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Mid Day Meal Scheme UPSC 2025 में छात्रों के पोषण सुधार के लिए 3 प्रमुख बदलाव

Mid Day Meal Scheme UPSC, In 1925, the Madras Municipal Corporation launched the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), a school feeding program. The Midday Meal Scheme is a program with good intentions. It seeks to give underprivileged kids at least one wholesome meal (lunch) every day. Children six through fourteen are fed cooked meals with certain nutritional levels. All children enrolled in government schools, government-aided schools, local body schools, and special training centers (STC) are eligible to receive this lunch. This article discusses the objectives, traits, and best practices associated with the implementation of the Midday Meal Scheme. Since questions about government programs and the UPSC Mains and UPSC Prelims tests are frequently asked, candidates should be knowledgeable in this area.


What is the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS)?

A government-sponsored initiative in India, the Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) seeks to feed schools nationwide wholesome meals. The scheme’s main goals are to increase school enrollment and attendance, improve children’s nutritional status, and promote socioeconomic and gender justice in education.

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History of Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India

The following is a brief history of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS):

  • The plan was first presented by the Madras Municipal Corporation in 1925. Free lunches were provided to disadvantaged students enrolled in government or government-aided schools under their control.
  • By the mid-1980s, the program had expanded to cover Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Gujarat, and Pondicherry.
  • Several Indian states eventually adopted the approach. As a result, it went into effect across the nation.
  • On August 15, 1995, the GoI launched the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) in order to carry out the program nationwide. Later on, the National Programme of Mid-Day Meals in Schools was the new name for it. These days, most people call it the Mid-Day Meal (MDM) program.
  • In 2001, the Indian Supreme Court mandated that all state governments provide cooked midday meals in all government and government-aided primary schools.
  • While Andhra Pradesh (AP) and Rajasthan received all of their funding from foreign aid, Karnataka, Odisha, and West Bengal were able to get international help to support the program’s implementation.
  • In 1997, the Children’s LoveCastles Trust started serving midday meals in Karnataka. This project included the adoption of eight schools and the establishment of the food bank and Anganwadi milk programs. The state government’s own noon meal program eventually took the role of the food bank program.

Objectives of the Mid-Day Meal Program

The following goals guided the introduction of the National Programme of Mid-Day Meals in Schools:

  • To improve children’s primary school enrollment, retention, and attendance.
  • To raise school-age children’s nutritional status.
  • To lessen the disparity between sexes in nutrition and education.
  • To eliminate caste stereotypes and disparities in order to promote equality among children.
  • To end hunger in the classroom.

Features of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS)

It is believed that the MDMS is the largest school feeding program in the region.

  • Each kid in number one college might get hold of a midday meal underneath this plan that protected 450 calories and 12 grams of protein, at the same time as top primary college students might receive seven hundred energy and 20 grams of protein.
  • One of the centrally supported programs is the midday meal scheme. the primary government and the corresponding state governments cut up the fees of putting the plan into motion.
  • All states get hold of unfastened meal grains from the Federal authorities.
  • Collectively with the corresponding country governments, the valuable authorities bear a portion of the costs associated with infrastructure development, food grain transportation, cooking, and paying cooks and assistants.
  • The states’ contributions vary from one another based on the necessity.
  • The Ministry of Education oversees its implementation.
  • Schools buy high-quality AGMARK products for their lunchtime lunches.
  • Meals have to be provided on school property.
  • Schools must have sanitary kitchens.
  • School Management Committees (SMCs) are in charge of MDMS.
  • The Right to Education Act mandates SMCs.
  • For meals paid for with school funds, headmasters must reimburse the MDM fund.
  • The State FDA may inspect the quality of meals.
  • A food allowance is provided in the event that no prepared meals are available:
  • What is the child’s entitlement to grain?
  • cooking expenses for the state.

Structure of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India

The following three models can be used to implement the plan:

  • Centralized approach: In this arrangement, some service providers cook the meals and deliver them to the schools.
  • Decentralized approach: Under this concept, local self-help organizations assist in preparing meals in the school.
  • International aid: The schools get assistance from international nonprofits to carry out the program.

Through a public-private collaboration with state governments, several non-governmental organizations assist the implementation of this system. Among those NGOs are Annamrita, Nandi, and the Akshaya Patra Foundation.

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Beneficiaries of the Mid-Day Meal Scheme in India

The students in classes I through VIII are enrolled in

  • Governmental educational institutions
  • Government-sponsored educational institutions
  • The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan provides funding for special training centers, madrasas (secondary religious schools), and maktabs (elementary religious schools).
  • It also includes children enrolled in schools nationwide that are part of the Alternative and Innovative Education and National Child Labor Project.
  • Under this program, primary school students in drought-affected areas are also given food during the summer break. This is done to make sure the kids are getting the right kind of nourishment.

Mid-Day Meal Programme Implementation

The noon meal program is applied in cooperation among the federal and kingdom governments.

  • The federal authorities give the national governments hints on the way to carry out the program. the principal suggestions aren’t always followed through all states.
  • There may be now a country-wide steering-present day-tracking committee (SMC). this maintains an eye fixed on the software. it offers the federal and kingdom governments coverage suggestions.
  • The initiative is likewise supervised through guidance and tracking organizations at the Kingdom degree.
  • Imperative help is released by way of this system approval board. after the committee submits its annual work plan, aid is made to be had as subsidies.
  • The authority to supervise the initiative has been delegated to a nodal department. implementation cells are established by way of this department. each district and block is given a single officer to ensure efficient execution.
  • Panchayats, or Urban Local Bodies, are in charge of the program in states where basic education falls within their purview.

Criticism Towards MDM Scheme

Among the several reasons the plan has drawn criticism are the following:

  • The food provided under the program is frequently of low quality. Cases of youngsters being fed tainted food have frequently been featured in media stories. The food is either rotting or not appropriate for human consumption.
  • Allegations of corruption have been made about the scheme’s execution. It has been alleged that school administrators have misused cash intended for the program.
  • The plan has drawn criticism for its lack of inclusivity. The program frequently denies admission to children from underserved neighborhoods.
  • The program has drawn criticism for not doing enough to lower India’s rate of malnutrition. India still has a significant child malnutrition rate in spite of the program.
  • Connecting the midday to Aadhaar Meal plans have disadvantages of their own. Many kids lack Aadhaar cards, which restricts their ability to participate in the program.

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Q. Which year did the midday meal program begin?

Ans: In 1995, the midday food program was launched.

Q. The Midday Meal Scheme: What is it?

Ans: A government initiative in India called the Mid Day Meal Scheme gives schoolchildren free lunches in an effort to boost their nutritional condition and promote attendance.

Q. Who initiated West Bengal’s midday food program?

Ans: The West Bengal government launched the state’s midday meal program.

Q. List a few benefits of the midday meal program.

Ans: The midday meal program has several advantages, such as greater learning outcomes, more school attendance, and better nourishment for kids.

Q. Who initiated Kerala’s midday meal program?

Ans: The Keralan government launched the state’s midday meal program.


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