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Indiapost Agent Login, India Post Office DOP Agent Work, Agent Login Portal Function, Instructions to Login, FAQs

Is it true or not that you are a mail centre RD specialist? Would you like to realize about Indiapost Agent Login? What is a Post office specialist login? Today We will examine the DOP Agent login. Certain individuals are filling in as an India post Agent (DOP Agent) for the last numerous years. They are approved by the division as a dop specialist. Division pays a decent sum as commission for advancing of mail centre reserve funds conspire for example KVP, RD, TD, PPF MIS, Sukanya Yojana, and so forth. Would you like to turn into a DOPagent? On the off chance that indeed, you are perfectly located. Here I am likewise going to let you know how to become a mailing station RD specialist and what is Indiapost Agent login gateway?


Who is the DOP specialist in India Post Office?

  • A DOP specialist is an approved mailing station specialist. He is designated as a mailing station specialist for advancing different plans among general society. According to the various sorts of nature of work, these are four kinds of DOP specialists. The detail is as under-
  • SAS Agents (Standard Agent System)
  • MPKBY Agents (Mahila Pradhan Kshetriya Bachant Yojna)
  • PPF Agents
  • PLI Agents (Postal Life Insurance)

India Post Office DOP Agent Work:

As we realize that many individuals are as of now functioning as DOP specialists in the India Post (Department of Post). They are likewise utilizing mail centre specialist login for keeping up with different record which is joined to a specific postal specialist. These specialists get a proper level of commission for deals income. They should need to just work on the web-based entry.

  • A rundown of all works of a mail centre dop specialist are as under-
  • Advancing deals of KVP, NSC, TD, MIS, PPF, RD, Sukanya Yojana, and so on.
  • To guarantee mail centre administrations close to home.
  • Making liaising with mail depots and financial backers in the country.
  • Assortment of the month to month stores from financial backers and store how much unambiguous mail centre plans.
  • Printing of passbook of mail centre plans.
  • Exposure of mail centre plan among the general population.
  • Expanding mail centre income.
  • Keep up with connected accounts on the India Post Agent gateway and PLI India Post Agent entryway.

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How Post Office Agent login Portal functions:

The mailing station Agent login entryway is a web-based gateway of the Department of Post for India Post specialists. Specialists need to just accomplish all work on this gateway. The entrance (DOP specialist login) will mirror all records connected to a mailing station specialist. They keep up with their client accounts on this gateway. At the point when a client will store some sum into his RD account, he needs to keep up with this exchange on the branch of the post specialist login gateway. They likewise need to set up a different rundown for cash/DoP checks and non-DoP really looks at through this internet-based gateway.

There are two kinds of India post specialist login pages accessible on the web. One page is called India Post Agent login page and the subsequent page is called PLI India Post specialist login page.

India Post specialist login first page:

It is the primary page of this entrance. It contains entering a specialist id and secret word to sign in. The mailing station specialist needs to enter the login accreditation to login into the Indiapost specialist login. I likewise stuck a screen capture of this entrance login page for your fast reference.

PLI India Post Agent login first page:

The second specialist login is the PLI India Post specialist login page. It additionally contains entering a PLI specialist id and secret word to sign in. PLI Post office specialist needs to enter the login qualification to login into PLI Indiapost specialist login. At times specialists fail to remember their client id and secret phrase. You need to peruse legitimate arrangements on the most proficient method to determine PLI specialist login failed to remember the secret key issue.

How to turn into a Post Office RD specialist?

I have previously portrayed who is an RD specialist and what is the primary work of the mail centre specialist. Presently I will let you know how to turn into a mail centre RD specialist (DOP Agent). To fill in as a mailing station RD account then you need to follow the underneath technique.

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  • You, most importantly, need to present the accompanying archives to the District Collector’s Office.
  • Application Form for India Post Agent
  • Understanding structure
  • Assignment structure
  • An oath which is confirmed by the Magistrate for Rs. 10/ –
  • Two-person testaments
  • Two ongoing identification size photographs. (2 photographs for PPF and 4 for the MPKBY and SAS)
  • A copy of the SAS organization.
  • Address verification reports, birth archives, proportion cards, and so on.
  • Adhar Card

In the wake of presenting the report to the area collectorate, assuming you qualify all necessities for an India Post specialist, the District Collector’s office will support your application.

