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Ashraya Yojana 2024: Benefits, Eligibility, Objective & All Important Documents

Ashraya Yojana: The Himachal Pradesh government has started the Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana in order to help the state’s orphan children. The government will choose roughly 6000 of these parentsless or young children to participate in this program. The government will adopt these kids and see to it that all of their needs—including marriage and education—are met.This implies that the government will pay for all of the children’s educational costs, as well as their tuition at schools and universities, living expenses, and marital costs. Children will also receive financial aid under this program, which will enable them to pursue higher education and choose the correct professional path. This plan is an endeavor.

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Key Highlights Of Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashray Yojana

Name of the schemeChief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana 2024
the beginningBy Thakur Sukh Vinder Singh Sukhu Ji
StateHimachal Pradesh
ObjectiveTo provide financial assistance to orphan children, destitute women, and senior citizens of the state.
BeneficiaryOrphan children, destitute women, and senior citizens
plan budgetRs 101 crore
official website

Objective of Mukhyamantri Sukh ashray Yojana 2024

  • The primary goal of the Himachal Pradesh Sukha Akshay Yojana is to give the state’s orphan children financial support.
  • This program will allow the government to adopt and raise orphan children.
  • The government will pay for all of the costs associated with a child’s education through marriage.
  • in order for orphan children to spend their lives without encountering any difficulties.
  • Under this program, the government will cover all costs associated with housing, food, and schooling up until the age of 27.
  • This program will show to be successful in raising children’s standards of living.
  • The children’s future will also be more promising following the implementation of this method.

Benefits and features of Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana 2024

  • On February 16, 2023, the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh announced the Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana.
  • The government will benefit 6000 state orphan children through this program.
  • Under this scheme, the government will adopt 6,000 children to become Children of the State.
  • This program will also cover elderly people, women in need, and children with special needs.
  • The government will cover the children’s costs through this program, from their education to their marriage.
  • Under this program, children will get benefits until they become 27.
  • The government would also give lodging to orphans, three Biswa lands to children who are without land, and ₹200000 in grants for marriage through this program.
  • A spending plan of

Eligibility for Chief Minister Sukh Ashray Yojana 2024

  • The candidate must reside in Himachal Pradesh permanently.
  • This system’s advantages are restricted to state orphans.
  • Senior citizens and inspector women will also be qualified to receive the program’s advantages.

Important documents to apply

  • Aadhar card
  • Address proof
  • income certificate
  • Death certificate of children’s parents
  • affidavit of inspector women
  • Hostel receipt for coaching facility
  • Bank account statement
  • affidavit of landlessness
  • passport size photograph
  • mobile number
  • email id etc.

Financial assistance under Mukhyamantri Sukh ashray Yojana 2024

  • Children from 1 to 14 years old will receive ₹ 1000 per month under this initiative.
  • We’ll use Direct Benefit Transfer to put this money directly into their bank account.
  • Children between the ages of 14 and 18 would receive ₹ 2500 in monthly financial assistance.
  • An annual grant of ₹ 100,000 will be provided to children over the age of 18 to cover coaching and lodging costs.
  • In addition, orphan children would receive a monthly stipend of ₹ 4,000 to assist with accommodation while they received coaching.
  • Additionally, a picnic will be organized each month for the kids’ overall development.
  • The government would also give 3 Biswa land and ₹ 300,000 in financial aid to the orphan children who do not have a place to dwell.

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Important documents to apply

  • Aadhar card
  • Address proof
  • income certificate
  • Death certificate of children’s parents
  • affidavit of inspector women
  • Hostel receipt for coaching facility
  • Bank account statement
  • affidavit of landlessness
  • passport size photograph
  • mobile number
  • email id etc.

