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ladli laxmi yojana: 2023-24 Features, Benefits, Eligibility & All Information

ladli laxmi yojana:- The state government started the MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana on April 1, 2007, with the goal of improving girls’ futures. Under this plan, the Madhya Pradesh government will give the females in the state cash aid worth Rs 1,18,000.00. This program places a strong focus on raising females’ economic and educational standing. Yojana Ladli Laxmi The Ladli Laxmi Yojana is an initiative of the Madhya Pradesh government for the state’s daughters. Daughters are granted Rs 1 lakh 43 thousand under the arrangement, which is paid in installments. The daughter receives a one-time payment of Rs. 21 when she turns 21. Allow us to define Laadli Yojana for you. How can one apply for it, too?

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MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023-24

You must first apply under this scheme in order to receive the advantages. This program accepts both offline and online applications. You can get in touch with Anganwadi, Public Service Centers such Women Child Development Officers, etc., for offline applications. You can apply online for Ladli Lakshmi Yojana 2023 by going to the official website. Only girls born after April 1, 2008, into low-income families in the state will be eligible to benefit from this program. The government has allocated a total of Rs 118000 under the MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023, which will be paid to the recipient girls in installments. Will depart.

The Madhya Pradesh government’s Ladli Laxmi Yojana is having a significant impact on the state. The MP government launched Ladli Lakshmi Yojana in 2007. which has now reached its 16th year. More than 44 lakh daughters have benefited from this plan thus far. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan spoke with Ladli Lakshmi in Bhopal to commemorate the 16-year anniversary of the Ladli Laxmi Yojana. He said that although up until now, the government had been covering the costs of the girls’ education, going forward, the government would also cover the costs of their further education. Ladli Lakshmi’s tuition, who was accepted to a government medical school and a few engineering institutes, will now

Information about Ladli Laxmi Yojana

Name of the SchemeMP Ladli Laxmi Yojana
started byby state government
Beneficiarystate girls
DepartmentWomen and Child Development Department
Objectiveimproving the living standards of girls
Application ProcessOnline
ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट

Objective of Ladli Laxmi Yojana

As you are aware, a large number of families in the state are unable to provide their daughters with a higher education or save money for their marriage because of their financial difficulties. There is also a lot of discrimination against boys and girls. Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023 was launched by the state government in response to all of these issues. Providing financial support for the marriage and education of daughters under this arrangement. The goal of this program is to improve Madhya Pradeshi people’s pessimistic views and brighten girls’ futures. The girl may utilize this money for a future marriage or for her higher education. To lower the Madhya Pradesh state’s male to female ratio and to encourage

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Features of the scheme

  • The program takes the initiative to give girls financial support and focuses on their empowerment.
  • All girls enrolled in this program will get educational expenses reimbursement, enabling their families to pay for their education. However, this program will not help girls who discontinue their education.
  • The applicant’s family would get Rs 1 lakh for the marriage. The government offers
  • The benefits of the Ladli Laxmi Yojana will not be available to girls who marry before turning eighteen.

Benefits of MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023

  • The girls in MP’s lower classes will benefit from this program.
  • This suggestion states that the girl shouldn’t get married till she is eighteen. The state government would only transfer Rs. one lakh (one lakh rupees) to the daughter’s bank account after she turns twenty-one.
  • By this Ladli Laxmi Yojana, the MP government hopes to raise the state’s educational standards.This approach distributes the funds in installments based on the class. A girl will no longer receive advantages under this system after she graduates from high school.
  • Two girls can benefit from MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana if they are born together as the family’s second child.

Eligibility of Ladli Laxmi Yojana

  • It is not appropriate to reveal income tax details to the applicant’s parents.
  • Candidates must be Madhya Pradesh permanent residents.
  • The candidate must have been single for eighteen years.
  • You can still benefit from the program if your family adopted a girl from an orphanage, but you will need documentation proving that your family adopted the girl.

Implementation of Ladli Laxmi Yojana

At district level –

The District Program Officer at the district level will carry out the execution of this plan. The Women and Child Development Department is the scheme’s main agency. Every plan-related concern will be evaluated, and a report on Karan Vansh will be produced. It will be necessary to turn in the prepared report to the collector. We will review the report as soon as we get it. The report will be updated if there are any errors. The beneficiary will also receive the scheme’s benefit.

At divisional level –

The district-level District Program Officer will oversee the execution of this plan. The Department of Women and Child Development serves as the scheme’s nodal organization. There will be an assessment of all issues pertaining to the plan, including a report on Karan Vansh.It will be necessary to submit the produced report to the collector. The report will be examined as soon as it is received. If any errors are found, the report will be updated. Furthermore, the scheme beneficiary will receive the benefit.

At state level –

Should this strategy take longer to implement than anticipated, the director of the department will advise the state government to remove the delay. The decision made by the head of the Women and Child Development Department will be final in the event that a disagreement develops during the state’s implementation of this program.

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Installments of funds given under Ladli Laxmi Yojana

Following the completion of the application process, the Anganwadi verifies the documentation. After verification, the applicant’s account is periodically credited with installments. Below is a complete list of its details. You thoroughly read it.

First installment: The MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana fund will receive five years’ worth of consecutive deposits of Rs 6,000 annually, for a total of Rs 30,000, as part of this project.

