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Delhi Coronavirus Pass, Registration, COVID-19 LockDown E-Pass, Status

Delhi Coronavirus Pass:- The world is currently experiencing a pandemic, and every nation is working extremely hard to help its people deal with the illness as quickly as possible. We will discuss the recently introduced Delhi E Pass in this post. The Chief Minister of Delhi introduced this pass to provide necessary goods and services. We’ll walk you through the entire registration process for the Delhi Curfew Pass step-by-step. We will also provide you with the documents needed to apply for the pass in this article.


Delhi Coronavirus Pass: 2024

On January 7, 2022, the Delhi government declared that weekend curfews would be imposed in an attempt to stem the rising number of coronavirus cases. This curfew will go into effect on Friday at 10 p.m. and run through Monday at 5 a.m. Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, has also brought up the fact that there are more Covid-19 cases in Delhi.. Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, has also brought up the fact that there are more Covid-19 cases in Delhi. Global standards are followed by the updated version.The illness is only exhibiting mild symptoms that can be managed with home isolation, but safety precautions still need to be taken in order to contain the infection.These requests are in addition to masks, keeping a safe distance from each other in public, and only leaving their homes when absolutely necessary.

The Delhi Coronavirus Pass:- Details

NameDelhi E Pass
Launched byArvind Kejriwal
ObjectiveFree movement in the city
BeneficiariesEssential service providers
Official Website

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Delhi E Pass Allotment

The Delhi Chief Minister announced this plan in response to numerous complaints about the city’s lack of freedom of movement. As you may be aware, Delhi’s situation is so dire that the Supreme Court has now imposed section 144 in all areas to halt traffic and contain the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, the Epass will be provided to everyone supplying Delhi’s citizens with necessities like food and services. The pass will also be distributed to people working in the media or any other open industry.

Dispensation from Weekend Curfew

  • The COVID-19 test or immunisation can proceed for those who can provide identification.
  • Patients seeking medical and health services with an accompanying person, including pregnant women, are permitted to do so provided they have a valid identity card and a prescription from a doctor.
  • Up to 20 people may congregate for marriage-related purposes as long as both a hard copy and a soft copy of the marriage card are shown.
  • Workers performing vital tasks such as emergency services will be allowed access. During the weekend and night curfews, they must present a valid identity card.
  • Officers and officials of the Government of India, including its autonomous and subordinate officers and PSUs, will be allowed to travel in compliance with the guidelines issued by the central government, provided they possess a valid identity card.
  • Passengers are free to enter and exit interstate bus terminals, airports, and train stations as long as they have a valid ticket.
  • As long as they have a valid identity card or examination duty order, exam staff members who have been assigned to exams are allowed to travel.
  • Movement of private medical professionals, including physicians, nurses, paramedics, and other hospital services, such as testing, diagnostic centres, laboratories, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, medical oxygen suppliers, and other medical and health services, is allowed with the presentation of a valid ID.
  • Individuals with constitutional positions, as well as officers and officials in diplomatic missions across the globe, are permitted to travel as long as they can present a legitimate identity card.
  • Those with a court administration-issued identity card, service ID card, photo entry pass, or commission letter are permitted to move about the courtroom, as are judges, all judicial officers, Delhi court employees, advocates, and legal counsel attending the case hearing.

Delhi E Pass Eligibility

The following categories of businesses are the only ones eligible for the e-pass benefit:

  • production of necessities
  • transportation of necessities
  • Keeping necessities in storage
  • stores that sell necessities
  • Media

The official website of Delhi E Pass

The Chief Minister of Delhi has also launched the official website, which the authorities have launched, in an effort to assist and provide access to the various incentives offered there.The following choices are available on the website:

  • Food is necessary
  • Need for ration
  • Pension Amount: 5,000 rupees per worker in compensation
  • E-pass for travel

Using the provided link, you can access the website on a computer or mobile device, choose the service you want to use, and have the facilities delivered straight to your door.

