monetary incentive of Rs 500 under this arrangement.

Q.) When was the Nikshay Mitra programme introduced?

Ans. On September 9, 2022, the President of India introduced the Nikshay Mitra project and the Ni-kshay 2.0 platform as part of the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukta Bharat Abhiyan. By 2025, they hope to eradicate tuberculosis in India. One of Abhiyan’s community engagement initiatives is the Nikshay Mitra scheme.

Q.) For whom is the Nikshay Poshan Yojna eligible?

Ans. Benefits under the Nikshay Poshan Yojna are available to all tuberculosis patients who register or get notifications via the NIKSHAY portal after April 1, 2018.

Q.) What advantages does the Nikshay Poshan Yojna offer?

Ans. Every TB patient would receive a monthly monetary incentive of Rs 500 under the Nikshay Poshan Yojna. The amount indicated will be the recipient of a Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

Q.) What is the Nikshay Poshan Yojna scheme?

Ans. A Centrally Sponsored Programme within the National Health Mission (NHM) is the Nikshay Poshan Yojna. It is made available in all of India’s states and union territories.

Suggested Link:- Our Jharkhand


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