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Mountbatten Yojana 2024: Features, History & What was the Mountbatten Plan?

Mountbatten Yojana: The last Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten, was the driving force behind the Mountbatten Plan, also known as the Indian Independence Act 1947. It arrived in May 1947 and significantly altered British India. To put it plainly, the purpose of this plan was to facilitate the prompt division of India and the orderly transfer of responsibilities, particularly about Dominion status. We shall study the program in-depth in this blog, covering everything from its background to its main features and beyond. Now let’s get started.

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History of Mountbatten Plan

Let us first talk about the history of the Mountbatten Plan before moving on.

  • In 1947, lord Mountbatten was appointed viceroy of India.
  • He was entrusted with the vital venture of smooth and rapid partition of India into completely new and independent states. this painting was accomplished with the aid of the then British high minister Clement Clement Richard Attlee.
  • Inside the yr 1947, lord Mountbatten proposed a progressive plan in which the provinces were declared impartial successor states. other than this, he was also given the option to join the constituent meeting. this became known as theDickie Bird Plan.
  • However, Jawaharlal Nehru was adversarial to this plan and stated that it would result in the partition of the United States. As a result, this plan got every other name plan Balkan.
  • On receiving rejections, he came up with another plan known as the Third June Plan or the Mountbatten Plan.
  • It pointed out the standards of partition, sovereignty, self-reliant popularity of both nations and other critical things.

What were the main provisions of the Mountbatten Plan?

The Mountbatten Plan contained several important clauses, including:

  • India will be split into Pakistan and India, two sovereign states.
  • The newly constituted nations would split up the states of Bengal and Punjab.
  • A Governor General will be nominated to represent the Crown in both India and Pakistan.
  • The original princely states will no longer be under British authority. The leaders of these republics were also offered the chance to become citizens of one of the two newly established sovereign states.
  • In the end, the title of Indian Emperor was dropped.
  • Pakistan’s Constitution will be drafted by a Constituent Assembly.

Benefits of the Mountbatten Plan

It led to the creation of Pakistan, granted India its independence, and cleared the path for amity between the two previously at-war nations. Indian politicians took over the reins of authority from the British in June 1948. The Mountbatten Plan guaranteed peaceful Indian independence at a time when the country’s governance was already insecure. Consequently, hostilities between Muslims and Hindus in India were avoided.

Features of Lord Mountbatten’s Plan

To assist you in better understanding the subject, we have outlined the main components of the Lord Mountbatten Plan below.

  • On July 18, 1947, the Act was ratified by the monarchy.
  • The Act fixed August 15, 1947, as the day India would be split into two distinct nations.
  • The Muslim League, the Sikh community, and the Indian National Congress were among the many groups who expressed their gratitude for it.
  • Pakistan was to encompass regions such as East Bengal, Baluchistan, Sindh, and Western Punjab.
  • Remarkably, votes were to be used to determine how Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sylhet districts would be divided.
  • Punjab was divided into East Punjab and West Punjab by the Mountbatten Plan.
  • The decision of which country to join was put to a vote by the NWFP, or North-West Frontier Province.
  • To determine international borders, the Boundary Commission was formed, with Sir’s
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What was the June 3 plan?

The declaration of India’s independence took place in February of 1947. It was during this time that Lord Mountbatten, who was viceroy of India at the time, was tasked with creating the plan for India’s independence. Subsequently, the Viceroy collaborated with notable figures from the Muslim League and the Congress Party to devise a strategy for partitioning India into two nations. This plan was presented to the public on June 3, 1947. That’s why it’s called the Mountbatten Plan.

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How did the partition happen?

Indian and Pakistani territories were split apart from British India under the June 3 Plan. That being said, Pakistan did not adopt the 1946 Constitution that the Constituent Assembly had created. Pakistan would have its own Constituent Assembly to make decisions, it was decided. The major princely states also had the choice of joining India or Pakistan or staying independent. Separating Muslim and Hindu districts into their provinces was also an option offered in provinces like Bengal and Punjab at the same time. An additional Congress conference was conducted on June 14, 1947, to discuss the partition and independence scenarios in this plan. However, communal violence during this time began to worsen the mood. Following which


Q: What are the merits of the Mountbatten Plan?

Ans: This strategy had several benefits in addition to receiving opposition and hatred from a large number of people. For instance, it founded Pakistan, a nation with a majority of Muslims, granted India its long-awaited independence, and worked to maintain peace.

Q: Which three aspects make up the Mountbatten Plan?

Ans: The plebiscite in the North West Frontier Province and the Sylhet district of Assam, the abrogation of the title of Emperor of India, and the division of India and its states into India and Pakistan were the three principal components of the Mountbatten Plan.

Q: When was the Mountbatten Plan announced?

Ans: The Mountbatten Plan was introduced by Lord Mountbatten on 3 June 1947.

Q: What function did Lord Mountbatten serve in India?

Ans: Lord Mountbatten was a key figure in the 1947 handover of authority to the Indian Union. He served in India before rejoining the Royal Navy and rising to the position of head of the newly formed NATO Mediterranean Command in 1953. He then succeeded his father, who had held the position of first sea master for more than 40 years, in 1954.

Q: What brought Mountbatten to India?

Ans: To implement the necessary measures to hand over control to the Indians, Lord Wavell was called back and Lord Mountbatten named the new Viceroy of India. In 1947, Lord Mountbatten became Governor-General and Viceroy.

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