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Required Documents

To apply for an e-pass, you must have the following paperwork on hand:

  • ID Proof
  • Visiting Card
  • Shop License
  • Business License

Delhi Coronavirus Pass: 2024 Online Applications

You must adhere to the easy steps listed below in order to apply for an e-pass in Delhi:

First Step

  • For access to the official website, click the link below.
  • It will show up on your screen as the application form.
  • Type in the information asked.
  • Fill out all the details.
  • Number of Contact
  • The name of the applicant
  • Area
  • Office address or meeting location
  • Nature Of The Service
  • Timings and Duration of the E-Pass

Second Step

  • Upload a legitimate photo ID
  • Any other paperwork, such as a business licence or visiting card
  • Press the “Submit” button.
  • You will receive the pass.

Status of Delhi Curfew Pass Application

  • The applicant who wishes to verify their curfew pass status They must first go to the official website.
  • You can now access the Application Status Option on the website’s homepage.
  • To check the status, enter your seven-character ePass ID now, then click the submit button.
  • Following that, the application status will show up for you to see.


  • Food and groceries (fruits, vegetables, dairy products, baked goods, meat, fish, etc.)
  • general supply stores
  • Restaurant delivery or takeaway available.
  • Electronic sales of all necessities, such as food, medications, and medical supplies
  • The Public Distribution System’s Fair Price Shops
  • Health (including facilities for veterinary health care)
  • Power
  • Hydrate dairy plants
  • Bank cashier and teller operations (including ATMs)
  • pharmacists and chemists.
  • carer for an individual with a disability.
  • Pay and Accounts Office for Print and Electronic Media (only for expenses related to salaries, wages, contingent labour, health care, and essential services)
  • Postal, Internet, and telecom services
  • LPG/CNG stations, petrol stations and oil companies (including their godown and transportation-related operations)
  • Meat for animals
  • Establishments and commodities needed for the delivery of the aforementioned services, including SEBI-regulated stock market entities and the critical personnel involved in stock market services, as well as construction, maintenance, manufacturing, processing, transportation, distribution, storage, trade/commerce, and logistics related to all of the aforementioned services.
  • Set Fire to Prisons
  • Municipal Services: Operations linked to the Legislative Assembly of Delhi; Law and order and magistratal duties offices; Police
  • Any additional vital facility or service that the government may exempt government employees from

Delhi E Pass through WhatsApp

Applicants can now use WhatsApp to apply for a curfew pass for a person or a car that provides a necessary service. All you have to do is text your information to the number. The information below is what you must forward:

  • Name
  • Address/place of engagement
  • period
  • Time
  • Detail of service/purpose
  • Copy of id proof like Aadharcard, voter ID card, passport etc.
  • Vehicle registration card details

WhatsApp Numbers

East District8447200084 , 8375878007
North East District9540895489 , 8860425666
Central District7428336279 , 7428210711
New Delhi District9540675392 , 9873743727
North District8595298706 , 8595354861
Shahdara District8595272697 , 8595274068
South East District8595246396 , 8595258871
West District9414320064 , 8595252581
south District9599649266 , 9643150027
South West District9971518387 , 9971526953
North West District8595559117 , 8595543375

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Helpline Number

The Delhi government has set up the following hotlines for citizens to report harassment they may have received from a police officer who stopped them while they were going somewhere important:

  • 011-22459536

FAQ’s On Delhi Coronavirus Pass

Q.) What are the doorstep services of Delhi government?

Ans. The additional services include load balancing for power connections, monitoring the progress of power connection requests and complaints, disability pension applications, Delhi Jal Board bill payment, tanker booking, borewell permission, vehicle fitness and passenger RTV permit renewals, and permit transfers in the event of.

Q.) What is the Delhi government helpline number 1076?

Ans. Operational Procedure. In order to utilise any of the one hundred services, residents schedule a time for a home visit by calling the toll-free number 1076, which connects them to a central call centre. The request is assigned to a Mobile Sahayak.

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