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Haryana Rojgar Mela 2024, Check Online Registration, Eligibility & Documents

Haryana Rojgar Mela:- Beginning on December 11, 2019, the Haryana government and the Employment Exchange Department will host the Haryana Employment Fair at several locations in the districts of Ambala, Rohtak, Hisar, and Gurugram. All of the state’s jobless youth will be able to take part in this Haryana Rojgar Mela and find work prospects. Through the Haryana Job Fair, job possibilities will be made available to educated unemployed youth in the state. Through the Haryana Rojgar Mela in 2024, the state government hopes to hire all of the educated unemployed residents of the state.


Haryana Rojgar Mela 2024

By taking part in the Haryana Employment Fair, any young men and women in the state of Haryana who have completed their education—such as their 10th or 12th grade, BA, B.Sc., B.Com., diploma, etc.—and are currently looking for work can receive rewards. Through the Haryana Rojgar Mela, all of the state’s unemployed youngsters will be able to apply for jobs at open positions in private and commercial companies based on their educational background. Several companies will also register for this Haryana Employment Fair and give information about the vacancies they have available. Youth without jobs who are chosen for the Haryana Rojgar Mela 2023 can choose the company they want to work for.

Highlights of the Rojgar Mela Yojana in Haryana

NameHaryana Employment Fair
was startedBy Haryana Government
BeneficiaryThe unemployed youth of the state
Application procedureOnline
Objectiveto provide employment
BenefitEmployment opportunities for youth
CategoryState Government Schemes
Official website

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The Objective of the Haryana Rojgar Mela

The Haryana Employment Fair is organized, as we have indicated, because it is a common occurrence for young people to require work and businesses to need young people, but they are unable to connect. It was once. Employment Fair Haryana 2024 aims to give jobs to young people in the state who are capable of working. Additionally, by giving young people jobs, the state government will support other private businesses and strengthen the state’s economy.

Implementation of the Haryana Employment Fair

All participating firms are expected to register on the platform with all of their established job openings as part of the Haryana Rojgar Mela, which is being hosted by the Haryana government. In addition, the business must fill up the portal with all relevant details regarding the number of openings, the type of recruiting, the credentials, and other factors. All jobless applicants will receive emails from the department informing them of the openings after the employer has submitted all of this data on the web. The government of Haryana hosts the Haryana Rojgar Mela to help the unemployed by providing them with jobs. Under this, candidates will receive information about openings based on their qualifications.

Necessary Guidelines under the Haryana Employment Fair

  • There will be no application fees for citizens applying through the Haryana Employment Fair.
  • Candidates who participate in the Haryana Employment Fair will not receive any type of reimbursement.
  • Aside from this, only local companies would be able to post openings under the Haryana Employment Fair.
  • Applicants to this job fair must bring a passport-size photo, a certificate of experience, a technical qualification, and an essay.

Main facts of the Haryana Employment Fair

  • The state government of Haryana organizes the Haryana Employment Fair, where jobless individuals are placed in private companies based on their educational background.
  • Aside from this, every youth in the state of Haryana possesses an education yet is jobless. Every single one of them would get something from the Haryana Employment Fair.
  • According to a statement from the state government, each district’s Haryana Employment Fair is set to take place on the designated date.
  • Through the Haryana Employment Fair, young people without jobs can choose private organizations and firms that best suit their needs.

Eligibility Criteria

It is well known that whenever a state government program or scheme is created, qualifying candidates must also fulfill certain requirements to be eligible to obtain the benefits of the program. Because of this, the state government has established the following eligibility requirements for participation in the Haryana Employment Fair 2024:

  • A candidate must be a lawful permanent resident of Haryana to participate in the Haryana Employment Fair.
  • The Haryana Employment Fair would only be open to young people without jobs.
  • The minimum age requirement to participate in the Haryana Rojgar Mela is eighteen years old.
  • The applicant must have a valid passport-size photo, a mobile number, and the required documentation—such as an Aadhar card or identity card—to be eligible for the Haryana Rojgar Mela incentives.

