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Form 49 A, Form Filing Details, PAN Card Form, Step By Step Procedure

Form 49 A is the application structure for the assignment of Permanent Account Number for Indian occupants. Any person who is an occupant of India and wishes to apply for PAN ought to mandatorily fill the structure 49A as it is the application structure. One can download the application structure online from the NSDL e-Governance official site or the UTIITSL site. When the structure loaded up with the right subtleties, the candidate can make the instalment on the web and present the structure with the necessary reports and photos.


Construction of Form 49A:

Structure 49A is conveniently organize into various segments to make it simpler for the client to document the structure. The structure has assigned spaces for the candidate to join their photos on the top corners of the structure. The structure is plan with 16 parts, every part with a sub-area that should finished up.

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Parts of Form 49A:

Given underneath is a point by point clarification of the multitude of parts present on Form 49A.

  • Surveying official code-In AO code segment, the candidate needs to specify the Area code, Accounts office type, Range code and Accounts office number
  • Complete name-This is the piece of the structure where the singular notices their conjugal status, their first name, last name and their Surname.
  • Truncation of the name-The candidate needs to contract their name as they might want to see on their PAN card in this segment of the structure.
  • Other name-In here, the candidate needs to make reference to in case they were at any point known by some other name than the name referenced. On the off chance that they had another name, the candidate needs to give subtleties, for example, First name, Last name and Surname of their other name.
  • Gender- The piece of the structure wherein the candidate needs to specify their direction status.
  • Date of birth- In the event of a singular candidate, the candidate needs to specify their date of birth and if there should arise an occurrence of associations, they need to make reference to the date of organization/consolidation/Agreement or Trust deed.
  • Father’s name-The candidate needs to specify the principal name, last name and family name of their dad in this piece of the structure. This is appropriate just to individual candidates including wedded ladies.
  • Address-The candidate needs to enter the subtleties of their home location and office address in this piece of the structure. The candidate should be cautious while filling in the location and should give the right subtleties. Address of correspondence The candidate needs to pick the location of correspondence between the office or home.
  • Phone number and email id-The candidate needs to specify their Country code, State code and phone/versatile number. Status of candidate In here, the candidate needs to specify in case they are an individual, a HUF part, Company, Partnership firm, and so forth
  • Enlistment number-The enrollment number shows the enlistment number for organizations, firms, LLPs, and so forth
  • Aadhaar number-The Aadhaar number ought to be referenced if the individual possesses an Aadhaar card.
  • Kind of revenue- The candidate should specify from where they draw their pay.
  • Agent Assessee-The candidate needs to give the name and address of the delegate assessee.
  • Archives submitted-In this piece of the structure, the candidate needs to make reference to every one of the records they have submitted with the structure.
Form 49 A

How to fill Form 49A?

There are a few principles that one ought to follow while filling in Form 49A. Given beneath are a couple of things one should be careful about when filling in the structure.

Language and fundamental guidelines:

The candidate can fill in Form 49A just in English. There is no arrangement to fill in the structure in some other language other than English. It is additionally significant that the structure is loaded up with block letters and ideally in dark ink. Each crate furnished ought to be filled in with just a solitary person, leaving a vacant box after each character.


The candidate is needed to connect two ongoing shading photos in the space gave on the top corners of the structure. Note that the photos ought not to be stapled or cut to the structure as this will be the photo that will be shown on the PAN card. The clearness of the photograph on the PAN card will rely upon the lucidity of this photograph and thus, furnish a photo with great clearness.

Signature on the photo:

A signature or a had hand thumb effect ought to be given across the photograph that is fastened to the left top corner of the structure. So the candidate ought to guarantee that the signature or the thumbprint is on the photo just as the structure. Therefore the photo on the right top corner of the structure, the mark or thumb impression ought to be contained inside the crate gave and not on the photo as the photo on the right top corner of the structure will be the one shown on the PAN card.

Right subtleties:

It is essential to require some investment and fill the frame and guarantee so that you have filled in the right subtleties. Filling the structure with erroneous subtleties may prompt intricacies during the handling of the structure and may even prompt dismissal of the application.


Overwriting ought to be kept away from when recording the structure.

Contact subtleties:

There are a few subtleties that one should know about while filling in the contact subtleties in the structure. While referencing the location, give total subtleties including subtleties of Town, city and Pin code is required. Therefore Notice the STD code for the telephone number gave.

Useful Links:

ST Portal Login, Mobile Number Trace Location, NPS Full Form, Mobile Locator, Free Career Guide, SSC Typing Test, SSO Raj, My Individual Business.

FAQs on Form 49A:

What is Form 49A?

A Form 49A is an application structure that utilize for the designation of a Permanent Account Number.

What are the principle necessities of Form 49A?

The principle necessities of Form 49A are record beneath:

  • Two identification size photos are need with a light foundation
  • Photograph on the left side ought to have a mark or thumb impression across the photo in the event that it must be verified by an approved official or Notary Public under an authority stamp or seal
  • Therefore Photo on the right side ought to have a mark or thumb impression beneath the photo

What are the reports that you can give as evidence of “Date of Birth”?

The records that can utilized as verification for “Date of Birth” are record underneath:

  • The birth declaration gave by any office or Municipal Authority that approved to give a Birth and Death Certificate
  • Request for annuity instalment
  • Marriage declaration
  • Registration declaration
  • Identification
  • Driving License
  • An affirmation that notarized before a judge

Would I be able to apply for a PAN with the assistance of the old Form 49A?

No, you can’t. You should apply for a PAN utilizing the new Form 49A that has been advised by the Central Board of Direct Taxes.

What archives can fill in as proof of character for candidates for Form 49A?

The records that can utilized as proof of character recorded beneath:

  • Driving permit
  • Identification
  • Arm’s permit
  • Aadhaar Card
  • Any photograph personality card gave by an administration body
  • Retired person card with a photo of the candidate
  • Bank testament
  • In the event that the candidate is a minor; any of the previously mentioned archives of the minor’s folks will acknowledged.
Form 49 A

What are the archives that you can give as evidence of address?

The reports that can utilize as a proof of address are record beneath:

  • Power bill
  • Landline bill
  • Broadband association bill
  • Water bill
  • Customer gas association
  • Financial balance articulation
  • Vault account articulation
  • Mailing station passbook
  • Identification of the mate
  • Identification
  • A house testament that given by the public authority
  • Aadhaar card
  • Manager testament

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Can a Form 49A filled utilizing a typewriter?

  • Indeed, a Form 49A can filled utilizing a typewriter given that the lettering ought to be in Capital letters and ought to likewise have a decent impact on the structure.
  • So imagine a scenario where a candidate presents a deficient Form 49A.
  • Any fragmented Form 49A will dismiss. So there are administration focuses like the IT Pan Service Center that can help a candidate with topping off a Form 49A.

Is a candidate need to pay any charges whatsoever IT a Service Center?

A preparing expense of Rs.110 (restrictive of new assessment rates) needed to paid UTIITSL which incorporates the expense for another PAN Card. So these charges should paid in real money. In the event that the PAN should dispatched outside India, an extra expense of Rs.910 should paid by the candidate.

Is it important to give your phone number on Form 49A?

A phone number not required on Form 49A yet a phone number will help in any correspondence or data that should passed to a candidate.

Useful Links:

My Bangalore Mart, My Business Mart, Voter Card Link With Aadhar, National Scholarship 2020-21, Telenor Office In Ahemdabad, Digitize India, A To Z Website Review.

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