eDistrict Delhi
It is a facility provided by eDistrict Delhi e-Governance Society, Information Technology Department, Govt of NCT of eDistrict Delhi for online delivery of services to citizens during a time bound and hassle free manner.
The file size shouldn’t be quite 100 KB. The document should be clearly legible.
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Click on the link provided along side the locality drop down otherwise you can contact us via the given phone no or email-id to send request for including your locality.
You will need to apply again after completing the documents/procedure because once the appliance rejected by the concerned authority, no further action often taken.
Please contact the concerned authority on the contact numbers or email address provided within the contact us.
This can seen from the ‘Tract Your Application’ link on the house page. Your also can check this by sending an SMS – EDISTDL to 7738299899.
If you’re but 18 year old then anybody of your parent or trustee can add your profile to his/her registered account then apply through it.
Aadhaar Number isn’t mandatory for registration or applying for services, you’ll do that through other available identity documents also. Just in case of any difficulty, you’ll apply at the Sub Division/Tehsil counter also.
You need to submit documents, the first affidavit (wherever required) and self-attested copies of other supporting documents required within the instruction sheet of the concerned form at the counter window during the official working hours. You’ll also send an equivalent by post to the concerned SDM office but you want to write application number at the highest of the envelope before sending it to the SDM office. For documents which may verified from online database, no supporting documents got to submitted at the counter.
Your application will get rejected if necessary attachments aren’t received within SLA time-lines at the concerned Sub-Division office.
No, once the document uploaded it can’t removed.
Check your document number, or contact the department concerned thereupon document. You’ll still proceed by uploading a scanned copy of your document.
On e-District portal Home Page click New User, then enter your details and follow the instructions as they seem on the screen.
No, you can’t edit your application after final submission.
e-District Delhi runs best on IE 8+, Firefox 3+ and Chrome 4+ browsers. However IE 11+ you would like to enable the compatibility view.
You can visit the web portal to see the explanations for objecting to the appliance provided by the competent authority. This might flow from to incomplete documents. You’ll also visit the Counters at the Sub-division office or make a turn the amount provided to understand what additional documents are required to be submitted.
A citizen is allowed to re-apply for a service once if his previous application has been rejected by the competent authority. Citizens are advised to not re-apply, if they are doing not meet the eligibility criterion for the appliance.
Either your browser is outdated and doesn’t meet the system requirements or your internet connection is just too slow. e-District Website should be viewed during a screen resolution of 1024 by 768. Your browser version should be either IE 8 or higher, Firefox 3 or higher and Chrome 4 or higher.
Once your application approved you’ll download the digitally signed certificate from the eDistrict Delhi portal using your application number provided to you at the time of applying (online or at the counter) and download the certificate from the portal. Authenticity of the certificate are often verified by the user-agencies online using the certificate number.
Your profile often retrieved at any point of your time. You would like to possess the mobile number and therefore the document number used for registration that you simply submitted at the time of making the profile. If your mobile is not any longer valid then you’ll contact the eDistrict Delhi team to retrieve your account. Please note that no duplicate accounts often created using same identity documents.
The system allows you to make a profile if the document number isn’t verified in real time. However the system won’t allow you to boost any service request till the time the small print are verified online. If the citizen details aren’t verified online from department database, the profile gets automatically deleted within 72 hours. The citizen may raise a fresh request on the portal with correct details thereafter.
No, anyone who doesn’t belong to OBC category cannot claim so on the virtue of marriage.
Caste applied for must be notified in Govt. of NCT of eDistrict Delhi.
No, the applicant must not covered under Creamy Layer category as specified by the govt of India time to time.
Yes, the small print of all the people to whom certificate has been issued are going to be put within the property right.
An Applicant should belong to a caste which mentioned within the constitution (Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes) [(States/Union Territories)] orders issued until date as amended from time to time.
No. A private who doesn’t belong to SC/ST category cannot claim so on the virtue of marriage.
This certificate establishes the place of residence of a private.
An Individual who may be a residing continuously for the last three years within the territorial jurisdiction of NCT of eDistrict Delhi and he/she must be the citizen of India.
A number of educational institutions reserve seats counting on the domicile status of the applicant. Similarly, benefits also are available during a number of cases of recruitment giving preference to local candidates. This certificate required to avail such benefits. Institutions giving loan as a symbol of place of residence can also require this certificate. Some organizations/institutions have different modalities for e.g. different fee structure for NRIs (Non Resident Indians) and need this certificate for checking purposes.
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Educational certificate for 3 consecutive years not the sole document that considered for issuance of Domicile Certificate.
Individual shouldn’t have any certificate issued from any agency anywhere in India.
There should be a niche of minimum one year between the date of birth of the individual and therefore the date of applying for issuance of birth registration order.
Individual shouldn’t have any Death Certificate issued from any agency anywhere in India.
There should be a niche of minimum one year between the date of Death and therefore the date of applying for issuance of death registration order.
A person joining Civil Defence must be a minimum of 18 years old. However, this regulation could also relaxed within the discretion of the competent authority up to a maximum of three years for any branch or category of the Corps.
Members of the subsequent forces or services aren’t ordinarily eligible for enrolment during a Civil Defence corps:
Fees is applicable for registration of Marriage and Solemnization of marriage only.
This certificate establishes that an individual is that the owner of a specific property/land within the “Abadi” area of a village (i.e. area demarcated for habitation). This certificate additionally used for getting water / power connections during a village.
6 Months.
No, there’s no got to get the digitally signed certificates attested. These certificates are often verified from the “verify certificate” link of the eDistrict portal.
Solvency certificate issued to individual/firms declaring their financial standing for purpose like standing surety in favour of some body, securing loans, securing business contractors etc. Solvency certificate issued on the idea of salaries drawn by Govt. Employees/individuals, the properties owned by the applicants in their own name and Sales Tax/Income Tax returns.
When a private has expired, the surviving members’ certificate usually required for the aim of settlement of claims in respect of the deceased by the surviving members of the deceased family.
Marriage Registration Certificate issued to both Husband and Wife whose marriage has already been solemnized. The registration completed under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or where they need converted into any of those religions. Where either of the husband or wife or both aren’t Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs the wedding registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
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