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Kusum Yojana, Eligibility, Application Fee, Three Components, Benefits, Objectives, How to Apply?

Kusum Yojana: The Government of India has launched a new scheme called KUSUM (Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Uhaan Mahabhiyan) to provide subsidies to farmers for Solar Irrigation Pumps (SIPs) in their farms. Under this scheme, the government will provide a 60% subsidy to a farmer to set up a pump set and tube well on his land.

In Hindi: भारत सरकार ने किसानों को उनके खेतों में सौर सिंचाई पंप (एसआईपी) के लिए सब्सिडी प्रदान करने के लिए कुसुम (किसान ऊर्जा सुरक्षा एवं उहान महाभियान) नामक एक नई योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के तहत सरकार एक किसान को अपनी जमीन पर पंप सेट और नलकूप स्थापित करने के लिए 60% सब्सिडी प्रदान करेगी।

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Purpose of the Plan

The main objective of this Kusum Yojana is to provide advanced technology to farmers to generate electricity. These solar pumps have dual benefits as they will help farmers in irrigation and also help farmers to generate safe energy. Since these pump sets are integrated into an energy power grid, farmers can sell the excess power directly to the government, which will also increase their income.

योजना का उद्देश्य

इस कुसुम योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य किसानों को बिजली पैदा करने के लिए उन्नत तकनीक प्रदान करना है। इन सोलर पंपों के दोहरे लाभ हैं क्योंकि ये किसानों को सिंचाई में मदद करेंगे और किसानों को सुरक्षित ऊर्जा पैदा करने में भी मदद करेंगे। चूंकि ये पंप सेट एक ऊर्जा पावर ग्रिड में एकीकृत हैं, इसलिए किसान अतिरिक्त बिजली सीधे सरकार को बेच सकते हैं, जिससे उनकी आय में भी वृद्धि होगी।

Objectives of the PM-KUSUM Scheme

Farmers, groups of farmers, panchayats, and cooperative societies can apply for the installation of solar pumps under the PM-KUSUM scheme. The total cost involved in this scheme is divided into three categories in which the government will help the farmers. The government will provide a 60% subsidy to the farmers and 30% of the cost will be given as a loan by the government. Farmers will have to pay only 10 percent of the total cost of the project. Farmers can sell the electricity generated from solar panels. The money received after selling the power can be used to start a new business.

पीएम-कुसुम योजना के उद्देश्य

पीएम-कुसुम योजना के तहत सोलर पंप लगाने के लिए किसान, किसानों के समूह, पंचायत और सहकारी समितियां आवेदन कर सकती हैं। इस योजना में शामिल कुल लागत को तीन श्रेणियों में बांटा गया है जिसमें सरकार किसानों की मदद करेगी। सरकार किसानों को 60% सब्सिडी प्रदान करेगी और लागत का 30% सरकार द्वारा ऋण के रूप में दिया जाएगा। किसानों को परियोजना की कुल लागत का केवल 10 प्रतिशत ही देना होगा। सोलर पैनल से बनने वाली बिजली को किसान बेच सकते हैं। बिजली बेचने के बाद प्राप्त धन का उपयोग नया व्यवसाय शुरू करने में किया जा सकता है।

What is PM Kusum Yojana?

Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana has been started by the Central Government. Under PM Kusum Yojana, farmers have been given the facility of solar panels for irrigation. Under this scheme, 90 percent of the total cost of the installation of solar pumps will be borne by the government. The remaining 10 percent cost will be paid by the farmers themselves. Along with this, let us tell you that solar pumps will become a source of income for farmers.

The electricity generated from the solar panels can be used for irrigation and the excess can be sold to power distribution companies (DISCOMs). The solar panels will last for 25 years and they can also be maintained very easily.

पीएम कुसुम योजना क्या है ?

