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Basava Vasati Yojana 2024:Objectives, Benefits, eligibility & Information List

Basava Vasati Yojana: The state government of Karnataka devises a number of programs for the benefit of individuals who fall into the socioeconomically disadvantaged categories of society. The Karnataka state government founded the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited (RGHCL) to give socially and economically disadvantaged people with pucca houses. The RGHCL is in charge of the Karnataka government’s Basava Vasati Yojana, which aims to provide affordable homes for the impoverished.

Under the conditions of the state’s Basava Vasati Yojana, the state government must give applicants 85% of the raw materials required to construct a house. The RGRHCL Scheme, also known as the Basava Vasati Yojana, is one of the six affordable housing initiatives the state is putting into action.

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Basava Vasti Yojana: Facts

SchemeBasava Vasti Yojana
Launched in (year)2000
OrganisationRGRHCL (Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing
Corporation Limited)
Official website
ObjectiveOffering affordable homes for economically weaker section of the society
Scheme beneficiariesPeople falling under below poverty line category, SC/ST and OBC

Basava Vasti Yojana: Objectives

Another name for the Basava Vasti Yojana is the RGRHCL plan. This program seeks to assist the homeless with admirable goals. People, particularly those who are unable to afford to buy a home due to their financial circumstances, can obtain dwellings at a reasonable cost under the RGRHCL initiative. The Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited was established by the Karnataka government with the intention of building homes all over the state.Originally designed to give homeless people homes, this program was introduced in 2021 and has since greatly expanded to offer refuge that can change people’s lives. Karnataka’s Chief Minister, B. S. Yediyurappa, set aside Rs 2500 crores in the state budget for the construction of 2 lakh new dwellings.

Providing services to homeless people throughout the state, irrespective of their background (rural or urban) is the goal of the Basavavasati. The Karnataka state government initiated this program, which is being actively implemented and executed by the Department of Housing, Karnataka. The beneficiaries in Karnataka are to be given shelter, that is the goal. To guarantee their best chance of being accepted into the program, applicants for the RGRHCL scheme must review the specifics of the process and the application process.

The goal of the Karnataka government’s Basava Vasathi Yojana is to provide affordable homes to members of the underprivileged economic groups in the community. Under the Basava Yojana Scheme, those from impoverished backgrounds who cannot buy a home because

Basava Vasati Yojana scheme 2024: Benefits

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The Karnataka government selects the recipients of the RGRHCL scheme; they have to be from the economically and socially disadvantaged group. With backing from the national government, it offers houses for less than the going rate.

  • The Basava Yojane program would provide houses to eligible homeless applicants.
  • The recipients who don’t own a house or any land will receive reasonably priced dwellings.
  • Fast money transfers to the qualifying recipients of the Bharat Vasavi Yojana are the outcome of openness and efficient resource management.
  • The program has a sizable budget of Rs 2,500 crores to allow people to seek shelter.
  • Basava vasati yojane, another name for the RGRHCL plan, is closely related to other housing schemes. This guarantees that the greatest amount of recipients receive this government assistance.

Basava Vasati Yojana beneficiaries

Those from underprivileged backgrounds or those living in underdeveloped areas are the primary recipients of this Basava Vasati Yojana plan.

Only state permanent residents are eligible to apply for the Basava Vasati Yojana; migrants are not permitted to qualify for this housing program. In conclusion, the following people are the recipients of the Basava Vasati Yojana scheme:

  • BPLs are those who are unable to afford to own their own homes.
  • The SCs or Scheduled Classes.
  • The STs, or Schedule Tribes.
  • Last but not least, the Basava Vasati Scheme is eligible to benefit Other Backward Classes, or OBCs.

All beneficiaries must download the Indira Mane App and upload the status of their house improvement on the Indira Mane app, per the most recent notice released by RGRHCL. The flow of funding from the government authority depends on this action.

Basava Vasati Yojana eligibility

In Karnataka, the state government has established the following eligibility requirements for candidates wishing to apply for the Basava Vasati Yojana 2021 scheme:

  • The RGRHCL scheme applicant needs to be a Karnataka permanent resident.
  • The applicant’s annual household income cannot exceed Rs 32,000.
  • The applicant for the Basava Vasati Yojane should not own a pucca house anywhere in the state or country.
  • The applicant needs to own property or a kutcha home on which building is permitted.