  • Second installment: The family will receive Rs. 2000 in financial help in the form of a bank account when your daughter enrolls in class 6.
  • Third installment: When the girl child enrolls in class 9, the government will give her financial aid totaling Rs 4,000.
  • In the fourth: installment, the child would receive Rs 6000 when she enrolls in class 11.
  • Fifth installment: Rs 6000 will be sent to the daughter via electronic payment when she enrolls in class 12.
  • Sixth installment: The girl child will receive Rs. 1 lakh in financial help after she turns 21.

Reasons for rejection of application

  • If, upon inspection, it is found that any of the information submitted is fraudulent or erroneous, the application will be rejected.
  • Such girls whose parents move out of Madhya Pradesh and they no longer reside in child care facilities would not be eligible to apply.
  • The application will be denied in the event that the girl child dies.
  • Additionally, the application will be denied if a girl child marries.

Documents of Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023

  • Aadhar card
  • girl child birth certificate
  • parent’s identity card
  • bank account passbook
  • Address proof
  • Ration card
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo

How to apply for Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023?

State recipients interested in applying for this MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana 2023 should follow the processes mentioned below.

  • The applicant must first visit the scheme’s official website. When you visit the official website, the home page will appear.
  • The “Application Form” option is visible on the main page. This is an option that you must select. You will see the following page when you click on the choice.
  • You need to click on the “Public” option that is shown on this page. The application form will then appear on the following page.
  • You must carefully fill out all of the requested information on this form. You will then need to select the Save Information button.
  • Following that, the Madhya Pradesh Ladli Lakshmi Yojana’s main application form will appear on your computer screen instantly. You will find all the details, including the female child’s personal inform
  • ation, in this application form.
  • family information
  • Vaccination status and correspondence information
  • Fourth, uploading the documents.
  • You must click the submit button once you have entered all the necessary information. You will then at last obtain a registration number, which you may use to quickly and simply monitor the status of the application.

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Ladli Laxmi Yojana Portal Login

The process to login Ladli Laxmi Yojana is as follows

  • You must first visit the MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana website.
  • You must choose the “Login” option located on the website’s home page.
  • Following this, a page requiring some information to be entered in order to log in will open.
  • Here you first select the department from which you want to login, after that select the district and block and enter the ID below.
  • After entering complete information, click on the login button below.
  • In this way one can login to Ladli Laxmi Yojana website.

Ladli Laxmi Yojana offline application process

State beneficiaries may also apply offline for this program. The offline application procedure is as follows.

  • The candidate must first visit the closest Anganwadi center.
  • The form must be obtained at the Anganwadi center, but it is also available for download. Download the Ladli Laxmi Yojana MP Form PDF, then print it out.
  • Fill out this form completely, and make sure you attach any required paperwork.
  • You will then need to turn in this form to the Anganwadi center.

MP Ladli Laxmi Yojana list online, how to see?

The Hindi version of the Ladli Laxmi Yojana Name List MP has information on how to view a name in the list.

  • You must visit the official website first.
  • When the Ladli Laxmi Yojana homepage opens, you must choose the “Girl Details” option below.
  • Following this, a page will load and require some data entry before displaying the details.
  • Choose the district first, then your preferred search method in the second box. There are options here for the girl’s name, her parents’ names, and so on.
  • After choosing an option, type the name in the space provided below, then press the Search button.
  • The Ladli Lakshmi Yojana list will then appear below.
  • In this way you can see Ladli Lakshmi Yojana Madhya Pradesh list online.

How to see Ladli Laxmi Yojana certificate?

  • Going to the official website is a must first. The home screen will appear after you have accessed the official website. The choice for a certificate is below on this home page.
  • This is a must-click option. You will be taken to the following page after selecting the choice. You will need to enter the girl’s registration number on this page. Next, press the “Search” button.
  • The certificate will open after the registration code is entered, and it can also be downloaded and saved as an image.

Process to view girl details

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  • You must first visit Ladli Laxmi Yojana’s official website.
  • You will now see the homepage open.
  • You must click the link for the girl child’s details on the home page.
  • A new page will now appear in front of you, where you must choose the district and search criteria.
  • You’ll need to click the Search button after that.
  • Your computer screen will display the girl’s details.

Scholarship registration process

  • You must first visit Ladli Laxmi Yojana’s official website.
  • You will now see the homepage open.
  • You must click the scholarship signup link on the main page.
  • You will then be presented with a scholarship application.


Q:- Who can take benefit of Ladli Laxmi Yojana?


  • When a mother or father passes away and there are no more than two children in the home, registration is still possible until the girl turns five.
  • All three daughters will benefit from Ladli Lakshmi Yojana, even if they are together at the time of the first delivery.

Q:- How much money is available in Ladli Lakshmi Yojana?

Ans:- Under the Ladli Lakshmi Yojana, the government deposits Rs 6,000 in the daughter’s name annually for the following five years following the daughter’s birthdate.

Q:- What are the rules of Ladli Laxmi Yojana?

Ans:-In accordance with this program, the girl is given a government-issued assurance certificate worth Rs. 1,18,000 in her name. The programme offers a girl child, upon her enrollment to the sixth grade, Rs 2,000. The programme offers a girl child, upon her enrollment to the ninth grade, Rs 4,000.

Q:- What should be the age of the child in Ladli Laxmi Yojana?

Ans:- The girl should wait till she is eighteen to get married under this plan. The girl would receive Rs 1 lakh in her bank account from the state government only after she turns 21.

Suggested Link:- Mobile Number Tracker


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