Financial assistance under Mukhyamantri Sukh ashray Yojana 2024

  • Children from 1 to 14 years old will receive ₹ 1000 per month under this initiative.
  • We’ll use Direct Benefit Transfer to put this money directly into their bank account.
  • Children between the ages of 14 and 18 would receive ₹ 2500 in monthly financial assistance.
  • An annual grant of ₹ 100,000 will be provided to children over the age of 18 to cover coaching and lodging costs.
  • In addition, orphan children would receive a monthly stipend of ₹ 4,000 to assist with accommodation while they received coaching.
  • A monthly picnic will also be organized for the children’s general growth.
  • The government would also give 3 Biswa land and ₹ 300,000 in financial aid to the orphan children who do not have a place to dwell.

How to Apply for Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashraya Yojana

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The benefits of the Mukhyamantri Sukh Aashray Yojana will take a little longer to manifest. mostly as a result of the Chief Minister’s recent announcement of the Sukh Ashray Yojana’s launch.The government has not released information about how to apply for the Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashraya Yojana.

As soon as the government makes available information on how to apply for the Mukhyamantri Sukh Ashraya Yojana, we will let you know. This post’s objective is to enlighten you so that you may apply for the program and take advantage of it.

How to check the Beneficiary Status after applying for Ashraya Scheme

Following the receipt of the application, the program’s overseeing authorities will select the eligible and needy participants.

  • Go to www.ashraya karnataka gov in order to access the Ashraya Yojana Karnataka portal.
  • Choose either Beneficiary Status or Beneficiary Information from the Home Page.
  • After selecting the beneficiary code that was generated during the application procedure and your district name or code, click submit.
  • Hasava Yojana Vasati It now displays the beneficiary’s status.
  • Depending on the situation, you can proceed with the following actions: name corrections; multiple applications; more documentation required; approval or rejection; etc.

The authorities will create a report on name rectification if any irregularities in the application are found. You may view and fix this on the Ashraya portal.

  • On the Home page of the Rajiv Gandhi Ashraya Yojana portal, choose the “Reports” option.
  • Once there, choose the Name correction report from the list of reports that appears.
  • Choose Rural or Urban details now, and then choose the name of your district and the scheme.
  • You will see the name of the Beneficiary and the specifics of the adjustment.
  • Take the necessary action and send the application.

How will the ultimate recipients be chosen?

  • All applications will undergo a thorough evaluation by Ashraya Yojana Karnataka administration.
  • The beneficiary list will be chosen and prepared by MLAs from the relevant constituency and gram panchayati officials after all applications have been received from all districts.
  • Following the conserved authority’s approval, the Ashraya Portal will host the final beneficiary list.
  • After everything is decided, the government would begin disbursing the monies, with each unit costing Rs. 1.5 lakhs to the qualified recipients.

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Q: What is Ashraya Yojana?

Ans: A state-run program that offers low-income and economically disadvantaged populations in the state affordable housing

Q: What Is The Purpose Of The Moratorium Period In The Loan Repayment Process

Ans: The three-month moratorium period acts as a grace period before the loan’s repayment period begins. The loan will accrue interest throughout this period, but no penal interest will be assessed. During this time, borrowers can make any necessary financial adjustments before starting their regular equal monthly installments.

Q: Can I Repay The Loan Before The End Of The Moratorium Period

Ans: Before the loan’s payback period begins, the three-month moratorium period acts as a grace period. Interest will be paid on the loan throughout this period, but there won’t be any penalties. Before starting their regular equivalent monthly installments, this time allows borrowers to make any necessary financial adjustments.

Q: How Is The Loan Repayment Period Determined For Applicants Above 50 Years Of Age

Ans: The loan’s repayment duration will be prolonged if you are over 50 and will finish when you are 60. This extension gives you a reasonable payback period and takes your age into account.

Q: What Happens If I’m Employed By A Government Entity And Plan To Retire During The Loan Repayment Period

Ans: Your repayment time will be adjusted if you want to retire within the loan repayment period and you work for the State, Central Government, Government Corporation, Board, or Aided Institute. It will be prolonged for an extra six months after the date of retirement, up until your retirement age. This guarantees that your loan payback schedule corresponds with your retirement goals.

Suggested Link: Mobile Number Tracker


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