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Kusum Solar Yojana Maharashtra 2024: Objective, Factors, Eligibility & All Details

Kusum Solar Yojana Maharashtra: The Maharashtra government frequently introduces new programs for farmers. Maharaja Kusum Solar Yojana is another of those programs in Maharashtra. The primary goal of the Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Scheme is to supply the state’s farmers with solar pumps that run on solar energy. A great deal of individuals are eager to find out more about the Maha Urja Solar Pump Scheme and to apply for it.

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What is Mahaurja Kusum Solar Yojana?

To encourage farmers to use solar energy for irrigation, the Maharashtra government launched the Maha Urja Kusum Solar Pump Scheme. The program was launched in 2019. One other name for this program is the PM Kusum Programme. This program is also referred to as Utthan Maha Abhiyan and Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja.

For farmers to utilize the plentiful solar energy in the area for their operations, this program will incentivize farmers to install solar pumps on their agricultural property. Farmers in the state are eligible for solar pump use under this program. To demonstrate its economy, subsidies and other financial incentives will be offered.

Farmer registration for the Mahaurja Kusum Solar Pump is required before farmers can benefit from it.

Information about Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Yojana

Name of the SchemeMahaurja Kusum Solar Yojana 2023
launchMaharashtra Government
Beneficiary Farmers of Maharashtra
ObjectiveProviding solar pumps to farmers
Application ProcessThrough Online Medium

The objective of PM Kusum Yojana

The PM Kusum Yojana aims to supply all of the nation’s farmers with solar-powered irrigation pumps. Farmers won’t need to use petrol or diesel-powered pumps if they use solar-powered pumps. Additionally, they will save money and have a better quality of life. The electrical grid will be provided by the national government in addition to this. This allows farmers to store electricity in reserve and sell it to the government directly. Farmers will make more money as a result of this.

Also Read: Moovalur Ramamirtham Scheme

Factors of Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Yojana

Three components have been introduced in the Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Scheme, which will provide farmers with benefits like solar pump lease income and income benefits.

Component A

Leasing his land to another energy provider is one way for the farmer to make money in this component.

Component B

A farmer who replaces his diesel or electrical pump with a solar pump will receive a 60% government subsidy.

Component C

This component states that the farmer can use solar panels to create electricity, which he or she can then sell to the consumer.

price of Maha Urja Kusum solar pump Yojana Maharashtra

Water is necessary for farmers to irrigate their fields, as we all know. This is why solar pumps are used by farmers. Diesel and electrical pumps are of good quality, but they are also highly priced. Farmers will receive facilities and subsidies from the government to build solar pumps that run on solar energy because they are not able to make money from them for an extended period.

In this plan, the farmer receives a 90% discount on the pump price, meaning that they will only be responsible for 10% of the total cost. The government will provide 30% in the form of loans and 60% in the form of grants. The purchase and payment can be comprehended by using the

Solar Pump CapacitySolar Pump PriceGeneral Category (after subsidy)Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Category (after subsidy)
3 HPRs. 1,93,803Rs. 19,380Rs. 9,690
5 HPRs. 2,69,746Rs. 26,975Rs. 13,488
7.5 HPRs. 3,74,402Rs. 37,440Rs. 18,720

The goal of this subsidy is to increase the profitability of solar energy for farmers, giving them access to a steady and dependable source of energy.

Details of the calculation of benefits to farmers in Maharashtra within 25 years

solar power plant capacity1 megawatt
estimated investmentRs 3.5 to 4.00 crore per MW
Estimated annual electricity production17 lakh units
Estimated Tariff₹3.14 per unit
Total Estimated Annual Income₹53,00,000
Estimated Annual Expenses₹50,0000
Estimated Annual Profit₹48,00,000
Total estimated income over a period of 25 years12 crore rupees


  • Farmers should locate their farms close to perennial rivers, borewells, or other steady sources of water.
  • Through this program
  • , farmers who do not currently have traditional electrical connections would receive rewards.
  • Farmers who previously applied for the Mukhyamantri Solar Krishi Pump Yojana or the Atal Solar Krishi Pump Yojana Phases 1 and 2 but were not approved are also eligible to apply for this program.
  • Farmers may install solar agriculture pumps with 7.5 HP DC or more if they own 2.5 acres or more of agricultural land.
  • Three HPDC agricultural pumps or more are available to farmers who own five acres or more of agricultural land.