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They will advance endorsed applications to the particular mailing station in control. The concerned mailing station in control will give you login subtleties, for example, username and secret key. ID and secret key are utilized exclusively to login into the mail centre specialist login gateway.

Instructions to login into India Post Agent Login:

DOP agents can sign in to this gateway through the authority site for example The authority connection of the Indiapost specialist login (Post Office Agent login) entrance is

Just enlisted India Post specialists can sign in to this entrance. Since you should have a client id and secret phrase to login in Department of post specialist login entrance. Unapproved login endeavours are not permitted at postal specialist login.

In the event that you are an approved mailing station RD specialist (DOP agent), you need to just take care of business at this entrance.

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Bit by bit Procedure to sign in to the Online Portal of DOP Agent Login:

  • Visit the authority specialist entryway “”.
  • Enter your login secret phrase and username.
  • Click on the login button.
  • After login, the framework will demand to promptly change the secret key.
  • Enter another secret phrase as required.
  • When finished with the cycle, continue to tap on the records tab.
  • Then, select the specialist to ask and refresh the screen.
  • The framework will consequently show every one of the connected records with a particular specialist.
  • Select the method of instalment, either cash/DoP check or non-check.
  • From the rundown given, select the number of record numbers you are paying.
  • Select all records in the climbing request, then snap and save the subtleties. Note the record has a limit of 50 records and 10000 money-wise yet no restriction for the check.
  • Specialists utilise cash mode requirements to choose the record number, then, at that point, enter the sum to store, then click on the get discount and default. The framework will naturally show the discount and default, presently enter the ASLAAS number of the client on the select save button.
  • Non-DoP check, the specialist needs to enter the number of portions and check number in addition to the record number for the RD portion. Continue to enter the ASLAAS number then save the subtleties.
  • Shortly, the framework will show a triumph message on the screen. Then, click on the compensation for all altered portions where the framework will produce a reference number with C for cash DC for a DoP check, and NDC for a non-DoP check.
  • Click on the report, key in the reference number then taps on the status as a triumph. Click the pursuit button, trailed by the “Alright” button.
  • A PDF record will show on the screen, take two duplicates for reference, and submit it at the counter.

Indiapost Agent Login Forgot Password:

  • Commonly, DOP specialists fail to remember their passwords. Hence they will get a mistake for example India Post Agent Login Forgot secret key. Here I am going the offer a basic answer for this mistake. To determine this issue, you need to follow the beneath system bit by bit.
  • Visit the authority site for the above connection.
  • On the landing page, click on the tab, “failed to remember secret phrase.”
  • Then, enter the specialist login email id and affirm.
  • The framework will send a reset to connect to the email Id and follow the connection to reset the secret key.
  • Change secret phrase from my settings
  • On the specialist login entryway, select the tab “My setting” on the menu bar.
  • On the essential data choice, select the choice “change secret key.”
  • The cycle will initiate, first enter the ongoing secret phrase followed by the new secret phrase, then, at that point, click the save button.
  • The progressions will produce results, and you want to sign in utilizing the new secret phrase.

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India Post specialist login client care number:

According to the authority site, the helpline number (client care number) is accessible for it. You need to contact your mailing station with any questions.

FAQs on Indiapost Agent Login:

How would I sign into my mailing station specialist?

Visit the authority specialist entryway “”. Simply enter your login secret phrase and username which are gotten from the mail centre. Then, at that point, click on the login button. Right away, the situation will demand to change the secret word. Then, at that point, you need to enter another secret word. When these things are finished, you can utilize this entry as required.

How would I track down my mail centre specialist ID?

At the point when you presented all necessary reports to the District gatherer’s office. In the event that your structure is acknowledged, you will get your mailing station specialist ID and secret key from the mailing station.

How would I reset my India Post specialist login secret key?

You can really look at a point by a point system in this post. Instructions to reset India mail centre specialist failed to remember secret word segment.

How would I turn into a mail centre rd specialist?

You need to follow the strategy to turn into a mail centre RD Specialist. Really look at the full methodology to turn into a mailing station rd specialist segment of this article.

What is the Postal Agent?

A specialist who will fill in as a middle with the division of post and client. He needs to keep up with his work on the Indiapost agent login (Portal).

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