Kali Bai Scooty Yojana 2024 List: Objectives, Benefits, Eligibility & Online Application Started
Kali Bai Scooty Yojana 2024 List
Kali Bai Scooty Yojana 2024 List: To immortalize and always remember the sacrifice of Kalibai Bhil, the Rajasthan Government has started the Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Student Scooty Scheme. Kalibai Bhil had dedicated her life to education, hence, to pay tribute to her sacrifice, Kali Bai Bhil Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana has been started in the education world. Under this scheme, every year 10,050 female students belonging to minority categories and scheduled castes are given free scooters. In this article we will tell you the Kali Bai Bhil Scooty Yojana application process, eligibility, documents, objective, last date, and other important information, so read this article till the end.
On June 19, 1947, Kalibai Bhil gave her life in the Dungarpur district while courageously attempting to revolutionize the sphere of education. The Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Student Scooty Scheme 2024 has been launched in remembrance of Kalibai Bhil’s sacrifice and to honor it forever. 10,050 girls who belong to the Scheduled Caste and Minority categories receive scooties annually as part of the Kali Bai Scooty Yojana. The goal of giving girls scooters is to help them advance in their schooling. In addition to encouraging girls’ education, the Kali Bai Bhil Meritorious Student Scooty Scheme improves education.
The government of Rajasthan launched this program. Benefits under this are provided to female students enrolled in both public and private institutions through class 12, who have
Kali Bai Bhil Scooty Yojana Overview
Name of the Scheme
Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
Type of Plan
State Level Planning
Department of Planning
Commissioner College Education Department
Free scooters are being distributed to female students.
Free scooters are being distributed to girl students.
Application Type
official website
Objectives of Kali Bai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
To support the advancement of such communities, it is intended that female students from the Vimukt, Nomadic, and Semi-Nomadic community castes in the state of Rajasthan be encouraged to attend government and private schools as regular students through class 12 to improve their grades. In the state, this system has been launched.
This project would have the Commissioner College Education Department as its nodal department.
Girls pupils who are unable to attend school because it is far away or who must rely on someone else would benefit from the program. The program will serve to further bolster the spirit of women’s empowerment. What is the Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Plan?
Benefits of Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
The program will provide a complimentary scooter to the selected student.
There will also be transportation costs for the student to turn over the scooter, as well as five years of third-party insurance and one year of general insurance.
Two liters of petrol will be provided (one-time delivery only).
This program is available to kids attending private schools in addition to those in government schools.
The student who is to benefit will also receive a helmet.
After completing class 12 and meeting program requirements, a lump sum incentive payment of an additional Rs 40,000 would be offered.
It is not permitted to buy or sell the scooter made accessible under the program for five years after the date of registration.
The state government will give 10,000 female students benefits under this program.
The distribution ratio of Scooty number in Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Scheme 2024
Girls enrolled in Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education government schools will receive fifty percent of the scooters, while girls enrolled in private schools will receive twenty-five percent.
A lump sum payment equal to twenty-five percent of the entire amount awarded to female graduates of private and public institutions approved by the Central Board of Secondary Education will be made.
In light of the division’s practicality, the proportion of female students enrolled in Central Board of Secondary Education government and private schools has been kept at 25%; however, this figure is flexible, and the recipients will not be able to file a lawsuit for the scooter.
In line with the number of female students enrolled in the program, qualified female students will be chosen based on district-specific preference.
Eligibility for Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
Female students who are enrolled full-time in any public or private college in Rajasthan and who have completed both the Central Board of Secondary Education and the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education with at least 70% of the possible points in the 12th grade. What have you got going on?
The results of the extra exam won’t be included in the specified percentage of marks if you receive the required number of points in the class 12 examination as a regular student in government and private schools.
Following admission, you must enroll as a regular student in any Rajasthani college offering a bachelor’s degree.
If there is a year-long lapse between the year of passing the 12th grade for entrance to
Students who are female and who have previously benefited from Scooty under any State Government program based on their grades in previous classes are not eligible to participate in this program.
However, in the past, if a student received Scooty based on her 10th-grade results from the TAD Department, the School Education Department, and she subsequently became eligible based on her 12th result, she would receive a one-time payment of Rs 40,000.
The regulation limits the annual income that the parents of the benefit student may have to Rs 2.5 lakh.
Under the Right to Education program, female students enrolled in private institutions will benefit from
Explanation of Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education’s female students will receive preference if there are no eligible female students in the Central Board of Secondary Education.
If a female student enrolled in a government school does not meet the required minimum percentage, she will receive a scooter from a private school.
There is a greater allocation of studios to female students in Central Board of Secondary Education institutions, both private and public.
Students who are assigned to one of the disability-specific scooters are those whose needs are judged to be non-urgent.
If a disabled student satisfies admissions requirements and isn’t awarded priority admissions,
Documents of Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Girl Scooty Yojana
Aadhar card
Income Certificate (should not be more than 6 months old)
Jan Aadhar Card or Bhamashah Card
12th class mark sheet
Caste Certificate/ Native Certificate/ Certificate of Minority/ Economically Backward Class/ Special Backward Class (whichever is applicable)
family income certificate
BPL ration card
passport size photo
bank account information
mobile number
Affidavit that the beneficiary is not availing of any other scholarship scheme
Receipt of University Admission Fee (for certification of regular studies)
Certificate of Regular Attendance in Graduation Class
Certificate issued by the medical board of the disabled student
How to apply for Kalibai Bhil Meritorious Student Scooty Yojana
How to Apply Online for the 2024 Rajasthan Kali Bai Bhil Medhavi Chhatra Scooty Scheme? Below is the online application process for the Rajasthan Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana 2024. To participate in the Kalibai Bheel Medhavi Chatra Scooty Yojana 2024, follow the instructions provided below.
You must first go to the SSO portal and use your SSO ID to log in.
If the student lacks an SSO ID, he must first create one before logging in.
The student then has to make updates to his SSO ID profile. This implies that data must be updated, including the student’s name, birthdate, mobile number, Jan Aadhaar ID, Aadhaar number, etc.
The candidate must then use his SSO ID to log in once more.
Next, you need to open the Citizen App and select the scholarship icon.
Select the student choice after that, then click OK.
Following this, the names of every member linked to the Jan Aadhar Card will be shown. Choose the applying student’s name here, then click OK.
You will next input your Aadhaar number and use an OTP to confirm.
Following that, every question on the application form needs to be accurately completed.
After that, upload your original certificates of residency and income, and once all the data has been input, click “Submit”.
You will then return to the scholarship option’s New Application option.
We will then use OTP to confirm after this.
Following this, kids who meritoriously represent Kali Bai Bhil will choose the 2023 Scooty Scheme.
After that, you must accurately answer each question on the application form.
How to check your name in Kalibai Scooty Yoajana
Initially, you need to go to the Rajasthan Education Drishti official website, which is hte.rajasthan.gov.in.
On the website’s main page, select the option for Online Scholarship.
The option to see the list by category will appear on the following page.
Clicking on the category it belongs in will allow you to view the list.
Select All Categories to see a list of all the categories.
Following this, you can verify your name in the Kali Bai Bhil Scooty Scheme List 2024 that opens in front of you.