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JSY Scheme, History, Vision, Objectives, Features, Eligibility, Target Groups & Benefits

JSY Scheme:- In 2005, as a component of the National Health Mission (NHM), the central government established the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY). The program encourages pregnant women from disadvantaged backgrounds to give birth in an institution in an effort to reduce maternal and newborn deaths. All states and union territories have adopted the JSY program, which took the place of the National Maternity Benefit Scheme, with an emphasis on the underperforming ones.


What is Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)?

The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) oversees the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), a safe motherhood campaign. It encourages pregnant women from low-income households to give birth in an institution in an effort to lower mother and baby mortality.

  • Introducing the Janani Suraksha Yojana in 2005 the Honourable Prime Minister. It applies to all states and UTs, with a focus on those with low performance.
  • For up to two live deliveries, the program offers cash assistance to pregnant women who are below the poverty line (BPL) and have reached the age of 19.
  • The recipient’s location and the state determine how much monetary help they receive.
  • Apart from financial aid, JSY offers antenatal and postpartum care.
  • A successful method of reducing mother and infant mortality has been identified as the program. It has contributed to India’s institutional delivery rate rising.

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History of the JSY Scheme

  • Under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention program. It was first implemented in April 2005 to increase hospital deliveries for expectant mothers. The program’s implementation aims to lower newborn and mother mortality. One way to achieve this is to encourage expectant mothers to give birth in a medical facility.
  • One program that receives central backing is the JSY. Sixty percent of the money comes from the central government. The state government provides the remaining forty percent. The public health system carries out the plan’s implementation.
  • India has seen an increase in institutional deliveries because of the efforts of the JSY. India’s institutional delivery rate was 65.5% in 2004–05. The percentage rose to 79.9% in 2015–16. Additionally, the JSY has helped to lower maternal and infant rates in India.

Vision of the JSY Scheme

The goal of the JSY is to offer all pregnant women in India free, secure, and high-quality institutional delivery services. The plan seeks to accomplish this through:

  • An increase in the number of expectant mothers giving birth in medical facilities.
  • lowering the rates of baby and mother death.
  • raising the standard of care provided for mothers and children.

Features of the JSY Scheme

  • The healthcare facilities offered by the Janani Suraksha Yojana are accessible all over India. The states are classified as Low Performing States (LPSs) and High Performing States (HPSs). The institutional delivery rate is used to determine this category.
  • The progress made by the state in the health sector is taken into account when executing the JSY program. The top ten states with the lowest performance levels are Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Orissa, and Jammu in Kashmir. There are other states that perform well.
  • This has led to the designation of eight former EAG states as Low Performing States: Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, and Jammu & Kashmir.
  • There are no limitations on the mother’s age, the number of children, or the kind of facility—public or approved private health center, for example.
  • The JSY compensation is only available to pregnant women from BPL/SC/ST households in the High Performing States (HPS) where institutional delivery rates are acceptable. ASHAs can also receive prizes from the program based on their performance.
  • The program maintains connections with clinics, private hospitals, and assisted living facilities to guarantee that consumers can receive healthcare services even in areas lacking the required facilities.
  • The state receives 7% of the revenues, while the district authorities as a whole receive 4% of the funds for administrative expenditures. This fund then pays for the administrative costs associated with carrying out the Janani Suraksha Yojana.
  • Program participants must register with the Anganwadi, primary health facilities, or sub-center medical staff.

JSY Scheme Objectives

With the following goals in mind, the Indian government started the Janani Suraksha Yojana under the National Health Mission:

  • to promote institutional delivery among pregnant women, especially those from low-income backgrounds, such as those belonging to Scheduled Tribes, Scheduled Castes, and BPL households.
  • The goal of this program is to reduce the rate of maternal and infant deaths by providing low-income pregnant mothers in India with access to and affordability of institutional births.

Eligibility of the JSY Scheme

Regardless of the age of the expectant mother, the number of previous births, or whether the medical facility is a government-run or licensed private one, the JSY system offers advantages.

Eligibility for Cash Assistance under the JSY Scheme
Category of StatesEligibility
Low Performing States (LPS)Pregnant women giving birth in a government health facility, including a subcenter, a primary care clinic, a community health center, a first referral unit, or a common ward of a state or district hospital.
High Performing States (HPS)Expectant mothers belonging to BPL/SC/ST communities who give birth in government health facilities like the SC/PHC/CHC/General wards of district and state hospitals.
Low Performing and the High Performing States (LPS & HPS)Pregnant women from BPL, SC, or ST communities giving birth in certified private healthcare facilities.

