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Digital Seva Login, Application Status, Registration, Apply Online, FAQs

CSC are the direct client interactions in regions where individuals have no admittance to the web. These focuses are situated in provincial/far off regions to help residents/understudies apply for different plans and assessments. Accordingly, these Common Service places are a help to the rustic populace of our country. Thus, through this article, we expect to scatter some data about the CSC Digital Seva Login. Step by step instructions to apply for CSC on the web, CSC ID Registration, Login and significantly more. Perusers will likewise acquire some fundamental data about the VLA Certificate Download. Along these lines, perusers are encouraged to give this article a read and have a deep understanding of the Common Service Centers.


VLE Registration on Apna CSC Digital Seva:

Article CategoryCentre Government Schemes
Name of ArticleCSC Digital Seva
DepartmentMinistry of Electronics and Information Technology
Launched byGovernment of India (GoI)
Services OfferedMultiple services
ObjectiveProvide common services to the rural inaccessible population of the country.
BeneficiariesPeople with no internet access
Mode of RegistrationOnline
Application StatusActive
HelplineToll-Free No.- 18001213468
Email at-

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About CSC Digital Seva Kendras:

The Common Service Centers or CSC Digital Seva Kendras were made under the National eGovernance model of the Government of India in 2006. It was made as work to make India Digital. Therefore the model of such administration was advanced by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) working under the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

These focuses offer different application administrations in return for a minor help expense. Hence, assisting their own kin with getting presented to every one of the fundamental administrations and government plans. So these focuses give all kinds of internet-based administrations, be it enrollment, application or fundamental affirmation.

Digital Seva Login

These assistance communities are worked by the ordinary citizens of the region where the CSC Digital Seva is found. So these individuals are known as the Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLE). Other Self Help Groups (SHGs) additionally can open their own Common Service Centers. These individuals work to help individuals in their area by giving them admittance to the web.

CSC Digital Seva Registration Eligibility:

To open a Digital Service Center, the candidate needs some qualifications which are fundamental to satisfy to enrol on his/her CSC. We are posting these norms for enrolling for a Common Service Center in this segment.

AgeThe citizen applying for a CSC must not be less than 18 years of age.
QualificationHe/ She must possess a minimum educational qualification of Class 10th.
Residential StatusThe applicant must be a resident of the area where he/ she wishes to establish the CSC.
Other SpecificationsTo register as a Village level Entrepreneur the applicant must possess a Telecentre Entrepreneur Course (TEC).
The Applicant who is willing to register under a Self Help Group (SHG) must also hold a registration code claiming the selection of the individual as an SHG.

Fundamental Documents for CSC VLE Registration:

A few records are fundamental for any individual who needs to claim a CSC. These archives will be expected while the candidate is enlisting on the CSC entry.

  • Personality Proof-Aadhar, PAN Card
  • Genuine E-mail ID, Phone Number
  • Financial balance Details
  • Marksheet of Class tenth
  • Other Educational Qualification Certificates
  • Verification of Residence
  • Photo of the candidate (Passport Size)
  • Photos of CSC Center

Different Requirements to begin a CSC Digital Seva Kendra:

There are a few different prerequisites to open a typical help community. These are:

  • Right off the bat, to open a CSC, the candidate should have a space which effectively available to the general society of the close-by region where he wishes to open a CSC.
  • The middle should guarantee the accessibility of end-client administrations for every one of the residents according to the Government guidelines.
  • Administrations of KIOSK should be made accessible to individuals from 8 am to 8 pm.
  • The individual managing the CSC should likewise ensure the viable conveyance of administrations.

The candidate opening a CSC needs some sort of gear also to begin a CSC. These are:

  • PC System (at least two)- With 500 GB Hard Disk and 1 GB RAM, Licensed Operating System and different details.
  • Printer
  • Scanner
  • Advanced Camera
  • Webcam

Apna Digital CSC Registration Apply CSC Online:

Advanced Seva Registration is for the residents of the country who will open a Common Service Center in the space they live in. To open a Digital Seva Kendra, a resident should enrol himself/herself as the Village Level Entrepreneur (VLE). The total application process for the enlistment is online so any of the residents can apply for it. CSC Digital Seva enlistment is of three kinds:

  • Self-Help Gatherings (SHG)- Applicants who register under the Self Help Groups will require an enlistment code of the determination mode.
  • RDD (Rural Development)- Applicants will require her RDD Code to enrol as an RDD.
  • CSC VLE-For enlisting as a CSC Village Level Entrepreneur, therefore the candidate will require a TEC Certificate number to enrol on the CSC gateway.
Digital Seva Login
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How to enrol a CSC under a Self-Help Group (SHG)?

