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Jhatpat Connection Yojana, How to Apply Online? Documents Required, Eligibility, Objectives, Benefits

Jhatpat Connection Yojana: People of poor families in Uttar Pradesh can now easily get electricity connections in their homes by applying through online mediums. While applying under Jhatpat Connection Yojana, BPL category beneficiaries will have to pay a fee of Rs 10 and APL category families will have to pay a fee of Rs 100 for getting a 1 to 25 KW electricity connection. An electricity connection will be installed in your house within 10 days of applying for an electricity connection.

In Hindi: उत्तर प्रदेश में गरीब परिवारों के लोग अब ऑनलाइन माध्यम से आवेदन कर आसानी से अपने घरों में बिजली कनेक्शन प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। झटपट कनेक्शन योजना के तहत आवेदन करते समय बीपीएल श्रेणी के लाभार्थियों को 10 रुपये और एपीएल श्रेणी के परिवारों को 1 से 25 किलोवाट बिजली कनेक्शन लेने के लिए 100 रुपये शुल्क देना होगा। बिजली कनेक्शन के लिए आवेदन करने के 10 दिनों के अंदर आपके घर में बिजली का कनेक्शन लग जाएगा।

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UPPCL Jhatpat Connection Apply Online

To provide electricity connection to the poor families of Uttar Pradesh, the Power Corporation Department has started the official website for online application. People of BPL category families coming below the poverty line of the state and people of APL category families coming above the poverty line, who want to apply under this UPPCL Jhatpat Connection Scheme 2023 to get electricity connection, then that Power Corporation You can apply online by visiting the official website of the department and take advantage of this scheme.

  • Every house is being lighted in UP with the scheme of instant electricity connection for ₹ 10
  • Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, had started the Jhatpat Bijli Connection Yojana for the families belonging to BPL and APL categories of his state. So far, more than 23 lakh electricity connections have been provided under this scheme. Families belonging to the BPL category have to pay a fee of ₹10 and families belonging to the APL category have to pay a fee of ₹100 to get an electricity connection under this scheme. The special thing about this scheme is that the applicants do not need to visit the electricity department to get an electricity connection because the Uttar Pradesh Electricity Department has chosen the process of online application to make this scheme transparent.
  • Citizens of BPL and APL categories of Uttar Pradesh who want to apply under this scheme can apply through the instant portal of this scheme. Many other facilities are also available for the beneficiaries on this portal. Electricity consumers of the state can also get their wrong electricity bill corrected through this portal.
Jhatpat Connection Yojana

The objective of Jhatpat Connection Yojana 2023

There are some poor families of the state who are not able to get an electricity connection in their house due to lack of money and they are living their life like this and those who want to get an electricity connection to have to go round in government offices. And many problems have to be faced due to which people waste a lot of time, still, it takes 1 month or more to get electricity connection, but now the state government has launched this scheme to save the poor families from all these problems. Jhatpat Connection Yojana 2023 has been started. Now people do not need to go anywhere. Providing electricity connection easily to APL and BPL category families under Jhatpat Connection Yojana.

राज्य के कुछ ऐसे गरीब परिवार हैं जिनके घर में पैसे के अभाव में बिजली का कनेक्शन नहीं हो पा रहा है और वे ऐसे ही अपना जीवन यापन कर रहे हैं और जो बिजली कनेक्शन लेना चाहते हैं उन्हें सरकारी दफ्तरों के चक्कर लगाने पड़ रहे हैं. . और कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है जिससे लोगों का काफी समय बर्बाद हो जाता है फिर भी बिजली कनेक्शन लेने में 1 महीने या उससे अधिक का समय लग जाता है लेकिन अब राज्य सरकार ने इन सभी समस्याओं से गरीब परिवारों को बचाने के लिए यह योजना शुरू की है। झटपट कनेक्शन योजना 2023 की शुरुआत की जा चुकी है। अब लोगों को कहीं जाने की जरूरत नहीं है। झटपट कनेक्शन योजना के तहत एपीएल और बीपीएल श्रेणी के परिवारों को आसानी से बिजली कनेक्शन उपलब्ध कराना।

Benefits of UP Instant Electricity Connection Scheme 2023

  • People belonging to the poor families of the state can take advantage of this scheme.
  • Under Jhatpat Connection Yojana, one can apply for 1 KW to 49 KW supply by paying a fee of Rs 100/-.
  • {BPL} Applicants can apply for 1 KW to 49 KW supply by paying a fee of Rs.10/- while applying online.
  • This is a very important initiative taken by the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation which will help in curbing the harassment in the offices of the consumers.
  • Now with online facilities, people will be able to get a guaranteed electricity connection in just 10 days.
  • With the introduction of the Jhatpat Connection Yojana, now the applicants who come for the applicant in government offices will not be exploited, as well as both their time and money will be saved.
  • Till now lakhs of families in Uttar Pradesh have been able to get electricity facilities on time through this scheme.
Nipun Bharat

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Documents of UPPCL Jhatpat Connection Scheme 2023 (Eligibility)

  • The applicant should be a permanent resident of UP.
  • This scheme has been started only for BPL category families and APL category families of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Aadhar card
  • Address proof
  • Ration card of BPL category and APL category
  • Pan card
  • Voter ID card of the applicant
  • mobile number
  • passport size photo

How to apply for Uttar Pradesh Jhatpat Connection Yojana 2023?

