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Naan Mudhalvan Scheme Apply Online,  2025 में युवाओं के लिए सुनहरा मौका, जल्दी करें पंजीकरण!

Naan Mudhalvan Scheme Apply Online, The Tamilnadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme was introduced by the state government for its students. Under this program, state students will receive financial aid to help them study for the civil service exam. By going to the official website, any student who has met the eligibility requirements can quickly apply for the program. The application must be completed by the student by the deadline. See the article below for additional information about the Tamilnadu Nal Mudhalvan Scheme 2025.


Overview of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship

The Tamilnadu government introduced the Tamilnadu Nal Mudhalvan Scheme. Students in the state who are economically disadvantaged will receive financial aid under this program. Students will be able to study for the UPSC exam with the aid of this financial aid. Every student who meets the requirements will receive INR 7,500 for ten months. Before the deadline, students who wish to apply under this program must visit the official website and complete the application. The chosen students will receive financial aid through the DBT mechanism.

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The objective of the Naan Mudhalvan UPSC Prelims Scholarship Exam

This scholarship program’s primary goal is to assist those from the economically disadvantaged segments of society. Applying for prestigious financial help allows those from low-income groups to receive financial support to complete their preparations. A screening test will be administered on August 02, 2024, to the thousands of applicants who will be chosen to apply for this esteemed program. Freshmen are welcome to apply for this scholarship program and will be among the chosen individuals. Using the scholarship’s outcome, you can be considered for full-time residential programs offered by the All India Civil Service Coaching Center. Without a doubt, this will assist in providing financial support for those without work opportunities at the moment.

Key Highlights of Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship

NameTamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship 2025
Launched by Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu State
Objective Providing financial assistance
Beneficiaries Civil services aspirants
Official Website Naan Mudhalvan

Eligibility Criteria

The candidate must be a graduate of an accredited Indian university with a bachelor’s degree.

  • Newcomers
  • The candidate must be older than twenty-one.
  • The candidate needs to be younger than 22.
  • Regulars
  • The candidate must be older than twenty-one.
  • 1. Candidates for SC, ST, or SC (A) positions should not be older than 37.
  • 2. No candidate from any community who is differently abled should be older than 42.
  • 3. Candidates for MBC, DNC, BC, or BC (M) shall not be older than 35.
  • 4. General candidates shouldn’t be older than thirty-two.

Number of Beneficiaries under Naan Mudhalvan

A screening test will be used to shortlist 1,000 civil service candidates annually under this scheme.

Benefits of Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship UPSC

To prepare for the preliminary exam, each candidate will receive Rs. 7,500 each month for ten months.

Important Dates

Events Dates
Date of notification2nd August 2024
Date of online application2nd August 2024
Last date to fill out the application17th August 2024
Issue of hall ticket09th September 2024
Exam date and time15th September 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Result declaration27th September 2024
Certificate verification04th October 2024
Course Start10th October 2024

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Detail of Scholarship Exam Centre

  • There are exam centers in each of Tamil Nadu’s 38 districts. On the application form, candidates should select one center to write the test. The hall ticket will provide information about the center’s location.
  • TNSDC maintains the authority to change the number of testing locations in order to reassign applicants appropriately.
  • Candidates are responsible for paying for their own attendance at the exam.

Exam Pattern

  • The test will be based on objective criteria.
  • There will be 150 questions.
  • There won’t be any negative marking, and the session will last three hours.
  • Only English will be used for the questions.


General Studies:

  • 1. Current affairs of national and global significance.
  • 2. The Indian National Movement and its history.
  • 3. Indian and Global Geography: India’s and the world’s physical, social, and economic geography.
  • 4. Indian Polity and Governance: Public Policy, Rights Issues, Panchayati Raj, Constitution, Political System, etc.
  • 5. Economic and Social Development: Social Sector Initiatives, Demographics, Poverty, Inclusion, Sustainable Development, etc.
  • 6. Broad topics related to biodiversity, environmental ecology, and climate change that don’t call for specialized knowledge.
  • 7. Science in general


  • 1. Understanding of English
  • 2. Communication skills and other interpersonal abilities
  • 3. Ability to reason logically and analytically
  • 4. The capacity to make decisions and solve problems 5. Mental aptitude in general
  • 6. Basic Numeracy (Class X level): Numbers and their relationships, orders of magnitude, etc.
  • 7. Class X level data interpretation, including tables, charts, graphs, and data sufficiency

Selection Process

  • Fifty freshmen (a candidate who makes their first attempt and must be at least 21 years old and not older than 22 on August 1, 2024) will be selected from among the 1000 applicants to be shortlisted for the monthly scholarship program.
  • Thus, the “NAAN MUDHALVAN UPSC PRELIMS SCHOLARSHIP EXAM” scorecard will also be used to shortlist 225 candidates for the full-time residential program, 100 candidates for the All India Civil Services Coaching Center’s part-time training program in R A Puram, Chennai, and 100 candidates each for the Anna Centenary Civil Services Coaching Academies’ full-time residential program in Coimbatore and Madurai.
  • Candidates must select the appropriate choices in order to be admitted to this training program the actual application. Individual requests from candidates to switch the training program’s location won’t be taken into account.

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Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme 2025 Online Registration

  • The scholarship possibility’s naan mudhalvan internet site ought to be accessed first by means of clicking the supplied hyperlink.
  • In your display, the homepage will open.
  • The scholarship’s info will appear on your display screen.
  • Proper now, you need to pick the “apply now” alternative.
  • In your display, the registration shape will appear.
  • Growing an account requires your call, e-mail cope with, and cell variety.
  • After logging in together with your records, you may continue to complete the utility form.


Q. How can I apply for the Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship in Tamil Nadu?

Ans: To complete the application form, you must go to the Tamil Nadu government’s official website and click the “apply now” option. You can also take the previously mentioned actions.

Q. When is the deadline to apply for the Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship in Tamil Nadu?

Ans: You must complete the application form by August 17, 2024, if you wish to be considered for this scholarship.

Q. What are the requirements to apply for the Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship in Tamil Nadu?

Ans: You must hold a bachelor’s degree from any accredited Indian university in order to apply for this esteemed scholarship program.

Q. What is the minimum age requirement to apply for the Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship in Tamil Nadu?

Ans: You must be under 22 years old as a fresher in order to apply for the scholarship. If someone is asking for a normal quota, the age limit varies depending on their category.

Q. What are the Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scholarship’s advantages?

Ans: If chosen for this esteemed program, students will get 7,500 for ten months. Additionally, they would be given consideration for full-time jobs in coaching facilities for the All India Civil Examination.


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