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Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY 2023): Online Application Application Form

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana:- The government program Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) is a significant initiative for water management and conservation. As everyone is aware, agriculture is crucial to the production of food grains, and proper irrigation is the only way for agriculture to grow. Irrigation of fields requires more water. Farmers’ fields will deteriorate if the crops do not receive enough water. Farmers’ problems will be resolved under PMKSY 2023, and they will receive water for farming.

Under Pradhanmantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2023, the Central Government has earmarked an amount of Rs 50000 crore under this scheme.


Objectives of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

The actual objective of PMKSY is to complete the convergence of investment in the irrigation sector at the regional level. Other objectives include:

1. Increase in access to irrigation facilities and expansion of cultivable extent under Guaranteed Irrigation Areas (Har Khet Ko Pani).

2. Increasing water use efficiency on farms to reduce water wastage

3. Integrating water sourcing, distribution, and efficiency through appropriate technologies

4. Scaling up and promoting the implementation of precision irrigation and other water-saving technologies (more crop per drop)

5. enticing larger private investment in the infrastructure of precision irrigation systems. This will boost output and productivity, which will raise agricultural revenue even more.

6. To ensure integrated development of rainfed areas through various methods such as :

(a) groundwater regeneration

(b) Watershed approach to water and soil conservation

(c) stop runoff

(d) Providing livelihoods and other NRM activities (Natural Resource Management)

7. To promote extension activities for farmers and field workers like

(a) water harvesting

(b)water management

(c) crop alignment

8. increasing the amount of private funding allocated to the infrastructure of precision irrigation systems. Production and productivity will rise as a result, increasing agricultural revenue even more.

Also Read:- ikhedut-portal, Digitize India

Functions of PMKSY

In order to provide a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to the entire “Water Cycle,” the plan is to bring together the relevant Ministries, Departments, Agencies, Research, and Financial Institutions involved in the generation, use, and potential re-use of water at a particular stage. One can acquire a perspective. This is taken into account when creating the water budgets for all industries, including horticulture, businesses, and families.

With the express purpose of empowering states to create a State Irrigation Plan (SIP) and a District Irrigation Plan (DIP), the PMKSY program is structured around a “decentralized state-level arrangement and execution” framework.

Components of PMKSY

1. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Program (AIBP):   Focusing on prompt completion of major and medium irrigation on a continuous basis including national projects.
3. More Crop Per Drop (PDMC): to increase the efficiency of water use through a variety of measures, such as the installation of micro-irrigation structures to support source creation efforts like tube wells and dug wells, and the use of precision water application equipment.
3. More Crop Per Drop (PDMC): to increase the efficiency of water use through a variety of measures, such as the installation of microirrigation structures to support source creation efforts like tube wells and dug wells, and the use of precision water application equipment.
4. Watershed Development (WD): Water harvesting, conserving soil and moisture, treating seepage lines, treating ridge areas, and other watershed interventions.

Committees involved in implementing the PMKSY scheme

National Executive Committee (NEC): To be established under the Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog’s chairmanship. It will manage the execution of programs, coordination between ministries, distribution of resources, oversight, evaluation of performance, handling of administrative matters, etc.
State-Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC): To oversee the programme at the state level, the Chief Secretary of each State will chair the SLSC. It will be fully empowered to approve the project and oversee the scheme’s development.
State-Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC): To oversee the program at the state level, the Chief Secretary of each State will chair the SLSC. It will be fully empowered to approve the project and oversee the scheme’s development.
District Level Implementation Committee: To guarantee last-mile coordination at the field level, at the district level

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Ministries Involved in PMKSY

Ministry of Rural Development- primarily builds farm ponds, water harvesting structures, small check dams, contour bunding, and other rainwater conservation projects.
Ministry of Agriculture- Encourage the use of drip irrigation, sprinklers, pivots, rain cannons, and other precise water application tools in the farm “(Jal Sinchan)”, build micro-irrigation structures to support source creation efforts, and engage in extension activities to support agronomic practises and scientific moisture conservation.
MoWR RD & GR- Implement a range of strategies to establish a reliable source of irrigation, build field channels and diversion canals, implement lift irrigation and water diversion, and establish water distribution

Benefits and Features:Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Some of the benefits and features of PMKSY are:

Helps in increasing the coverage of irrigation to more than 10 lakh hectares of land through micro irrigation systems like drip and sprinkler irrigation.
Supports creation of protective irrigation potential in about 0.04 lakh hectares of land through other interventions like rainwater harvesting, check dams, farm ponds, etc.
promotes the fusion of different policies and initiatives from different departments and ministries that deal with rural development, agriculture, water resources, etc.
encourages the use of water-saving methods and technologies such as crop diversification, mulching, and fertigation.
gives states and farmers financial support to carry out different irrigation projects under AIBP and HKKP.
helps to establish a Micro Irrigation Fund (MIF) under NABARD so that states and farmers can get loans for small-scale irrigation projects.

