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Epos Bihar Ration Card, Benefits, Objectives, Purpose, Login Process, Highlights, Check Ration Card Status Online

Epos Bihar Ration Card: The Government of Bihar has employed the epos Bihar portal for the ration card holders and ration vendors of their state. Various types of services and facilities are made available online to the ration card holders and vendors through this portal. These services include transaction details of Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana (PMGKAY), stock register of Bihar ration distribution, shop wise transaction, date wise transactions, stock detail, the total number of ration card holders in Bihar, number of ration distribution shops, about etc. Apart from this, through (Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution System-AePDS), ration card holders can get food grains like wheat, rice, sugar, kerosene etc. at subsidized rates from government ration distribution shops for their daily consumption. can be obtained from

Through this portal, the ration card holders and ration vendors of all the districts of the state have been brought together on a digital platform by the Government of Bihar, which is a very commendable thing. Digital services and facilities related to Bihar Ration Card have been promoted at a high level in the state.

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In Hindi:

बिहार सरकार ने अपने राज्य के राशन कार्ड धारकों और राशन विक्रेताओं के लिए epos बिहार पोर्टल का इस्तेमाल किया है। इस पोर्टल के माध्यम से राशन कार्ड धारकों और विक्रेताओं को विभिन्न प्रकार की सेवाएं और सुविधाएं ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध कराई जाती हैं। इन सेवाओं में प्रधानमंत्री गरीब कल्याण योजना (पीएमजीकेएवाई) का लेन-देन विवरण, बिहार राशन वितरण का स्टॉक रजिस्टर, दुकानवार लेनदेन, तिथिवार लेनदेन, स्टॉक विवरण, बिहार में राशन कार्ड धारकों की कुल संख्या, राशन वितरण दुकानों की संख्या, लगभग इसके अलावा, (आधार सक्षम सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली-एईपीडीएस) के माध्यम से, राशन कार्ड धारक सरकारी राशन वितरण की दुकानों से रियायती दरों पर गेहूं, चावल, चीनी, मिट्टी के तेल आदि जैसे खाद्यान्न प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। उनकी दैनिक खपत। से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है

इस पोर्टल के माध्यम से राज्य के सभी जिलों के राशन कार्ड धारकों और राशन विक्रेताओं को बिहार सरकार द्वारा डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म पर एक साथ लाया गया है जो कि बहुत ही सराहनीय बात है। बिहार राशन कार्ड से संबंधित डिजिटल सेवाओं और सुविधाओं को राज्य में उच्च स्तर पर बढ़ावा दिया गया है।

Highlights Of Epos Bihar Portal

लेख का विषयepos Bihar
शुरू किया गयाबिहार सरकार द्वारा
लाभार्थीराज्य के राशन कार्ड धारक एवं राशन विक्रेता
उद्देश्यबिहार राशन कार्ड से जुड़ी सेवाओं एवं सुविधाओं को ऑनलाइन पर प्रदान करना
Offocial Website
Highlights Of epos Bihar Portal
Epos Bihar Ration Card

Purpose of Epos Bihar

The main objective of developing this online portal is to provide various types of services and facilities related to ration cards online to the citizens of Bihar while sitting at home. So that citizens do not have to stand in long queues of government departments or offices and both their time and money can be saved. Apart from this, through this online portal, government ration distribution vendors are also given the benefit of services and facilities related to the Bihar Ration Card 2023.

Transparency will come in the working of government offices through the epos Bihar Portal. Because all the services and facilities will be through online mediums, which will prevent bribery. If we say in simple words, the Epos portal has been developed to provide benefits of all types of services and facilities related to ration cards to all ration card holders and all government ration distribution vendors of Bihar.


इस ऑनलाइन पोर्टल को विकसित करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य बिहार के नागरिकों को घर बैठे राशन कार्ड से संबंधित विभिन्न प्रकार की सेवाएं और सुविधाएं ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध कराना है। ताकि नागरिकों को सरकारी विभागों या कार्यालयों की लंबी कतारों में न खड़ा होना पड़े और उनका समय और धन दोनों की बचत हो सके। इसके अलावा इस ऑनलाइन पोर्टल के माध्यम से सरकारी राशन वितरण विक्रेताओं को भी बिहार राशन कार्ड 2023 से संबंधित सेवाओं और सुविधाओं का लाभ दिया जाता है।

Epos बिहार पोर्टल के माध्यम से सरकारी कार्यालयों के कामकाज में पारदर्शिता आएगी। क्योंकि सारी सेवाएं और सुविधाएं ऑनलाइन माध्यम से होंगी, जिससे रिश्वतखोरी पर रोक लगेगी। अगर हम सरल शब्दों में कहें तो Epos पोर्टल को बिहार के सभी राशन कार्ड धारकों और सभी सरकारी राशन वितरण विक्रेताओं को राशन कार्ड से संबंधित सभी प्रकार की सेवाओं और सुविधाओं का लाभ प्रदान करने के लिए विकसित किया गया है।

What is AePDS?

The full name of AePDS is Aadhaar Enabled Public Distribution System. Its Hindi translation is based on competent public distribution. Through this, it is known whether your ration card is linked to your Aadhaar card or not. It contains almost all the details related to the food items of the ration card holders. The ration card holder can see through online mediums sitting at his home.

एईपीडीएस क्या है?