Interestingly, though, participants in the RGRHCL plan are allowed to own property as long as they follow the previously indicated guidelines. They are able to receive 85% of the raw material for free under the Basava Housing Scheme. Yes, this goes much beyond just giving them a place to live. This preserves the nation’s ecological objectives while guaranteeing higher living standards.

Selection Process

As decided by the relevant scheme authorities, the beneficiary shall be chosen by the MLA or gram panchayat.

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Requirements Documents

  • Name of the applicant
  • Date of birth
  • Father’s name
  • Contact number
  • Gender
  • Income details
  • Mandal
  • District and village name
  • Address of the applicant
  • Aadhaar Card Number
  • Photograph
  • Income certificate

Procedure to Apply For Basava Vasati Yojana

  • You must first access Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited’s official website.
  • You must click on the link for the online application from the main page.
  • To complete the application form, click the provided link.
  • Input all necessary information, including name, DOB, father’s name, yearly salary, and other facts.
  • After uploading the files, select “Submit”

RGRHCL Login Procedure

  • Visit Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited’s official website in Karnataka first.
  • The main page will appear before you.
  • You must select the login link on the main page.
  • You will be prompted to select your district on a new page.
  • Your screen will now display a login form that needs your username and password.
  • After that, you must click the login button.

Method for Verifying the Status of Basava Vasati Yojana Beneficiaries

  • You must first access the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited website (HCL)
  • You must select the “Beneficiary Information” option from the navigation bar on the main page.
  • The computer screen changes to a new page where you have to select your district and provide F. Number.
  • To submit the information, click the submit button; the status will show on the screen.

Procedure to Check Name Correction Report

  • You must first access Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited’s website (RGHCL)
  • You must navigate to the city or rural side from the home page in order to see where you belong.
  • Next, select the “name correction report” option.
  • Next, select your district, city or taluka, and GRP/GP.
  • The list will show up for you to review.

Procedure to Check Grant Release Information List

  • You must first access Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited’s website (RGHCL)
  • You must navigate to the city or rural side from the home page in order to see where you belong.
  • When you select “Beneficiary grant release information,” an Excel document containing the list will download.
  • To view the list, open it.

Also Read: Mahila Samman Saving Scheme

Contact Details

Our addresses are Kaveri Bhawan, 9th Floor, C&F Block K. G. Road, Bangalore -560009; you can reach us by phone at 090-23118888; via email at; or by fax at 91-080-22247317.

Note: Keep checking back with us for more pertinent details and updates on other initiatives the Karnataka State Government has introduced. For further information in-depth, you can check out the organization’s official website.


Q: What is Basava Vasati Yojana?

Ans: Through the provision of building materials, the Karnataka government’s Basava Vasati Yojana seeks to provide housing for the state’s economically and socially disadvantaged citizens.

Q: Can I apply for the Basava Vasati Yojana if I live in another state?

Ans: The Basava Vasati Yojana is only open to Karnataka residents who are permanent residents.

Q: What is RGRHCL?

Ans: In order to carry out state and federal housing projects in Karnataka, the Rajiv Gandhi Rural Housing Corporation Limited (RGRHCL) was established in 2000.

Q: Who manages Basava Vasati Yojana?

Ans: The Basava Vasati Yojana is overseen by the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Limited. The Karnataka government founded this organization in 2000.

Q: What is the Basava Vasati Yojana amount?

Ans: The Basava Vasati Yojana beneficiaries are qualified to receive Rs 1.5 lakh.

Q: How to check Aadhaar link status with the Basava Vasati Yojana?

Ans: By accessing the UIDAI Bank Mapping website and entering the necessary information, users can verify the status of their Aadhaar linkage.

Q: Which authority manages the Basava Vasati Yojana?

Ans: The organization in charge of carrying out the Basava Vasati Yojana is the Rajiv Gandhi Housing Corporation Ltd. In 2000, the Karnataka government founded it.

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