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Target Groups of the JSY Scheme

All pregnant women in India, regardless of their financial situation or social standing, are eligible for the JSY. The program especially targets pregnant women who are 19 years of age or older and come from vulnerable situations. These ladies include:

  • Women from low-income households
  • Women from rural areas
  • Women from tribal communities
  • Women with disabilities

Benefits of the JSY Scheme

  • Under the JSY program, expectant mothers can benefit from three prenatal consultations as well as an institutional birth. In order to get better advantages and financial support, you have to pay for institutional delivery.
  • Employees who follow ASHA regulations also receive incentives. The program trains a number of traditional birth attendants, or “Dai”. Following that, these workers are included in the systems that provide care.
  • For C-section deliveries, professional assistance is provided. When there are no government-employed medical experts available to perform a Caesarean delivery in a healthcare facility, the government offers financial help of up to $1,500 per pregnant mother to hire a private specialist.
  • If a tubectomy or laparoscopic treatment is recommended, the beneficiary is compensated under the terms of the family welfare program.
  • The Janani Suraksha Yojana initiative provides an amount of 5,000 to all auxiliary nurses, midwives, and other health workers, subject to certain rules and limitations.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

The Government of India (GOI) launched Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) in June 2011 with the goal of reducing the amount of money that sick babies receiving treatment in public health facilities and expecting moms giving birth there must pay out of pocket. The initiative is anticipated to assist more than one crore expecting moms who visit public health facilities each year in both urban and rural locations.

The primary objectives of this government initiative are

  • In addition to covering the costs of sick babies, it ensures that expecting mothers can use cashless public healthcare facilities for normal deliveries and Caesarean sections.
  • This diet provides all the nourishment required after a typical birth for three days. Additionally, it provides a nutrition plan for up to seven days straight.
  • This ensures the best possible health for both the mother and the baby.
  • This is in favor of institutional distribution over home delivery. This ensures that the mother and child will have access to the best healthcare possible and live long healthy lives.

Entitlements for Pregnant Women and Sick Infants under JSSK

Pregnant women and sick newborns can receive the following benefits under the JSSK system.

The following is a list of pregnant women’s entitlements.

  • Delivery and a cesarean section are free.
  • Free supplies and medications.
  • Free Essential Diagnostic Tools (such as ultrasounds and urine tests)
  • Free meals for patients staying in medical institutions (for a maximum of three days for a regular section and seven days for a cesarean section).
  • Free home delivery of medical supplies to establishments.
  • Free transportation between facilities upon referral. Complete exemption from all user costs.
The following enumerates entitlements for sick newborns up to a year following birth.
  • Free or inexpensive medical treatment
  • Free supplies and medications
  • Free diagnostic services
  • Free transportation is provided between medical facilities and from your house.
  • The drop-off of materials from institutions to homes is free of charge.

Work by PACS Towards Janani Suraksha Yojana

The following highlights PACS’s contributions to the Janani Suraksha Yojana:

Panchayats Adhyaksh Sahakari Samiti, or PACS, are organizations at the local level. They are in charge of giving rural areas financial services in addition to other services. The following tasks are managed by PACS under the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY):

  • educating expectant mothers and their families about the program.
  • assisting ladies in signing up for the program.
  • helping women obtain services delivered by institutions.
  • keeping an eye on the plan’s execution.

PACS has been successful in encouraging rural pregnant women to give birth in an institution. According to a National Rural Health Mission research, 85% of villages with active PACS had institutional delivery rates. In communities without operational PACS, it was 65%.

Activities Undertaken by PACS

The following are a few particular initiatives that PACS has implemented to support institutional delivery:

  • putting together initiatives to educate people about the advantages of institutional delivery.
  • assisting mothers who need to travel to a medical facility for childbirth by providing them with transportation.
  • giving women who can’t afford the cost of childbirth financial assistance.
  • collaborating with neighborhood healthcare professionals to guarantee that they are giving expectant mothers high-quality care.
Cash Assistance for Institutional Delivery

The table below displays the cash assistance provided by the Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme to pregnant women residing in rural areas and ASHA volunteers.

Cash Assistance Provided for Rural Areas
State CategorizationAssistance ProvidedTotal
Expectant MotherASHA Volunteer

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The table below displays the cash assistance provided by the Janani Suraksha Yojana scheme to pregnant women residing in urban areas and ASHA volunteers.

Cash Assistance provided for Urban Areas
State CategorizationAssistance ProvidedTotal
Expectant MotherASHA Volunteer

Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)

Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) is the name used to identify female community health campaigners. ASHA workers are an essential part of the National Rural Health Mission of the Government of India. Selected from within the community and accountable to it, the ASHA will be outfitted to serve as a liaison between the community and the public health system. At the moment, there are about 9 lakh ASHAs. Currently, 33 states (apart from Goa, Chandigarh, and Puducherry) have the ASHA program in place.

  • The states are required to appoint at least one Community Health Volunteer or an ASHA healthcare professional for each rural village with more than a thousand residents.
  • For every 1000 people living in a community, at least one ASHA healthcare professional should be nominated in metropolitan areas.
  • However, in densely populated urban areas, one ASHA healthcare worker can be employed for every 500–600 persons.


Q. What is intended by the JSY Scheme?

Ans- The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) started the Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), a motherhood intervention program that combines monetary assistance with birth and postpartum care.

Q. The JSY Scheme was launched when?

Ans- All states and Union Territories (UTs) are implementing the program, which was unveiled by the Honourable Prime Minister on April 12, 2005, with a focus on Low Performing States (LPS).

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