Eligibility Criteria: Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme (PMKSY)

Farmers must own the land on which they want to implement micro irrigation systems or other interventions under PMKSY.
A no-objection certificate from the land owner is required before an individual can apply for the scheme if they work and farm on rented or leased land.
After registering with PMKSY, members of trust cooperative societies, productive farmer groups, Self Help Organisations (SHOs), etc., are eligible to take part in the program.
After registering with PMKSY, members of trust cooperative societies, productive farmer groups, Self Help Organisations (SHOs), etc., are eligible to take part in the program.

Required Documents: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Irrigation Scheme (PMKSY)

In order to confirm their eligibility and identity, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) participants must submit a number of documents with their application form. These files include:

  • Aadhaar Card: It is a mandatory document for PMKSY registration. It serves as proof of identity and address for farmers.
  • Proof of Address: This is a record attesting to the farmer’s residential address. Any legitimate document, such as an electricity bill, ration card, or voter ID card, may be used.
  • Caste Certificate: This document attests to the farmer’s caste or classification. To benefit from PMKSY, reserved groups such as SC, ST, OBC, etc. must be present.
  • Farm documents: These are the records attesting to the land’s ownership or lease that the farmer intends to use for PMKSY. These could be revenue receipts, no objection certificates, land records, etc.
  • Bank Account Passbook: This is a record that contains the farmer’s bank account information. Funds must be transferred straight to the farmer’s account in order to comply with PMKSY.
  • Photos of the farmer that are the size of a passport are used on the application and other paperwork. They ought to be current and unambiguous.
  • Mobile Number: Under PMKSY, this is the farmer’s contact number for communication and verification needs.
  • The government will subsidize irrigation equipment so that farmers can use an appropriate amount of water for field irrigation under this scheme.

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How to apply for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana?

For interested farmers, the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) offers a straightforward online application process. Farmers who want to apply for the program should do the following:

  1. Visit the official website of PMKSY
  2. Click on the “Per Drop More Crop” tab on the homepage and select the “PMKSY-Micro Irrigation” option.
  3. On the next page, click on the “Login” button and enter your username and password.
  4. If you are a new user, click on the “Register” button and fill out the registration form with your details.
  5. After logging in, click on the “Apply Online” button and fill out the application form with your personal, bank, land, and irrigation details. Attach necessary documents like Aadhar card, caste certificate, address proof, state residence certificate, passport size photograph, farm papers, and bank account passbook.
  6. Review your application form and submit it online. You will receive an acknowledgment number for your reference.
  7. You can also track the status of your application by entering your acknowledgment number on the website.

Process to view MIS report

  1. First of all, you have to go to the official website of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana.
  2. Now the home page will open in front of you.
  3. After this, you will have to click on the option of MIS Report.
  4. Achievement  Report
  5. Consolidated  Activity  Wife OTF
  6. One touch format
  7. DIP document uploaded
  8. Per Drop More Crop
  9. Dashboard PMKSY
  10. PDMC MI Workflow System
  11. Drill down progress report
  12. MIS Reports
  13. Odisha Progress
  14. Report Odisha

Process to view document/plan

  1. First of all, you have to go to the official website of Pradhanmantri Krishi Sichai Yojana.
  2. Now the home page will open in front of you.
  3. After this, you will have to click on the option of Documents/Plan.
  4. Now a new page will open in front of you.
  5. On this page, you have to click on the option as per your requirement.
  6. Now the PDF file will open on your screen. You can see related information in this file.

The process to download the circular

  1. First of all, you have to go to the official website of Pradhanmantri Krishi Sichai Yojana.
  2. Now the home page will open in front of you.
  3. After this, you will have to click on the option of circular.
  4. You have to click on the option as per your requirement from the list.
  5. After this, a PDF file will open on your screen.
  6. Now you have to click on the download option.
  7. In this way, you will be able to download the circular.

Contact details for Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme

A committed group of officials and specialists are on hand to support farmers and stakeholders with any questions or concerns regarding the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY). The PMKSY contact information is:

  1. Phone: PMKSY’s phone number is 011-233824171. It can be used to call and talk to PMKSY officials during working hours.
  2. Website: The official website of PMKSY is It provides all the information and updates about the scheme, like guidelines, application forms, status, reports, etc.
  3. Email: The email address of PMKSY is pmksy-team@nic.in2. This can be used to report any problem or suggestion related to the scheme.
  4. Address: The postal address of PMKSY is Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 1100011. It can be used to send any letter or document related to the scheme.

FAQs on Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana 2023

Q.1) Who is eligible for Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana?

Ans: Any class or division of farmers may take part in the program. Farmer participation in the scheme is contingent upon land ownership. By registering, members of productive farmer groups, trust cooperative societies, and self-help organizations can take part in this program.

Q.2) How to apply for the Prime Minister Irrigation Scheme?

Ans: Every farmer can now access information about the program through an official portal. This page contains a detailed explanation of all scheme-related information. Farmers can register or submit an application by going to the website of the state’s Agriculture Department.

Q.3) What is included in the Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme?

Ans: under which the government provides farmers with subsidies for building new water sources, repairing existing ones, building water harvesting systems, and buying irrigation equipment such as tube wells and underground pipe systems. Two boards are overseeing the Prime Minister Agricultural Irrigation Scheme’s operations.

Q.4) When was the Prime Minister Irrigation Scheme started?

Ans: Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) was launched on 1 July 2015.

Suggested link:-NSP PORTAL


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