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India Post Agent Login, Department of Post


How and who can register in Out Sourcing Agent (OSA)/Franchisee category?

For registering yourself in OSA/Franchisee category on India Post Agent Login Site, you should be registered as an agent or Franchisee with IndiaPost. Additionally follow the steps mentioned below to make your account on India Post site:

  • Click on ‘Register’ Link on the homepage of India Post Site
  • Click “OSA/Franchise” category. Registration page will open for you.
  • Provide your valid Agent ID and Email ID to link your account.
  • Click Submit and supply your personal details and a touch question and answer which will be wont to reset your password just in case you forget your password later.
  • Select subscription option if you would like to avail facilities like NewsLetter and SMS alerts.
  • Submit the small print to finish the registration process.
  • A confirmation email with activation Link are going to be sent on your registered email ID for Account Activation.
  • You would like to click activation link before 48 hours to activate account.
  • After activation you’ll logon to the IndiaPost Site together with your User ID and just one occasion Password(OTP).
What will happen if i didn’t clicked Activation Link before 48 hours?

In this case your activation link will expire. You’ll use Resend Activation Link Service to resend the link again on your registered email ID.

Also Read: E Dharti

How do I login to the portal?

For log-in to the portal, follow the steps given below:

  • Click the check in link on the homepage of IndiaPost Site.
  • Click the acceptable Category.Click Registered User category just in case you’ve got register yourself in any categories mentioned here
    -Corporate OSA/Franchise
  • Provide valid User ID and password on the Login Screen.
  • Click check in to log-in to your account.
I have forgotten my password. How do I log-in now?

To create a replacement password for log-in, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Click check in button on the homepage of IndiaPost Site then click the ‘Forgot Password’ link.
  • Enter your User ID and click on the submit button.
  • Enter the solution of the hint question, provided by you while registration and click on on Submit button.
  • just one occasion Password(OTP) also will sent to your registered email ID.
  • Login with OTP and User ID and alter your password.
How do I modify my password?

Log in to your Account on IndiaPost Site, Select the ‘Change Password’ link at the highest of your page. Enter your new password and submit the small print .

How do I modify my personal details?

Log in to your Account on IndiaPost Site, click on ‘My Profile’ link at the highest of your page. Modify the small print and undergo update the small print.

Can I update my email id too?

Yes, you’ll update your email id from ‘My Profile’ link. A verification link are going to be sent to your new email ID. Click verification link and your email id are going to be updated.

My User ID possesses blocked. What should I do?

On entering wrong password five times consecutively, your user ID will get blocked for half-hour. After this era, it’ll automatically become active or alternatively you’ll use Forgot Password Service to get an OTP and reset your Password.

What should I do if my account get expired?

If you are doing not log-in to your account on India Post Agent Login Site for 3 (Three) months, your account will get expire. During this case on logging into your account you’ll get account Expiry Message along side Resend Activation Link. You can click this link to send activation link to your registered email Id. Click activation link from your mailbox before 48 hours to activate account.

What precautions am I able to fancy protect my User ID/Password?
  • Memorise User Id and Password.
  • Don’t write them down anywhere.
  • Don’t tell your User ID/Password to anyone.
  • Confirm that nobody is looking once you key in your User ID/Password.
What should I do when my password expired?

In this case, you’ll be ready to login with expired password. After logging in you’ll be redirected to vary password screen, so you’ve got to enter your old and new password, confirm new password and submit the small print to line new password.

How safe are post office deposits?

Government-backed schemes like post office saving schemes and bank fixed deposits are safe and that they also offer assured returns. However, the difficulty with them is that they provide only modest returns. Often the post-tax returns fail to beat inflation.

What will happen if i didn’t clicked Activation Link before 48 hours?

In this case your activation link will expire. You’ll use Resend Activation Link Service to resend the link again on your registered email ID.

How do I modify my password?

Log in to your Account on India Post Site, Select the ‘Change Password’ link at the highest of your page. So enter your new password and submit the small print.

How do I modify my personal details?

Log in to your Account on India Post Site, click on ‘My Profile’ link at the highest of your page. Modify the small print and undergo update the small print.

Can I update my email id too?

Yes, you’ll update your email id from ‘My Profile’ link . A verification link are going to be sent to your new email ID. Click verification link and your email id are going to be updated.

My User ID possesses blocked. What should I do?

On entering wrong password five times consecutively, your user ID will get blocked for half-hour. After this era, it’ll automatically become active or alternatively you’ll use Forgot Password Service to get an OTP and reset your Password?

What should I do if my account get expired?

