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Jammu Kashmir Ration Card List, Online Application, Eligibility & Status

Jammu Kashmir Ration Card List:- We will discuss the key features of the ration card in the state of Jammu and Kashmir with our readers in this article today. Today, we’ll walk you through the exact steps needed to download the Jammu Kashmir Ration Card List in PDF format in this article. Additionally, we will provide you with a method to download and print your district’s Ration Card list. We will also provide detailed instructions in this article so that you can verify your name in the Jammu and Kashmir state of India’s 2023 ration card list. We have covered some of the most significant J&K Ration Card List features in this article.


Jammu Kashmir Ration Card List 2024

The most significant card that an Indian individual can possess is the ration card. The citizens of India will receive a variety of benefits via the introduction of the ration card. All Indian citizens would also be able to purchase subsidized commodities with their ration cards. Ration cards can also be used for other things, like the identification process for any of the government of India’s programs designed to help the country’s citizens more broadly.

The Jammu and Kashmir Ration Card List Details

NameJ&K Ration Card
Launched byGovernment of Jammu and Kashmir
BeneficiariesResidents of the state
ObjectiveProviding ration card
Official Website

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Jammu Kashmir Ration (Rashan) Card Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to apply for a Jammu and Kashmir ration card, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You have to live in Jammu & Kashmir permanently.
  • You can apply if you have a temporary ration card.
  • You will not be able to apply for a new ration card if you currently own one.

Types of Ration Cards in Jammu and Kashmir

Four different ration cards are available in Jammu and Kashmir, depending on your financial circumstances. The type of card determines which colours are also assigned. Yellow and green cards are mostly given to those who are Below the Poverty Line and who belong to the rural and urban class divisions. Saffron cards are for citizens who are Above the Poverty Line.

Type of Ration CardCost of Ration Card
PHH Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY)Rs.30
PHH (Below Poverty Line – others)Rs.75
Non-PHH (Above Poverty Line)Rs.100
No Ration CardRs.100

Required Documents

The following paperwork is needed to apply for a Jammu and Kashmir ration card:

  • Income certificate
  • Original surrender certificate
  • Birth certificate
  • Proof of residence
  • Mobile number
  • Rental agreement (if applicable)
  • Family details
  • Proof of identity
  • Land revenue/tax pay receipt
  • Details on the gas connection

How to Check the J&K Ration Card List Online in 2024

To view the state of Jammu and Kashmir’s ration card list, simply follow the steps listed below:

  • Go to first, and then select “Reports” from the list of options under “MIS & Reports.”
  • On the next screen, select the third link “Ration Card Drilldown Report”.
  • The district-by-district J&K ration card list will appear in the following stage, as seen below:
  • Choose the district name to view the J&K ration card list broken down by tehsil.
  • Click on the tehsil name in this window to get the Jammu & Kashmir ration card list by village.
  • The FPS-wise J&K Ration Card List will then open when you click on the village name.
  • To view the Jammu and Kashmir Ration Card List, click the FPS ID in the resulting box.
  • To view the precise data, candidates can also click the link on the numbers listed under the various columns, such as BPL, AAY, PHH, etc.

Follow the Status of Your Application

You must follow the easy steps listed below to verify the status of your application:

  • To see the official website, click the provided link.
  • Navigate to MIS & Reports on the website.
  • Additionally, highlighted reports.
  • Click on RATION CARD APPLICATION STATUS REPORT on the next page.
  • Put in your information.
  • Select “Generate.”
  • Reports are going to be produced automatically.

Search for Ration Cards

  • Visit the official Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs website to search for a ration card.
  • Select the online services option from the menu on the left.
  • To access the “Online Ration Card Management System (PDS),” click the link.
  • After selecting “other,” select “ration card search” once more.
  • To examine the details of your ration card, click here, or click here to search with FPS.
  • If you have a ration card, click “Click here to enter the ration card number (sample ration card number: 0660 0000 0001)” or “Click here to enter old RC number.” If you choose to “Click here to view details about your ration card,”
  • Once the ration card number has been entered, choose Search.
  • Information will appear on the screen.
  • To search with FPS, select District Taluk/Tehsil/SubDistrict, FPS Card Type if you opt to click on that option.
  • When you select “Continue,” the list will show up.

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How to Apply for a Ration Card in Jammu and Kashmir

The steps involved in obtaining a Jammu and Kashmir ration card are listed below:

  • Step 1: Go to, the official J&K portal of the civil supplies department.
  • Step 2: Select the “Download Form” option.
  • Step 3: Select the link labelled “Forms for General Public.”
  • Step 4: The “Form for Ration Card” option has to be selected.
  • Step 5: Fill out the form after downloading it with the necessary information.
  • Step 6: Send the form to the relevant authority.

How to Verify the Status of Your Jammu and Kashmir Ration Card Application

Both online and offline, you may monitor the status of your Jammu and Kashmir ration card application. Using the offline approach, go to the Public Distribution System (PDS) closest to you. To view the status online, take the following actions:

  • Step 1: Go to
  • Step 2: Locate the “MIS & Report” section.
  • Step 3: The screen will display a new page.
  • Step 4: Select the “ration card application status report” tab.
  • Step 5:Input the data that is requested, such as the name of the district and the start date of the report viewing session.
  • Step 6: Select “Generate Report.”
  • Step 7: General information in the report includes the office name and the status of pending applications as of right now.
  • Step 8: Get the family information-containing ration card report by downloading it.

How to Look for a Ration Card in Jammu and Kashmir

  • Step 1: Go to, the official website.
  • Step 2: Select “others” from the menu.
  • Step 3: The screen will display a page for searching for ration cards.
  • Step 4: The screen will show you two alternatives.
  • Step 5: To access the details, enter your ration card number if you select the “View the ration card details” option.
  • Step 6: To display information relevant to a district, you must input the needed information if you select the “Search with Fair Price Shop” option.

How to Download the Ration Card for Jammu and Kashmir

There are four ways to check the list if you have applied for a new or renewed Jammu and Kashmir ration card. You can print the list using any of the methods mentioned below.

  • To see the list, go to the food and supplies district office.
  • The head of the family and the Fair Price Shop are further choices.
  • As an alternative, get in touch with the office of the Assistant Facility Security.

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Q.) What is a ration card for Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. A government-issued card known as the Jammu Kashmir ration card enables those who fall below the poverty threshold to buy goods at discounted costs. It can be used to apply for a voter ID, a domicile certificate, and other things. It also acts as identity and address verification.

Q.) In Jammu and Kashmir, how can I find out the status of my ration card?

Ans. You can check the status of your application for a ration card by going to the Civil Supplies official website.

Q.) How long does it take to get a ration card for Jammu and Kashmir?

Ans. The city from which you apply for the ration card determines it. Usually, it takes fifteen days following approval and verification.

Q.) How can I divide my ration card for Jammu & Kashmir?

Ans. If you would want to object to the name of a family member being added or removed from your ration card, fill out the form and follow the instructions. The Jammu and Kashmir electoral rolls contain the same information.

Q.) Who can apply in Jammu and Kashmir for a BPL ration card?

Ans. Families in Jammu and Kashmir who earn less than Rs. 10,000 a year are eligible to apply for a BPL ration card.

Q.) Does my ability to get a Jammu Kashmir ration card depend on my income or my family’s?

Ans. Because ration cards are meant for people who cannot afford basic requirements, their eligibility is mostly determined by a family’s income.

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