Digital Ration Card, Ration Card Download Online By Aadhar Card, E-Ration Card Download West Bengal, Status Check Online
Digital Ration Card,
digital ration card download,
digital ration card name list,
A ration card is one of the most important documents which should be carried mainly by the residents of India. You can also get subsidized goods and other benefits from some of the schemes launched by the government. In today’s article, we will introduce our readers to the importance of Ration Cards in India. Also, in this article, we will discuss the West Bengal Digital Ration Card for the year 2022 with our readers. In this article, we have mentioned a guide to apply process and check the application status etc. And The list of ration cards available in the state of West Bengal for the starting year of 2022 is also mentioned.
राशन कार्ड सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेजों में से एक है जिसे मुख्य रूप से भारत के निवासियों द्वारा ले जाना चाहिए। सरकार द्वारा शुरू की गई कुछ योजनाओं से आप सब्सिडी वाले सामान और अन्य लाभ भी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। आज के लेख में हम अपने पाठकों को भारत में राशन कार्ड के महत्व से परिचित कराएंगे। साथ ही, इस लेख में, हम अपने पाठकों के साथ वर्ष 2022 के लिए पश्चिम बंगाल डिजिटल राशन कार्ड पर चर्चा करेंगे। इस लेख में, हमने प्रक्रिया को लागू करने और आवेदन की स्थिति आदि की जांच करने के लिए एक गाइड का उल्लेख किया है और 2022 के शुरुआती वर्ष के लिए पश्चिम बंगाल राज्य में उपलब्ध राशन कार्डों की सूची का भी उल्लेख किया है।
When you link your Aadhaar card with your ration card it becomes an e-ration card and you can download it online from the official website ( and manage it from WBPDS Huh.
Digital/Smart Ration Cards and e-Ration Cards both have the same rights and privileges.
The e-RC will be accepted at par with the digital ration card by all concerned authorities.
Online verification can be done at any time by scanning the QR code mentioned in the e-RC or by entering the e-ration card number on the official website of the department.
The owner of an e-ration card can download a copy of his card from the internet.
From the next working day after approval, the recipients can visit the ration shop to buy food grains.
To get food grains in the ration shop, the e-ration card holder will not need to bring his digital ration card in physical or paper form.
To get food grains from the ration shop. You can carry a copy of an e-ration card printed on plain paper or display a soft copy e-ration card on your mobile device.
How to apply for West Bengal Ration Card online
If you want to apply for West Bengal Ration Card then you have to follow the steps given below:
visit the West Bengal Food and Supplies Department’s official website.
As you scroll down, you will find the link ‘Application Form for Non-Subsidized Ration Card or Conversion to Non-Subsidized Ration Card. Click on it
A new page will open where you need to enter your 10-digit mobile number
A Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter OTP and click on ‘Validate’
After verifying your mobile number, select one of the options if you are an existing ration card holder. – AAY, PHH, SPHH, RKSY-I, or RKSY-II card. If you are applying for a ration card for the first time then you will not need to choose any of the above options.
If you are an existing subscriber, choose one of the options – AAY, PHH, SPHH, RKSY-I, or RKSY-II card if you want to convert your existing digital card into a non-subsidised ration card
In the next step, enter District, Block/ Municipality, Gram Panchayat, Post Office, Police Station, and Flat Number. Street Number, Pin Code, Email ID and your Ration Card Number. Click on ‘Display’ to see details
The details of your family members will be displayed on the screen. You can then select all card members or partially select card members for conversion to non-subsidized ration cards and then click on ‘View Selected List.
You will then be required to enter details such as date of birth, and Aadhaar number. EPIC number (only if available), and PAN number of the selected ration card and then click on ‘Save & View’.
Then you have to verify all the details provided by you and check the declaration form. Enter the amount and click on the ‘Submit’ button. Your application form will be submitted successfully and you will get a confirmation message on your computer screen
If you are a new applicant then you have to select the option ‘New applicant – does not have ration card’ on the screen.
Enter District, Block/ Municipality, Gram Panchayat, Post Office, Police Station, and Flat Number. Street Number, Pin Code, Email ID and Paper Category and select Fair Price Shop/Ration Dealer details.
Then you need to enter your personal details such as your date of birth, and Aadhaar number. EPIC number (only if available), email ID and PAN number of the selected ration card. Enter your father and mother’s details and then click on ‘Show Members’. If you are the head of the household, click on ‘Head of Household’ under the ‘Relationships’ category. You can click on ‘Add family members and then add important details like the name of the member, your relation to them, age etc. Click on ‘show members’ to see details
Once all the members are added, click on the ‘Save & View Application’ button
Verify all the details provided by you and check the declaration form. Enter the amount and click on the ‘Submit’ button. Your application form will be successfully submitted for which you will receive a confirmation message on your computer screen.