AePDS का पूरा नाम आधार सक्षम सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली है। इसका हिंदी अनुवाद सक्षम सार्वजनिक वितरण पर आधारित है। इसके जरिए यह पता चल जाता है कि आपका राशन कार्ड आपके आधार कार्ड से जुड़ा है या नहीं। इसमें राशन कार्ड धारकों के खाद्य पदार्थों से संबंधित लगभग सभी विवरण शामिल हैं। राशन कार्ड धारक अपने घर बैठे ऑनलाइन माध्यमों से देख सकता है।

Check Bihar Ration Card Status Online

  • FPS Status (FPS Status)
  • Detailed Transactions
  • RC Details
  • RC Transfer (RC Transfer)
  • Stock Register
  • Member Verification
  • Distribution Status (percentage distribution status)
  • Nominee Abstract
  • Beneficiary Verification

Benefits and Features of AePDS (

  • epos Bihar Portal has been started by the Government of Bihar in the interest of ration card holders and ration distribution vendors of their state.
  • On this portal, the benefits of various types of services related to the Bihar Ration Card are made available online to the beneficiaries.
  • Citizens of Bihar must first log in to this portal to take advantage of AePDS Portal (epos Bihar).
  • Now the citizens of the state do not need to visit the government departments and stand in long queues to get information related to the ration card.
  • Through this online portal, the citizens of the state can get information related to the government ration of Bihar in a better way in less time, than sitting at their homes.
  • The ePOS portal is smoothly operated by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs and the Department of Food and Consumer Protection.

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Epos Bihar Ration Card

AePDS के लाभ और विशेषताएं (

  • epos बिहार पोर्टल बिहार सरकार द्वारा अपने राज्य के राशन कार्ड धारकों और राशन वितरण विक्रेताओं के हित में शुरू किया गया है।
  • इस पोर्टल पर बिहार राशन कार्ड से संबंधित विभिन्न प्रकार की सेवाओं का लाभ लाभार्थियों को ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध कराया जाता है।
  • एईपीडीएस पोर्टल (ईपीओएस बिहार) का लाभ लेने के लिए बिहार के नागरिकों को सबसे पहले इस पोर्टल पर लॉग इन करना होगा।
  • अब राज्य के नागरिकों को राशन कार्ड से संबंधित जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए सरकारी विभागों के चक्कर लगाने और लंबी कतारों में खड़े होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।
  • इस ऑनलाइन पोर्टल के माध्यम से राज्य के नागरिक अपने घर बैठे कम समय में बेहतर तरीके से बिहार के सरकारी राशन से संबंधित जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
  • ईपीओएस पोर्टल खाद्य, नागरिक आपूर्ति और उपभोक्ता मामलों के विभाग और खाद्य और उपभोक्ता संरक्षण विभाग द्वारा सुचारू रूप से संचालित किया जाता है।

The process to log in on the epos Bihar Portal

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Aadhaar-enabled Public Distribution System-AePDS i.e. epos Bihar.
  • And after this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you will see the option of login which you have to click on.
  • Now the login form will open in front of you.
  • In this form you have to enter all the important information asked like user id, password and captcha code.
  • After this, you have to click on the option of login.
  • In this way, you can log in to the epos portal.

The process to view details of PMGKAY (Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana)

  • First of all, you have to go to the epos Bihar Portal.
  • After this, the home page of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of PMGKAY under the section of Reports.
  • Now a form will open in front of you to check the details of PMGKAY.

Details of PMGKAY (Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana)

  • In this form, you have to click on the month and year for which you want to see the details as per your requirement.
  • After that, you have to click on the button Submit. Then you will get the information on all the districts at the bottom of the page.
  • Now you have to click on the district whose details you want to see. After this, the list of all the villages of the selected districts will open in front of you.
  • From this list, you can see the village whose PMGKAY details you want to see.

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How to view detailed transaction information?

  • First of all, you have to go to the epos Bihar Portal.
  • After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, under the Reports section, you have to click on the option of Details Transactions.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you. On this page, you have to enter the date for which you want to see the transaction as per your requirement.
  • After that, you have to click on the submit button.
  • As soon as you click on the submit button, the transaction details will open in front of you.
  • In this way, you can give detailed transaction information.
Epos Bihar Ration Card

Stock Register Viewing Process

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of the Aadhaar-enabled Public Distribution System-AePDS.
  • After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of Stock Register under the reports section.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you on which you have to enter the details of month, year and FPS number as per your requirement
  • After that, you have to click on the submit option.
  • Now you will get the related information on your computer screen.

The process to view RC details

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of Epos Bihar.
  • After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of RC Details under the reports section.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you on which you have to enter the month, year and RCC number as per your requirement.
  • After that, you have to click on the button Submit.
  • Now the RCC details will come open in front of you.
  • In this way, you can see RCC details.

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The process to check FPS Status

  • First of all, you have to go to the epos Bihar Portal.
  • After this, the home page of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of FPS Status in the Reports section.
  • Now you have to enter the FPS I’d on the page displayed in front of you and click on the Submit button.
  • As soon as you click on the submit button, FPS Status will open in front of you on your computer or Android mobile screen.

How to register a Grievance on the epos Bihar Portal?

  • First of all, you have to go to the official website of epos Biha.
  • After this, the homepage of the website will open in front of you.
  • On the homepage of the website, you have to click on the option of Grievances.
  • As soon as you click on this option, the Grievance Registration Form will open in front of you.
  • In this form, you have to read all the important information asked carefully and enter it.
  • Now you have to click on the Register button.
  • This is how you can file a Grievance.

Suggested Link:- National Scholarship Portal  


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