प्रधानमंत्री कुसुम योजना केंद्र सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई है। पीएम कुसुम योजना के तहत किसानों को सिंचाई के लिए सोलर पैनल की सुविधा दी गई है। इस योजना के तहत सोलर पंप लगाने की कुल लागत का 90 प्रतिशत सरकार द्वारा वहन किया जाएगा। शेष 10 प्रतिशत लागत का भुगतान किसान स्वयं करेंगे। इसके साथ ही आपको बता दें कि सोलर पंप किसानों की आय का जरिया बनेंगे।

सौर पैनलों से उत्पन्न बिजली का उपयोग सिंचाई के लिए किया जा सकता है और अतिरिक्त बिजली वितरण कंपनियों (डिस्कॉम) को बेचा जा सकता है। सोलर पैनल 25 साल तक चलेंगे और इनका रखरखाव भी बड़ी आसानी से किया जा सकता है।

Kusum Yojana

Benefits of Kusum Yojana

Following is the list of benefits under the Kusum Yojana

  • Farmers will be provided with an option to sell surplus power directly to the government, which will help farmers earn additional income.
  • The government has also initiated the construction of solar power-generating plants. As per the draft, these plants are capable of generating a total of 28,250 MW of electricity.
  • Apart from solar power plants, the government is working towards new solar pumps with diesel pumps with a capacity of 720 MW.
  • This scheme also provides an opportunity for the farmers to earn extra money by installing solar pumps. The amount of excess energy generated can be sold to the government.
  • Every farmer will get a huge subsidy on these new and improved solar-powered pumps. Farmers will have to raise only 10 percent of the total cost for this purpose.
  • The Central Government will provide a 60% subsidy to the eligible farmers on the total cost of the solar pump and the remaining 30% cost will be provided as credit by the banks.
  • The increased use of solar energy and electricity from solar plants will reduce the level of pollution on the farm.

कुसुम योजना के लाभ

कुसुम योजना के तहत लाभ की सूची निम्नलिखित है

  • किसानों को अधिशेष बिजली सीधे सरकार को बेचने का विकल्प प्रदान किया जाएगा, जिससे किसानों को अतिरिक्त आय अर्जित करने में मदद मिलेगी।
  • सरकार ने सौर ऊर्जा पैदा करने वाले संयंत्रों का निर्माण भी शुरू किया है। मसौदे के अनुसार, ये संयंत्र कुल 28,250 मेगावाट बिजली पैदा करने में सक्षम हैं।
  • सौर ऊर्जा संयंत्रों के अलावा, सरकार 720 मेगावाट की क्षमता वाले डीजल पंपों के साथ नए सौर पंपों की दिशा में काम कर रही है।
  • यह योजना किसानों को सोलर पंप लगाकर अतिरिक्त पैसा कमाने का अवसर भी प्रदान करती है। उत्पादित अतिरिक्त ऊर्जा की मात्रा सरकार को बेची जा सकती है।
  • हर किसान को इन नए और बेहतर सौर ऊर्जा से चलने वाले पंपों पर भारी सब्सिडी मिलेगी। किसानों को इस प्रयोजन के लिए कुल लागत का केवल 10 प्रतिशत ही जुटाना होगा।
  • केंद्र सरकार सोलर पंप की कुल लागत पर पात्र किसानों को 60% सब्सिडी प्रदान करेगी और शेष 30% लागत बैंकों द्वारा क्रेडिट के रूप में प्रदान की जाएगी।
  • सौर संयंत्रों से सौर ऊर्जा और बिजली के बढ़ते उपयोग से खेत पर प्रदूषण का स्तर कम होगा।
MYSY Scholarship

Subsidy for Farmers

The cost distribution for setting up of pumps and tube wells is as follows:-

Central Government60% of the total cost as a Subsidy
Banks30% of the total cost as Loans to Farmers
Farmers10% of the total Cost
Subsidy for Farmers

Kusum Yojana Online Application Process

Farmers can apply for Kusum Yojana through the process specified below

  • Access the portal
    • First of all, farmers have to visit the official website of Kusum Yojana.
  • Login to the portal
    • Now, you can log in with the reference number on the Homepage of the portal.
    • After login into the portal, you can fill out the online application form for taking Kusum Solar Pump.
  • Apply for the scheme
    • The farmer has to click on the “Apply” button appearing on the home page.
  • Registration form
    • After clicking on the apply button the farmer will be taken to the registration page.
    • The application form for Kusum Yojana will display on the screen
  • Enter correct credentials
    • Now you have to enter all the asked information in the application form. Enter the details like the farmer’s name, mobile number, e-mail address, and other information.
  • Submit Application Form
    • After completing all the details, the farmer has to click on the submit button to complete the registration process.
  • Acknowledgment Number
    • On submission of the application form, the farmer will receive a message stating “Registered Successfully”.

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Who can apply?

Any farmer in the country who wants to take advantage of the Kusum Yojana can apply online for Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana (PM Kusum Yojana) by filling out the online form.

