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Jal Hariyali Yojana

Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana:-You must have heard this saying that “If there is water, there is life”.Let us inform you that on October 26, 2019, the Honorable Chief Minister of Bihar State Nitish Kumar launched the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana with this proverb in mind. Under which the aim of the scheme is to plant trees and build small ponds and wells in the state.

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As every citizen is aware, trees and water are the two most essential elements for human survival. Humans cannot breathe without trees, and labor is impossible without water. The Bihar State Government will oversee water management for tree irrigation in the state as part of the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana.


Scheme’s goal

India is an agricultural nation where farming is the primary industry, as all of you are aware. However, as a result of individuals damaging these natural resources for their own advancement, the fields are severely suffering. Under this program, farmers can build ponds and irrigate their crops with subsidized financial support from the government up to Rs 75,500

Highlights Of The Jal Jeevan Hariyali Scheme Details

The program is called Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana, and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar launched it.

Beneficiary state farmers

The goal is to offer subsidies.

Online Application Process

Tasks pertaining to the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Scheme

removing encroachment from public water harvesting structures.
Renovation of irrigation systems includes drains, ancient ponds, and ponds.

locating and renovating public wells.

building soakaway or water harvesting facilities on the banks of drains, tube wells, ponds, and hand pumps for the general people.

to build various water-collecting structures, such as check dams, drains, and rivers.

the development of freshwater sources and the movement of water from more water-rich rivers to drier regions.

constructing rainwater collection systems within buildings.

intensive tree planting and nurseries.

utilizing drip irrigation, organic farming, alternative cropping, and other methods.

to encourage the use of solar energy.

awareness campaign on vegetation and water life.

Yojana’s key facts

Farmers in the state will profit from this plan.
Under this initiative, the government will give Bihar farmers a subsidy of Rs 75500 to help with the construction of ponds and the irrigation of fields.

Bihar Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana (Bihar Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana) would improve aged wells, ponds, small rivers, and drains.

Water harvesting will be done as part of the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana to store rainwater in government buildings and wells.

According to this proposal, check dams will also be built in mountainous areas, drains, and minor rivers.

This initiative will not only replace trees around the state, but it will also make irrigation arrangements.

Features and advantages of the plan
You can learn everything there is to know about the features and advantages of the Hariyali Yojana by clicking on the links below. Let’s examine

The program will benefit farmers in the state of Bihar.

The hilly areas will see the construction of small rivers and dams.

A subsidy of Rs 75,500 has been provided to state farmers for the construction of ponds, wells, and irrigation projects.

Under the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Scheme, 43.62 lakh saplings will be planted.

In addition to putting down trees, the state will store rainwater for use in irrigation.

For the scheme, the government will spend Rs 24,524 crore by 2023.

Farmers will assist in making plans for irrigation of the fields.

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Yojana Eligibility

The applicant must be a Bihar permanent resident in order to be eligible for this scheme.
Farmers who choose to irrigate a single acre of land will receive financial support under this program.

Farmers have been split into two categories under the Jaljeevan Hariyali Yojana 2023: individual and collective.

Individuals who have up to one acre of cultivable land and wish to irrigate it fall under this category.

Second collective category: Those who come under this category and wish to purchase more than 5 hectares of land collectively will receive a complete cost subsidy.

Aadhar card documents for the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Scheme Address verification

identity document

land records

bank passbook for accounts

cellphone number

passport-sized picture

Hariyali Jal-Jeevan Abhiyaan How to submit an application for in-place or field water harvesting

Here, we’ll explain how to apply online for the Bihar Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana, also known as in-place or field water harvesting. Through a few steps, we have attempted to explain its process to you. See the following steps to learn about the application process:

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Go to the website first to submit an application for the Jal-Jeevan Hariyali Yojana. The Direct Benefit Transfer Agriculture Department’s webpage is located here.
As can be seen in the image below:

Go to this page now and select “Apply for Jal Jeevan Hariyali Abhiyan” from the dashboard’s scheme list.

This page will now show up in front of you.
Tick the farmer or the farmer’s group first in this instance.
Click on your farmer registration number after that. (In this instance, the farmer is the main subject.)

You will see the Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana application form open.
Additionally, some details regarding your farmer registration are included here.
As the image provided below makes clear —

Carefully fill out every field on this form.
Next, review the data you entered once more, and click “Get OTP.”
As seen in the image provided below –

An OTP will then be sent to the registered mobile number. Complete it, then send in your application. Your Jal Jeevan Hariyali Yojana application will be finished in this way.

suggested link:- Mobile Number Tracker

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