If you are doing not log-in to your account on India Post Site for 3 (Three) months, your account will get expire. During this case on logging into your account you’ll get account Expiry Message along side Resend Activation Link. You can click this link to send activation link to your registered email Id. Click activation link from your mailbox before 48 hours to activate account.

What precautions am I able to fancy protect my User ID/Password?
  • Memorise User Id and Password
  • Don’t write them down anywhere
  • Don’t tell your User ID/Password to anyone.
  • Confirm that nobody is looking once you key in your User ID/Password
What should I do when my password expired?

In this case, you’ll be ready to login with expired password. After logging in you’ll be redirected to vary password screen, so you’ve got to enter your old and new password, confirm new password and submit the small print to line new password.

Can I change my UserID?

User ID may be a unique identity and can’t be changed. For a replacement User ID, so you’ve got to to register again on the India Post Agent Login Site as a replacement user.

Can I register multiple accounts with same User ID?

No, you’ll not have multiple accounts with same UserID. UserID may be a unique identity and checked at the time of registeration for uniqueness.

Can I share my user-id and password with others?

Sharing User ID or password isn’t an honest practice because it is confidential and your personal Information. It’s strongly advised to not share your User Id or password to others for security issues, So as you’ll be responsible for any transaction or activity done from your account.

Can I register multiple accounts with same email ID?

No, you’ll have just one account with one e-mail address.

How do I activate my DOP Internet banking?

Visit the house branch, so fill out the required form, provide copies of ID proof and address proof. Activation will take each day and you’ll be alerted via mobile. You’ll then attend the DOP Internet Banking website, follow instructions and login.

Also Read: NSP Portal

What is User ID in India post?

User ID may be a unique identity and can’t be changed. For a replacement User ID, so you’ve got to register again on the India Post Agent Login Site as a replacement user.

How do I log into my post office RD account?
  • Click on the “Register Now” tab within the page.
  • A new page which deals with Offline Registration Maintenance will open.
  • Next, one would need to submit details like their name, gender, date of birth, mobile number, customer ID or Account ID, and get in touch with details.
How am I able to activate my Indian mobile banking app?

Download the channel form from the below path & submit the appliance reception branch Post Office along side required documents and India Post Office will register for DOP Mobile banking.

How do I find my post office user ID?

Once the SMS is received, to access post office Internet Banking, one must visit then click on ‘New User Activation’. Here, you’ll need to enter Customer ID so which is that the CIF ID printed on the primary page of your bank account Passbook.

How do I find my user ID for Post Office mobile banking?

Once the shape submitted at the branch, your mobile banking facility are going to enabled after 24 hours. You’ll download the ‘India Post Mobile Banking’ app from Google Play store. So your CIF ID are going to be user ID and your transaction password is that the password which is already set through internet banking facility.

Can I check my post office balance online?

Post Office accounting mobile app meant to assist you perform your banking during a way that’s convenient to you. It currently allows you to: View Account Balance.

How do I check my post office Ssy balance?

Once you logged in, attend the homepage, and you’ll check the balance there. You’ll also find it displayed on the dashboard of your account. Note that, through this process, you’ll only be ready to view the balance in your account.

How am I able to activate my post office ATM card?

So, you’ve got to enter the key PIN available with you by means of buttons on the keyboard provided in ATM. Once you enter the personal identification number, now your ATM card is active. Post office ATM activation is on now.

Whats is DOP agent?

DOP Agent App – Department of post agent software for India Post Agent Login MPKBY. DOP agent software app formed for department of post agents to record RD collection, view half and last half summary, view reports, search transactions. Create schedule/lots on mobile using DOP agent app.

How do I transfer money from post office account to bank account?

The finance ministry has approved linking of savings bank accounts at post offices with IPPB accounts. So this may enable post office account holders to transfer money from their account to any bank accounts.

How do I withdraw money from my IPPB account?

Anyone have a physical copy of your ATM card and PIN are going to be ready to withdraw cash from any ATM. Not so with a QR card. So it doesn’t work on ATMs in the least and even at post offices or with postmen and Grameen Dak Sevaks (GDS) you would like biometrics.

How do I transfer money from IPPB to bank?

1) Add money from your checking account to your IPPB account. 2) Attend DOP services. 3) From there you’ll choose product- Recurring Deposit, Public Provident Fund, Sukanya Samridhi Account, Loan against Recurring Deposit. 5) Enter your PPF Account Number and DOP Customer ID.

Useful Links:

NSP, Mobile Number Tracker, A2Z Full Form List, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, Typing Speed Test Online, Digitize India, My Individual Business, My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart.

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