What will be the necessary documents?

To apply for Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana, some important documents will be required-

  • Aadhar card
  • Updated photo
  • Identity card
  • Ration card
  • Copy of registration
  • Authorization
  • Bank account passbook
  • Land documents
  • Mobile number
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

Who will be the beneficiaries?

The beneficiaries of PM Kisan Yojana will be –

  • Farmer
  • Co-operative societies
  • Jury
  • Group of farmers
  • Farmer producer organization
  • Water Users Association

Three components of the PM-KUSUM scheme

Component A

  • Under the scheme, workers will set up 10,000 MW of decentralized renewable energy power plants that are grid-connected on barren land.
  • These grids will be set up by farmers, cooperatives, groups of farmers, panchayats, water users associations (WUAs), and farmer producer organizations (FPOs).
  • Power projects to set up within a 5 km radius of the sub-station

Component B

  • Under this scheme, farmers will be supported to set up solar agriculture pumps alone worth Rs. 17.50 lakhs
  • Pumps to be of capacity up to 7.5 HP for replacement of existing diesel agricultural pumps
  • Capacity can be more than 7.5 HP but financial assistance will be provided only up to 7.5 HP capacity

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Component C

  • The scheme is for the solarization of 10 lakh grid-connected agricultural pumps and individual farmers will be supported to solarize the pumps having grid-connected pumps.
  • Extrasolar power will be sold to India’s distribution companies (Discoms) at pre-determined tariffs
  • The irrigation needs of the farmers will met by the solar energy produced.

Applicable Points:

  • Firstly, the pilot run of Component A and Component C is to carry out for a capacity of 1000 MW and 1 lakh pumps.
  • After the successful implementation of a pilot run of components A and C, these components will use for more capacity and pumps
  • Based on the demand received, capacities have sanctioned to various state government agencies
  • Under components A and C, tendering or allocation will be done by the implementing agency designated by the state governments for the respective components

Kusum Yojana Application Fee

Under this scheme, the applicant will have to pay an application fee at the rate of ₹ 5000 per MW and GST to apply for a solar power plant. This payment will made in the form of a demand draft in the name of Managing Director Rajasthan Akshay Urja Nigam. For applying from 0.5 MW to 2 MW, the application fee is as follows.

मेगा वाटआवेदन शुल्क
0.5 मेगावाट₹ 2500+ जीएसटी
1 मेगावाट₹5000 + जीएसटी
1.5 मेगावाट₹7500+ जीएसटी
2 मेगावाट₹10000+ जीएसटी
Kusum Yojana Application Fee
Kusum Yojana

FAQs on Kusum Yojana

What is the cost of a 5 hp solar pump?

5 HP Solar Water Pump is available in 4 variants and three operating technologies as mentioned below. The latest price of a 5HP Solar Water Pump ranges from Rs. 1,80,000 to Rs. 3,15,000, depending upon the type.

Is Kusum Yojana beneficial?

If you have land and you have some amount to invest in this scheme, then there is no doubt about the profitability of the project. With this stable performance, it is going to be a 100% profitable business for you. If you set up a 1 MW solar power plant, the cost will be around Rs 3.5 to 4 crores.

What are the benefits of Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana?

The income of the farmers will also increase through Pradhan Mantri Kusum Yojana, through the scheme there will be no side effect on the environment, the land where grains were not grown due to lack of water, now grains can be grown in that land also. Farmers who commit suicide due to financial constraints can saved, and electricity can also generated with solar pumps by installing solar panels.

What is Kusum Solar Pump Scheme?

Kusum Solar Pump Yojana is a beneficial scheme run by the Central Government and the State Government for the farmers, in which solar pumps distributed to the farmers on subsidy. This pump used for better irrigation of fields.

How much does it cost to set up a solar flour mill?

What will be the cost of a 15 hp solar flour mill? , 15 hp solar atta chakki price. The cost of a solar system including 36 mono perk solar panels of 400 watts, 20 HP VFD, GI solar structure, and other accessories and installation for a 15 HP solar flour mill can be up to 6,80,000/-.

How much will a 2-kilowatt solar panel cost?

What is the cost of a 2 kW solar system? 2kw solar power plant cost in India. A 2 kW solar system including installation with standard equipment can cost around Rs.1,20,000/- to Rs.1,40,000.

Suggested Link:- Our Jharkhand


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