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Mukhyamantri Corona Shayak Yojna 2023

Mukhyamantri Corona Shayak Yojna :-The people of the state of Rajasthan will be the recipients of the Mukhyamantri Corona Shayak Yojna 2023. The boy or girl will receive ₹ 100,000 as a lump sum payment under this scheme for their immediate needs. Furthermore, until they turn eighteen, the boy or girl will receive ₹ 2,500 every month. this scheme, financial assistance worth ₹ 500000 will be given to the boy or girl after they reach the appropriate age.

This program will also provide assistance with education in addition to many other things. The widow will receive a lump sum payment of ₹ 100,000 under this scheme. Through this program, the widowed woman


Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme: Request for the family of the deceased

In just two days, 122 families received aid totaling Rs. 1 crore 22 lakh under the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme. Recipients are exempt from applying for this. The administration is making its own recommendations by the families of those who lost.

According to District Collector Prakash Rajpurohit, families of those who have lost a head to Corona are receiving relief through the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme. The government has approved 122 families to receive a monthly pension of Rs. 1500 and a lump sum assistance of Rs. 1 lakh in two working days, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday saw the approval of 40 requests, compared to Wednesday’s 82 approvals.

The proposed government policy states that orphan boys and girls who lost their biological or adoptive pa. The proposal has changed the deadline for the orphan’s parents’ deaths from October 15, 2022, as stipulated in the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme-2021, to March 31, 2023.

Alos Read:-pradhan-mantri-ayushman-bharat-yojana

Assistance for Rs. 103 crore in Rajasthan through the Corona Assistance Scheme

Language: Jaipur, January 13. A total of Rs 1 has been given to 14,817 widows and children in Rajasthan through the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme. According to a government spokesperson, about Rs 1 crore 91 lakh in aid has been given to 182 orphan children under the scheme, Rs 2 crore 95 lakh to the children of 5,640 widows, and Rs 99 crore to 8,995 widows.14,817 children and widows have received more than Rs 103 crore.

The spokeswoman claims that under the scheme, orphan children receive an immediate lump sum of Rs 1 lakh as well as Rs 2500 per month and Rs 2000 annually until they turn 18 years old. Upon reaching the age of 18, an additional payment of Rs 5 lakh is due.

Key information about the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Program

The principal details of this scheme are as follows:

Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme in Rajasthan is the name of the program.

initiated by Chief Minister of the Rajasthani government, Shri Ashok Gehlot ji
The program’s objective is to help those who are experiencing coronavirus symptoms.
Benefit of the program: Financial assistance will be provided to widows, women, and children.
Those who gain from the scheme: Children and widowed women
Situation of the plan The monthly pension payment for Rajasthan is Rs 150.
Online Application Process

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The online registration process for the Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme

Step 1: The Rajasthan Chief Minister Corona’s official Corona Sahayata Yojana website should be reachable.

Step 2: Select the Rajasthan Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme option from the homepage

You can apply for the Rajasthan Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme in this manner.

This is the qualifying guideline.

The highest income and age are unrestricted.
Beneficiaries may also access other programs offered by the Central and State Governments. Social Security Pension Plan or Corona Widow Pension will be the only benefits available to widowed women.
The Chief Minister Corona Child Aid will provide benefits to orphan children in lieu of the general foster care program.
Family members will not be eligible for the Corona Warrior Scheme if they are already receiving benefits from it or if they work for the government on a permanent basis.

If the widow woman is assigned to government service or gets married again, her Corona widow pension will be terminated.
Children who are orphans will receive Child Aid, according to Chief Minister Corona. For each boy and girl, a lump sum grant of Rs 1 lakh will be provided for their immediate needs.
Every boy and girl will receive Rs. 2,500 per month until they turn 18 years old.
Upon reaching the age of 18, each boy and girl will receive a lump sum payment of Rs 5 lakh.

Government residential schools and hostels will provide free education to Corona orphaned children up to class 12.
Female college students will be given priority admission to the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment’s hostels.College students will receive the DBT Voucher Scheme benefit unconditionally. Under the Chief Minister Yuva Sambal Yojana,

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The Chief Minister Corona Assistance Scheme’s various programs all appeared like

Delhi’s Chief Minister Corona Assistance Program

Chief Minister of Rajasthan’s Corona Child Assistance Program

The Chief Minister’s Covid Family Financial Aid Program etc

Chief Minister Corona’s Parent Assistance program (for a widowed woman’s child or children)

A. The widow will receive Rs. 1000/-(one thousand rupees per month for each boy or girl) until her child reaches the age of eighteen.

B. Until the widowed woman reaches the age of 18, she will receive a lump sum annual grant of Rs 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) for each boy and girl for school supplies, text books, etc.

Process of Grant Approval and Selection:

A. As a result of the corona virus, the district collector will identify the children who are orphaned and the children of widowed women and their offspring.

B. Following the District Collector’s certification, the designated eligible beneficiaries will receive payment approval orders in Appendix “A,” “B,” and “C” within a span of seven days.

C. The relevant competent authority will use DBT to transfer the grant or financial assistance into the beneficiary’s account based on the District Collector’s approval.

D. If the child is an orphan, the money will be deposited into the guardian and child’s joint bank account.

Suggested Link:- Mobile Number Tracker


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