Categories: Digital India Job

Digital Seva online Registration Digital Seva Portal


What is digital Seva?

Well CSC Digital Seva is the initiative taken by the Government of India in order to deliver E-governance services to every part of the country. The Digital Seva not only deals with the government to citizen related services but also helps a person in the rural or urban area to take advantage of travel booking online.

Are you Interested in opening a CSC center and earn an extra 10000 to 15000 per month selling digital services? then read this guide to know requirements and eligibility and registration procedure. This is your one-stop guide for CSC registration. You can also get important information regarding CSC (Common Service Centers) on this website.

The objective of the Digital Seva:

The primary aim of the initiative is to ensure that the government services are accessible across India, even in rural and remote areas. The Digital Seva CSC portal offers services to the citizens directly to the home, bringing transparency and accountability in the system. These centres work in eliminating the middle man and prevent corruption in the government offices.

Overview of Digital Seva Portal:

Digital Seva Common Services Centre is an online portal where citizens are provided access to various government services. The CSC e-Governance is a portal developed by the Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology, Government of India. Citizens can use the portal for online application of various certificates, government services, banking and insurance services.

Highlights of CSC:

Given below are the essential features of Common Service Centres.

  • The government has established physical centres across India in several villages and remote areas.
  • It provides various government services with insurance and banking services.
  • The services rendered by these centres are exclusively for citizens, offering various e-services.
  • The citizens can access various government services at nominal costs.
  • The centres provide e-governance, delivery of government services, social welfare schemes, financial services, education and skill development courses, public utility services, health and agriculture services and digital literacy etc.

Services Provided by Dgital Seva:

  • Agricultural Services for Farmers
  • Aadhaar services
  • Banking and Pension Services
  • Electricity
  • Education
  • Government Citizen Services
  • Insurance
  • Health Services
  • Travel Services
  • Skills and Youth Development Services

Eligibility to Participate in CSC Scheme:

Criteria for participation in Common Service Services is as below-

A desirous person should be a local person.

Age Requirement:

Applicant must have attained the age of 18 years.

Qualification for CSC:

A person should preferably have passed the Matriculation Level Examination or equivalent from recognized board.

Other Requirements:

  • Applicant should have fluency in reading and writing the local language.
  • Should have the basic knowledge of English Language and Computer Skills.

Common Service Center Scheme has been formulated by the Government to provide E-Services to citizens by establishing a common center under the Digital India Programme. The government envisages on establishing the 1,00,000 (One Lac) CSCs across India. An eligible person can start CSC by approaching the Service Center Agency (SCA) of that respective area. Prerequisite to start a CSC is as-

Required CSC Infrastructure:

  • Room/Building having a place of 100-150 Sq. Ft.
  • Two PC’s with UPS with 5 hours battery back-up or a portable generator set.
  • PC with licensed Operating System of Windows 7 or above.
  • Two Printers. (Inkjet+ Laser)
  • RAM having the minimum storage capacity of 2 GB
  • Hard Disc Drive of at least 250 GB
  • Digital Camera/ Web Cam
  • Wired/ Wireless/V-SAT Connectivity
  • Biometric/IRIS Authentication Scanner for Banking Services.
  • CD/DVD Drive

Total Estimated Cost per CSC will be 1.25 to 1.50 Lacs (Except Land & Building)

Digital Seva

How to Start A Common Service Centre?

The process to Register for A Common Service Center (CSC) and Starting a New CSC in Your Area and Check Status Online- Any person who wants to open the Common Service Center and fulfills the eligibility can apply online. Application Procedure for setting up of CSC is as-

  1. Open the CSC Portal i.e.
  2. Click on “Interested to become a CSC” on the left side of the page.
  3. Click on Link given ” For CSC Registration, Click Here”
  4. Enter the Aadhar Number in the required box.
  5. After that choose the authentication Option from IRIS/ Finger Print/ One Time Password. Click on “Proceed”.
    Applicant has to pass through OTP Process.
  6. Click on Generate OTP.
    (Personal details of the applicant will automatically get filled from Aadhar database. Applicant needs to fill other details, therefore Mobile Data and Email Id will be taken from Aadhar Card, same can’t be modified until change is not made in Aadhar.)
  7. Upload the Geo-tagged Image of Centers.
  8. Click on SUBMIT Option.