People of APL and VPL categories of Uttar Pradesh who want to apply online for Jhatpat Connection should follow the steps given below.

  • First of all the applicant has to visit the official website of the Power Corporation Department.
  • After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
  • On this page, you have to go to the section of Consumer Corner, then you will see the option of Apply for New Electricity Connection (Jhatpat Connection) in it. Click on this option.
  • After clicking on this option, your login and registration page will open. Here you click on the link of New Registration.
  • After this, the registration form will open in front of you, then you will have to fill in all the information asked in this form like name, date of birth, mobile number, etc.
  • After filling in all the information, you have to click on the button Registered. After this, your registration will be completed. After confirming your application, the electricity meter will be installed at the consumer’s house within 10 days. And you will be able to take advantage of Jhatpat Connection Yojana.
Kusum Yojana

Apply for new electricity connection and load increase (Jhatpat Connection Yojana)

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you. On this home page, you will see the section on CONNECTION SERVICES.
  • You will see the option of Apply for New Electricity Connection & Load Enhancement (Jhatpat Connection) from this section. You have to click on this link.
  • After clicking on the link, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you have to click on the option Click here for new registration.
  • Jhatpat Bijli Connection Yojana
  • After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you will have to fill in all the information asked like the name of the applicant, date of birth, email id mobile number, captcha code, etc.
  • After filling in all the information, you have to click on the Register button. In this way, your new registration will be done.

Track New Connection (Offline Mode)

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you. On this home page, you will see the option of Track My New Connection (Offline Mode).
  • You have to click on this option. After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you will have to fill Application Number, Mobile Number, Account Number, etc.
  • After filling in all the information, you have to click on the button Search. After this, you can track the new connection in front of you.

How to apply for a new electricity connection for a private tube well?

  • First of all, you have to visit the official website of Jhatpat Connection Yojana. After visiting the official website, the home page will open in front of you.
  • On this home page, you will see the option to Apply for New Electricity Connection for a Private Tube Well. You have to click on this option.
  • After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you have to click on the option of Online Application for New Electricity Connection for Private Tube Well.
  • After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you. On this page, you have to click on the option Click here for new registration. After clicking on the option, the registration form will open in front of you.
  • All the information asked in this registration form has to be filled in. After filling in all the information, click on the Register button.
Jhatpat Connection Yojana

Jhatpat Connection Yojana login process

  • First of all, you have to visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • After this, you have to click on the option of login.
  • After this, the login page will open in front of you.
  • You have to enter your Account Number, Password, and Captcha Code in it.
  • Now you have to click on the option of Login.
  • This way you will be able to log in.

पंजीकरण करने की प्रक्रिया

  • सबसे पहले आपको यूपी पावर कॉर्पोरेशन लिमिटेड की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जाना होगा।
  • अब आपके सामने होम पेज खुल जाएगा।
  • होम पेज पर आपको रजिस्टर के विकल्प पर क्लिक करना होगा।
  • झटपट बिजली कनेक्शन योजना
  • इसके बाद आपके सामने एक नया पेज खुलेगा।
  • इस पेज पर आपको खाता संख्या, बिल संख्या या एसबीएम बिल संख्या दर्ज करनी होगी।
  • अब आपको कंटिन्यू के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना होगा।
  • इसके बाद आपके सामने एक नया पेज खुलेगा।
  • इस पेज पर आपको पूछी गई जानकारी दर्ज करनी होगी।
  • अब आपको सबमिट के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करना होगा।
  • इस तरह आप रजिस्ट्रेशन करा सकेंगे।

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FAQs on Jhatpat Connection Yojana

How to get a new electricity connection in UP?

Single window system (Jhatpat) to make a permanent application for new electricity connection Apply online for obtaining a new electricity connection for a minimum of 01 KW and a maximum of 1000 KW load in Uttar Pradesh. In Uttar Pradesh, a minimum of 01 and a maximum of 1000 treatments can be used for new electrical combinations.

What is the wattage of a domestic electricity connection?

The domestic connection is one or two kilowatts according to your requirement. If you get a 1 KW connection, then you can run an electrical appliance up to 1000 W. If you take a 2 kW connection, then you will be able to run appliances up to 2000 watts.

What can be run in a 1 KW power connection?

Nothing can be run on 1-kilowatt electricity. A 100-watt bulb can run for 10 hours in a 1-kilowatt hour (1 unit of electricity). The 1000-watt heater can run for 1 hour. 1 horsepower motor can run for about 1.3 hours.

How many watts is a commercial connection?

How many watts is a commercial electricity connection? Commercial electricity connection So you can load 20 kilowatts because large places require more electricity, due to which commercial electricity connection is very beneficial.

How much is the electricity connection in Uttar Pradesh?

It costs a minimum of 2500 to get an electricity connection. Of which ₹ 100 deposit for applying online, around ₹ 200 spent on affidavits, etc. Along with this, around 2100 rupees in connection installation charges had to pay.

Suggested Link:- Our Jharkhand


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