To enlist your normal help place under an SHG, residents can follow these means:

  • Go to the authority site of the Common Service Center Registration (CSC). On the landing page, you will see a tab for VLE Registration. Under this head, clients will see the choice ‘Snap here to Register’.
  • As you land on the following page, an enlistment page will open up. Clients should choose and tap on the application type (CSE VLE/SHG/RDD).
  • From the drop-down rundown of the three choices, pick the choice of SHG under the application type. The candidate will likewise require an enrollment code of the choice mode into the SHG.
  • Enter your versatile number, enter the CAPTCHA code and snap on the SUBMIT button situated on the page.
  • Another page will open up where the candidate should fill in the Application structure with every one of the subtleties referenced in the structure. Subsequent to embedding every one of the subtleties, the clients should tap on Next.
  • On the following coordinated page, the candidate will currently need to transfer every one of the fundamental archives points by point in the application structure. Transfer every one of the reports and snap-on Next and Submit the application.

How to enlist RDD Digital Seva Kendra?

Enrollment under the Rural Development Department is for the CSC shaped like a piece of Rural Development in a space. To enlist your CSC under RDD, candidates can follow the means itemized underneath.

  • Visit the CSC enrollment gateway. On the landing page, tap on Click Here to Register and Open the Registration page.
  • On the following coordinated page, click on Application Type. Pick the choice of RDD Registration. As you pick the choice another tab will open up for RDD Code.
  • Enter your RDD Code, portable number, and Captcha code and snap on the Submit button.
  • On accommodation, another page with an application structure will open up. Therefore candidate should fill in all his/her subtleties. Transfer every one of the reports and snap-on Next.
  • After embedding every one of the subtleties, candidates will just tap on the Submit button and present the application.

How to enrol as a CSC VLE?

Enlistment as CSC VLE is for the candidates who need to function as Village Level Entrepreneurs. For that, the candidates will require a TEC declaration course. Thus, the candidate will initially need to acquire his/her Telecentre Entrepreneur Course endorsement and afterwards register for the Common Service Center. Therefore interaction to get a TEC declaration is made sense of in the segments underneath. To enrol as a CSC VLE, the candidates can follow these means.

  • Open the enrollment page of the CSC Portal. On the landing page, the candidates will see a choice of ‘Snap here to enrol’ under the dashboard of VLE Registration. Therefore the image is now portrayed in the segments above.
  • Clicking on the choices, the candidates will be coordinated to another page. On this page, candidates should choose the application type as CSC VLE.
  • On choosing it, another choice will open up to enter the TEC Certificate Number. Enter your declaration number. From that point onward, enter your portable number, given Captcha code and snap on the Submit button.
  • As the candidate hits the Submit button, another page will open with an application structure. The candidates should fill in this application by entering all subtleties individual, instructive, address, account subtleties, and so on. Subsequent to embedding every one of the subtleties, click on the ‘Following’ button.
  • After the candidate enters every one of the fundamental subtleties, presently he/she really wants to transfer every one of the fundamental archives referenced in the application, for example, a Voter ID card, PAN Card, CSC Photograph, and so forth. Post transfer, click on the Next button.
  • After that, the candidate needs to enter other enrollment subtleties. Subsequent to finishing the application structure, click on the Submit button.

Apna Digital Seva CSC Login:

After the candidate finishes the enrollment cycle, he/she will get a CSC ID. This CSC ID will be utilized for signing in to their CSC account on the authority web-based interface. To sign in, candidates can follow these means:

  • Go to the authority entryway of the CSC Registration. On the landing page, candidates will see a choice of ‘My Account”. Click on that choice.
  • Clicking on the choice, clients will be coordinated to another page. On the current page, clients will see the choice to enter the CSC ID. Enter the ID. Pick the Modality, enter the CAPTCHA code and tick check the Terms and Condition box. Click on Submit button.

You will be signed in to your record!

Take a look at CSC Application Status:

Clients who have enrolled on the CSC entry and have applied for a Digital Seva Kendra can really take a look at their application status on the gateway Itself. Therefore application status will be apparent for the candidates who enrolled as Village Level Entrepreneurs. To check/track your application, candidates can follow the means enrolled beneath.

  • Visit the Official site of Common Service Center Registration.
  • Therefore you will see a segment of ‘Track Application’ on the Homepage Dashboard.
  • Under this segment, there will be a connected choice named ‘Clicking Here’.
  • Tapping on the choice, candidates will currently be coordinated to one more page to Check CSC Application Status. Therefore candidate should add his/her Application Reference Number and snap on the Submit button. Your reference number will be apparent on your screen.
Digital Seva Login

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Application Reference Number will be sent on the email given by the candidate on application accommodation.

FAQs on Digital Seva Login:

What are Common Service Centers (CSC)?

Common Service Centers are the spots where the willful gatherings, divisions or Village business visionaries give out fundamental administrations to individuals of the region where the CSC is found. So this CSCs convey a wide range of private/taxpayer driven organizations to the end client.

How might I enlist for my CSC?

To enlist your Common Service Kendra, the candidates can visit the authority site of the CSC gateway and follow the means itemized in the article.

What is the enlistment expense for TEC Program?

The enrollment expense for the TEC program is about Rs 1479 or more than the GST.

Is the TEC number fundamental for enlisting as a Village Level CSC Entrepreneur?

Indeed, for the individuals who need to enrol as a VLE, the candidates will require a TEC Certificate number. Without the Certificate number, the candidate can not enlist his/her CSC.

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