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Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024: Objective, Benefits, Features, Eligibility, Documents and How to Apply

Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana: The Bihar Industries Department developed the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme to give the state’s economically disadvantaged residents financial support for employment. Recipients of the scheme have been chosen. The list of chosen applicants for each category has been made public under this programme. Those who applied to be eligible for the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme benefits can review the Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Selection List 2024 to see their name. The government would give Rs 2 lakh in cash support to the people chosen under this initiative.

You can verify your name in the Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Selection List 2024 and download the list through this article if you have also applied under the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme. We will be giving you information about the selected list for the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme through this blog today.

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Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Selection List 2024

Families in the state with monthly incomes of Rs 6,000 or less shall receive financial aid for employment from the Bihar government under the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme. Under this initiative, one member of every family in the state will receive free support up to Rs 2 lakh to begin working for themselves. The Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme would provide benefits to 94 lakh families in the state. Application forms for this programme were submitted between February 5 and February 20, and on February 23, 2024, the final list of applicants was made public. The list of recipients who were chosen for each category is now available.

Each individual whose name appears on the Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Selection List will receive Rs 2 lakh. By using the online approach from the comfort of their own home, any state candidates who applied to be eligible for this scheme’s advantages can verify their name in the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme Selection List.

Information about Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme Selected List 2024

Name of article Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana Selection List
Name of SchemeBihar Small Land Scheme
Relevant departments Industries Department Bihar Government
beneficiary poor families of the state
ObjectiveTo provide financial assistance for employment to poor unemployed families.
financial assistance amount 2 lakh rupees
list viewing process Online
official website

The objective of Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana

The primary goal of the Bihar government’s Small Entrepreneur Scheme is to give financial support to all economically disadvantaged households so they can establish their businesses and become better versions of themselves. This is based on a survey report based on caste. 94 lakh 33312 families in Bihar make Rs 6000 or less a month and support themselves and their families with this income; nevertheless, the state government is now giving each family financial assistance worth Rs 200000 through the Small Industries Scheme. The only way they can improve their financial situation is by finding work, and this programme was launched to modernise and empower the people of Bihar.

You will receive the financial amount in three instalments

Under the Small Entrepreneur Scheme launched by the Bihar Government, a financial amount of Rs 2 lakh each will be given to the curry families as financial assistance in three instalments. The state government will provide 25 per cent of the first instalment to the beneficiary and the second. 50% of the percentage and thirdly, then the remaining 25% amount will be transferred to the bank account of the beneficiary. The Bihar government has been implementing this initiative for the past five years to help an increasing number of impoverished households profit from it and be able to start their businesses.

Details of the amount received under the Small Entrepreneur Scheme

The Bihar government will offer grants of Rs 2 lakh to each participant of the Small Entrepreneur Scheme so they can pursue self-employment. The government would not reduce the amount of funding given to families that are unemployed or in poverty to give them work. The grantee will receive this amount from the government in three payments. 25% of the project cost will be deposited into the beneficiary’s bank account in the first instalment; 50% of the project cost will be disbursed in the second instalment; and 25% of the remaining project cost will be disbursed in the third instalment.

In this manner, the beneficiary’s bank account will only receive the amount of the subsequent instalment once each instalment has been used appropriately. The Bihar government is offering this initiative to benefit 94 lakh families. This will not only help the state’s unemployment issue, but it will also give low-income residents financial support and prepare them for independent work.

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Benefits and features of Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024

  • With Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar as its chairman, the Abhiyan Laghu Uttam Yojana was introduced to help low-income households in different parts of the state with their economic growth.
  • Poor families will profit from this initiative by receiving financial support of Rs 2 lakh apiece for work.
  • The state government will distribute this money in three payments as part of the Bihar Laghu Uttam Yojana.
  • The beneficiary’s bank account will receive this money.
  • The Bihar government has set aside Rs 1250 crore in the budget to run this project.
  • The programme would run in Bihar for five years.
  • Under this initiative, at least one member of over 94 lakh impoverished families in the state of Bihar will receive benefits.
  • The Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme covered 62 self-employment-related enterprises that qualified for financial aid.
  • The Bihar Industries Department ran Vishwa Janak.
  • What makes Bihar’s Udyami Yojana so strong? Applications submitted online will only be accepted via the online process.
  • Individuals from economically disadvantaged backgrounds can easily find work under the Bihar Small Industries Scheme.
  • The impoverished households in Bihar won’t have to worry about taking out loans for schooling or loans for work any longer.
  • Through the provision of aid without distinction, this programme will enhance the financial circumstances of all societal groups.

Eligibility related to Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024

  • Only residents of the state of Bihar are eligible to benefit from this programme.
  • Families from throughout the state who are poor and jobless will be eligible for this programme.
  • The applicant’s monthly income must not exceed Rs 6000.
  • Any family member who works for the government will not be qualified for this programme.

Documents required to apply

  • Aadhar card
  • Address proof
  • income certificate
  • caste certificate
  • Bank account statement
  • age certificate
  • passport size photo
  • mobile number

Process to apply under Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana 2024

  • The first thing you need to do is go to the official website of the Bihar government’s Industries Department.
  • Following this, this website’s main page will appear to you.
  • You must select the register link on the website’s main page.
  • You will see the individuals page when you click on registration.
  • At this point, you must input your Aadhaar number and password to access the website’s home page.
  • You will see the Udyami Yojana registration form open as soon as you click on the people option.
  • You must now carefully enter all of the information requested on this page.
  • You will need to upload the required documents after entering all the information.
  • Lastly, you need to select the “Submit” button.
  • You can apply for the Bihar Small Enterprise Scheme online in this manner.

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Q. What is Mukhyamantri Udyog Yojana?

Ans: Physical verification should be conducted for those who applied for and were approved for the first instalment under the Chief Minister Udyami Yojana in the fiscal year 2023–2024, or for those who received it after receiving training alongside the entrepreneurs in the same fiscal year and utilised the money for purchases of machinery, among other things.

Q. When is the date of the Chief Minister Entrepreneur Scheme 2024?

Ans: We would like to inform you that the Mukhyamantri Udyami Yojana 2023–24, also known as the Chief Minister Minority Entrepreneur Scheme, is open to youth from minority communities only. The application process will begin on November 1, 2024, and the deadline for online applications is November 30, 2024.

Q. How many families of the state will benefit under Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana?

Ans: The Bihar Laghu Udyami Yojana has incorporated self-employment in 62 industries.

Q. Who will be eligible for the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme?

Ans: Poor people from throughout the state who make at least Rs 6000 a month are eligible for the Bihar Small Entrepreneur Scheme.


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