Also, Read: Yeida Plot Scheme 2024

Required Documents

  • A 7/12 fraction needs to be recorded if there is an upward line showing that there is a well in the field.
  • If other people’s names are also tied to the land, a no objection certificate on 200 rupee stamp paper needs to be shown.
  • The applicant’s Aadhar card is identification proof.
  • A copy of a canceled check or bank passbook.
  • Passport-size photo.
  • Affida de non-objection from any other individual who can prove their entitlement to the agricultural land.

How to Apply Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Yojana?

  • You must first visit the Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Scheme’s official website.
  • The registration page for Kusum Solar Pump will now appear in front of you.
  • After this, you have to fill in all the information like a request for a new or replacement diesel pump, personal and land information of the applicant, the full name of the applicant, Aadhaar number, and mobile number.
  • After this, you will have to click on the option to register/apply.
  • After clicking on register, you will reach the OTP Verify page.
  • A six-digit OTP should now have been sent to your registered mobile number; enter it here.
  • You will then receive your ID and password after your OTP has been validated.
  • Following that, you will see the Maha Urja Kusum Solar Pump Yojana login page.
  • Here, you must log in and enter your password, user information, etc.
  • The dashboard will appear in front of you after you log into
  • This dashboard contains all additional procedures, such as submitting documents, filling out online forms, and making payments.
  • Based on the image below, you can make sense of it.
Online Form
  • You will next need to select the option to “Complete Your Form Go Ahead.”
  • You will now see the Maha Urja Kusum Yojana Online Form available.
  • This form contains all the information you need, including a request for a new or replacement diesel pump (if the beneficiary already has one, please fill it out; if not, click on it), the applicant’s personal and underground information (name, Aadhaar card number, and mobile number 7/12 Satbara), details about the applicant’s irrigation and water sources, information about the necessary pumps, and bank information that must be supplied.
  • You now need to upload every required document.
  • You will next need to submit the Final Declaration.
  • A message will then be sent to the registered mobile number.
  • The applicant will receive a quote for the vessel and pump after reading the aforementioned letter.
  • You must verify the quotation.
  • A quotation is comprehensible based on the example provided below.
  • Following this, you will need to select the “Pay” option.
  • The applicant has three options for paying for the pump: online, via debit card, and by challan.
  • Select from one of these options to pay.
  • About ninety days after the applicant provider is chosen, the pump is installed.

How to check Maharashtra Kusum Solar Pump Scheme application status

  • You ought to first go to, the respectable website of the employer.
  • The website’s homepage will appear in front of you.
  • Then you need to choose the login alternative.
  • You must now input your identity password on the way to log in.
  • The dashboard will then appear in front of you.
  • You must now pick out the display sun pump utility reputation choice.
  • You can then view the reputation of your utility for the Kusum sun pump scheme.


Q: How much does Kusum Yojana cost?

Ans: Farmers just need to pay 10% of the total under the Maha Urja Kusum Yojana; we go into further depth in the article above.

Q: Who is eligible for the Kusum Scheme?

Ans: We have included a detailed explanation of all the farmers whose homes lack an electricity supply and whose land is close to conventional water sources or wells.

Q: How much subsidy is available under Kusum Yojana?

Ans: Thirty percent loan subsidies and sixty percent government subsidies are provided under the Kusum Yojana.

Q: What is the website to apply online for Kusum Yojana in Maharashtra?

Ans: Maharashtra Kusum Yojana applications are available on the official website,

Q: What documents are required for a solar pump?

Ans: Kisan Credit Card, Identity Card, Residence Certificate, Bank Details, Passport Size Photo, Registered Mobile Number, Aadhar Card, and documentation about land (Jamabandhi, Khatauni Panji), among other things, is required to purchase a solar pump.

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