On submission of Application, acknowledgment number will be sent to the applicant. Or,

Given below are the step-by-step registration procedure so you can register in the Common Service Centre.


Step 1: Login to the Portal

The user has to login to the official portal.

Digital Seva

Step 2: Enter Details

The user has to enter the name and Aadhaar number.

Step 3: Select the Verification Method

The user has to select an appropriate verification method such as Iris, fingerprint and OTP.

Step 4: Enter the Captcha Code

The user has to enter the Captcha code in the text box.

Step 5: Terms and Conditions

The user has to accept the terms and conditions.

Step 6: Click Submit

The user has to click the ‘Submit’ button, so they can complete the registration procedure.

Digital Seva Login:

Given below are the step-by-step login procedure to log in to the Digital Seva Connect, so login yourself to complete your registration process.

Step 1: Login to the Website

The user has to login to the official website.

Digital Seva

Step 2: Enter the Credentials

The user has to enter the user name and password so they can proceed for next step.

Step 3: Click Sign In Button

Once all the credentials are entered, the user has to click on the ‘Sign In’ button to log in.

Status Check:

The following steps have to be followed to check the status of the Digital Seva/ CSC Portal Registration.

Step 1: Login to the Page

The user has to login to the application status check page.

Step 2: Enter the Application Number

The user has to enter the application number.

Step 3: Enter the Captcha Code

The user has to enter the Captcha code in the text box.

Step 4: Click Submit

Once the captcha code is entered, the user has to click the ‘Submit’ option.

Also Read: Apply for Apna CSC online Digital Seva Registration 2019 in hindi


What is CSC?

Under the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP.) formulated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY.), Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Government of India, the Common Services Centers (CSCs.) are conceptualized as ICT enabled, front end service delivery points for delivery of Government, Social and Private Sector services in the areas of agriculture, health, education, entertainment, FMCG products, banking and financial services, utility payments, etc.

How Digital Seva works?

CSC e-Governance Services India Limited is a Special Purpose Vehicle (CSC SPV).So this is connecting local population with the Government departments. Like banks, and insurance companies and with various service providers in private sector.So That is using IT-Enabled network of citizen service points.

What are the benefits of Registration?

Registration helps the users to be on-boarded on the Digital Seva Portal post a quality check.So Post the verification, the VLE would be entitled for an official Digital Seva e-mail ID.

Also Read: Digital India Payment, Registration, Apps, Agent Login

What all are the System requirements for registering on CSC?

a) At least 120 GB Hard Disc Drive.
b) At least 512 MB RAM.
c) CD/DVD Drive.
d) UPS PC with Licensed Windows XP-SP2 or above operating system.
e) With 4 hrs battery backup/Portable Genset.
f) Printer/ Colour Printer.
g) Web cam/digital camera.
h) Scanner.
i) Internet connection with at least 128 kbps speed for browsing & data uploading over internet.

How to register on Digital Seva?

To register on CSC, simply follow the following steps:
a) Visit the URL
b) Click on “Click here to apply” button so you can see this on the homepage.
c) Enter you aadhaar number, so you can select the authentication type and further add the Captcha Text. Click on “Submit” button”
d) After aadhaar authentication, therefore your aadhaar information will be displayed along with the form.
e) Please fill the details For Instance tabs, Kiosk, Banking, Document and Infrastructure.
f) Review your details, After That click on “Submit” button to register yourself and an application ID will be generated.
g) After That You will receive an acknowledgement email regarding successful completion of your application on your registered email address.

How can I check the status of my application after completing the registration?

a) Visit the URL
b) Click on “Applications” menu, After That select “Application Status” option.
c) Enter your application id and therefore Captcha Text. Click on “Submit” button so you can register yourself.

Whom to contact in case of queries?

In case of any queries or in other words you want help, you may contact the helpdesk team on the toll free number 1800 3000 3468 or email the query to

Useable Links:
Mobile Number TrackerMobile Person FinderBest Mobile Number Tracker With Google MapMobile Number LocatorPhone Number TrackerPIN Code Area Finder

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