Required Documents

If you want to benefit from the Haryana Rojgar Mela as well, you have to provide the following paperwork when you apply.

  • Aadhar card
  • Identity card
  • Passport size photo
  • Mobile number

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Application Process for the Haryana Employment Fair Online in 2024

Any young person in the state of Haryana without a job who wants to apply for benefits under the Haryana Rojgar Mela 2023 must do so by following the instructions listed below.

  • First and foremost, you must visit the official website of the hiring office. The home page of the website will thereafter be visible to you.
  • You need to select the “New Job Seeker” option from the website’s main page. You will see a new page open as a result.
  • Before you can click the Transmit OTP button, you must enter your cellphone number and captcha code in the blanks on this page.
  • You will now get an SMS at the phone number you submitted with an OTP. After entering this OTP in the relevant section, click Verify.
  • Your mobile number will appear on your screen, and then the Haryana Job Fair Portal Application Form will be verified.
  • Carefully fill out this form by providing all the requested information, including your name, mobile number, password, and employment status.
  • Once all the information has been entered, click the Sign-Up button. You will then need to select the login option and enter the portal.
  • The Employment Exchange Employment Fair online application form will appear in front of you after you log in.
  • Carefully fill out this form with all the requested information, including your name, address, phone number, Aadhaar number, degree of education, etc.
  • To complete the application process, click the submit button after completing the form in its entirety.

Haryana Employment Fair Sign-In Process

If you have registered for the Haryana Job Fair, you can log in to the online portal by using the instructions provided below.

  • First, you have to go to the official website of the Haryana Job Fair. You will then be redirected to the website’s main page.
  • In the account section of the website’s main page, you need to click the sign-in link. This will then result in the appearance of a new page.
  • It will ask you to log in on this page. To fill out this form, enter your account information.
  • After completing that, enter the provided captcha code in the box and click “Sign in”. In this way, you will log into the gateway.

How to check the list of the Haryana Rojgar Mela in 2024

By following the simple instructions provided below, you can check the Haryana Rojgar Mela List.

  • It is necessary that you first go to the official website of the Haryana Employment Department. You will then be redirected to the website’s main page.
  • From the website’s main page, you must choose the option entitled “Upcoming Job Fair Schedule December 2019”. This will then result in the appearance of a new page.
  • The PDF is viewable on this page. This PDF contains all the information you need to view the Haryana Rojgar Mela List.
  • You can click the download icon to obtain this PDF as well.

The process to view contact details

  • The Haryana Employment Department’s official website must be visited first. The web page’s main page will then appear to you.
  • You need to first view the website’s home page before clicking the Contact Us link. That will bring up a new page for you.
  • This page contains a list of all the departments’ contacts. Depending on your demands, you can find the correct department’s contact information.

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Q.) What is the Haryana Employment Fair 2024?

Ans. Participants in this program must be unemployed youth with formal qualifications, such as a diploma, M.A., B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., or completion of the 10th or 12th grade, among others. Under this project, unemployed youth will have the chance to apply for available employment in the public and commercial sectors based on their educational background.

Q.) Where can I sign up to attend the Haryana Employment Fair?

Ans. Any applicant who wishes to take part in the Haryana Employment Fair must first register on the Employment Department’s official website.

Q.) How may one obtain employment at a job fair?

Ans. Initially, you must visit the program’s official website. The home page will load when you visit the official website. This home page has a section devoted to user manuals. You have the option to register your firm from this section. This is the option from which you must select.

Q.) Who is eligible to apply for the Job Corporation of Haryana?

Ans. Young people in the state who are educated but unemployed and are looking for work can apply online under the Haryana Skill Employment Corporation Scheme.

Q.) How can I find out more about Kaushal Rojgar Nigam in Haryana?

Ans. You can solve your problem and obtain information about Haryana Skill Employment Corporation by calling the helpline at 01722800130.

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